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  1. CashmereSussex


    okies well, a few days ago, someone came over my house and fiddled with my incubator (hovabator) and the temp was below 20C, it was a guy who was at the pet shop (produce) when my mum was told by the owner that they would buy any baby we got, so the guy who was with my mum decided to sell all he...
  2. CashmereSussex


    Hello my 2 6 week old Belgian Bantams have been making a strange coughing noise and i don't know what it is, it has been really cold around where i live and i have fed them grain and i ran out of chick starter so i gave them pullet grower please help!
  3. CashmereSussex

    Can 3 week old Pekins have Chick Grower?

    okies well today i got my 2 3 week old pekins from our local markets and i found out when i got home i have ran out of Chick starter so i have to feed them Chick Grower, will this be okay?
  4. CashmereSussex

    Look what i got today! PICS!

    i went to the markets and after my mum saying she wasn't gonna get me anymore chickens since the sussex yesterday, but i walked down the first row of stores and at the end of the row was a boy and 5 little chickens. i told mum i wanted them because the boy was poking them. mum payed for them and...
  5. CashmereSussex

    Cashy's Website Link!

    hey everyone i have been busy by making my website i hope you enjoy!
  6. CashmereSussex


    YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! Cashy just got her muma to spend $125 on getting 4 more sussex hens yay! im so happy!
  7. CashmereSussex


    Hey i wrote a while ago that i had a sussex hen with a pea comb well i finally have pics what bred do you think she really is? this is my pure bred sussex roo he has a single large comb
  8. CashmereSussex

    Finally Pics Of Cashy Chookadees!!!!MUST LOOK!!! All pics are LOADED!!

    Well Hello There! Cashy has "Taken" her mumma's Camera to show all of the people on BYC her little angels! all of these pics were taken of me on the 18-04-07, so yea i hope everyone ejoys! My Brown Leghorn Roo (Magnum) My Light Sussex Pullet (Pearl) My Light Sussex Pullet/Roo/unknown...
  9. CashmereSussex

    What Tempreture does a incubator Have to ben? URGENT!

    Hey im getting a incubator and need the temp that it needs to be
  10. CashmereSussex


    Hey its Cashy! i would like to show EVERYONE my mini horses i have around 30 and show all over my country (australia) Http:// all feed back is welcome
  11. CashmereSussex

    could someone make a step by step guide to raising chickens?

    just for the newbies like me!
  12. CashmereSussex

    HELP! With Picking The Fertile Eggs!

    Okies hi again! My biggest problem is picking out the fertile eggs (and the fact that i dont have a incubator or broody ATM) okies i got my new hen about 10 days ago, she has been in her pen with him for 10 days and she has laid 2 eggs at around day 7 and 8 but i dont know if they are fertile...
  13. CashmereSussex

    Anyone In Australia?

    Hello Im Cashmere im from Australia, im 14 and 1/2 and i breed Sussex Chickens in Australia
  14. CashmereSussex

    How to Cure Crop Bound Chooks!

    1 method for curing crop bound chickens is cutting the crop open and removing the stuck food (this requires professional vet help) and sewing up. another method is feeding 2 table spoons of Vege Oil, Canola Oil or another house hold cooking oil. you then squeeze the crop hoping that the chicken...
  15. CashmereSussex


    i had 11 chooks including my 2 roosters and in 2 days it was reduced to my 2 roosters they diddn't touch the boys all i know it is was small enough to fit through a shallow hole. it bit the heads off the hens and sucked out the blood but it did attack my older rooster who was 10 the old rooster...
  16. CashmereSussex

    What do i feed COCKERALS?

    Okies well im new to the "Chick" thing so im not sure what to feed cockerals i feed my chicks with this thing From 1 day old i feed them "Chick Starter" until about 12 weeks After 12 weeks i feed "Pullet Grower" to the pullets but i dont know what to feed my roos and at 6 months i feed...
  17. CashmereSussex

    About Sussex Chickens!

    Hi im wondering about sussex chicken, im new to the breed but i have a light Sussex rooster and 4 pullets, i want to know a bit about the breed and how to choose a show quality one, it would be highly apprieciated, as im only 14 i dont know much about the breed and it is hard to find information...
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