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  1. ChickChickChicky

    How much room for meat birds?

    I posted this question in another thread but got no answers, so I'll try here. I am contemplating raising a few meat birds (CornishX) this spring. I've had laying hens for just over a year now and have soaked up TONS of knowledge from the old-timers on this and a couple other threads (which...
  2. ChickChickChicky

    Special Needs Red Star hen

    This approximately 1 yr old hen was stricken with what I believe was a milder case of botulism. I have been posting about her here . She is definitely going to take some time and effort to heal (if...
  3. ChickChickChicky

    Heat exhaustion or other? Legs paralyzed

    I found one of my Red Stars (just over a year old) laying on the ground on her side in the run this morning. Heat index here was over 105 yesterday, and it didn't get below 80 overnight. It felt hotter and muggier to me this morning than it did yesterday. I've been watering down one end of the...
  4. ChickChickChicky

    MO woman faces charges over dogs

    This lady own two chihuahua's that she apparently let run loose all the time, apparently in a somewhat rural setting. She got complaints about the dogs before but seemed to find them "humorous", as she thought her precious dogs too small (and likely too cute) to bother anyone else. She's not...
  5. ChickChickChicky

    Growing & harvesting fresh alfalfa

    OK, so I'm a farmer at heart but living on a tiny suburban lot for now. I planted a small 4' x 8' plot of Ladak alfalfa this spring specifically to feed my chickens. I planted it VERY thick and I think every single seed came up. Right now it is at least 1 plant per square inch, would it be...
  6. ChickChickChicky

    Feds to ban kid's help on farm

    This story makes me want to puke. It seems that Ol' Uncle Sam just can't keep his nose out of people's business.... now they want to prohibit kids from doing almost any kind of work on the family farm.... many 4-H activities would be off-limits... hell, it might even keep your young ones from...
  7. ChickChickChicky

    What's happening in Michigan? RAIDS on farmers, destruction of livestock?

    I ran across these articles and detailing how some new law there (presumably meant to help control feral pigs) has resulted in armed raids by the state Department of...
  8. ChickChickChicky

    Gigantic egg laid today - 116.7 grams!

    I went Sunday and bought 6 new chickens, they were year-old Red Stars that came from a commercial egg factory (debeaked and all). Well, today one of them gave me the most gigantic chicken egg I've ever seen - 116.7 grams, 5.1 cm wide, and 7.6 cm long. I found out that this egg comes nowhere...
  9. ChickChickChicky

    Chickens cause UTI's in humans, say CDC

    "Chickens may be ultimately to blame for the majority of urinary tract infections in the U.S., according to new research conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Researchers have long believed that urinary tract infections (UTI) were caused by E. coli bacteria in a...
  10. ChickChickChicky

    Cutest singing hen EVER

    One of my mom's friends gave this to her to give to her great-grandson... well, Grandma gets to play with it until at least Easter, but it is so darn cute I wanted to show it off.
  11. ChickChickChicky

    Scared the beejesus out of neighbor's cat

    Looked outside just awhile ago and saw my neighbor's cat about 2 feet from my chicken run, belly down and creeping. Although it would be impossible for the cat to get into the run or coop (completely enclosed in hardware cloth), I did want to discourage that behavior just because I don't want it...
  12. ChickChickChicky

    What causes bumps on eggshells (photo)?

    What causes the large, irregular bumps on the exterior of eggshells? Sometimes there are no lumps, sometimes only one, sometimes several. I suspect that these eggs are coming from one of my Rhode Island Reds who is approaching 2 years old (I think). She still lays nearly every day and has no...
  13. ChickChickChicky

    Has anyone tried a "Rat Zapper"?

    I was looking online for solutions to a rat problem I suddenly have, they are getting into my garage. There's nothing out there for them to eat (that I know of) but I'm seeing their poops everywhere and it looked like they were trying to build a nest under a pallet. So while searching online for...
  14. ChickChickChicky

    Is it SPRING?!?! First crocus are blooming!

    Was out looking at my silly chickens just now and spotted the very first of the snow crocus popping up! This has been a strange winter for sure! (They're the two tiny yellow buds peeping out of the green henbit, towards the left of the photo). The snow crocus bloom very early, but I've never...
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