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  1. BawkinOnTheBench

    Brrrr.. it's COLD today here!

    We live out here in Utah, and even though the weather people predicted a Blizzard that didn't happen but they were dead-on with the temperature! Our girls are huddled up in their coop with the ceramic heaters going and they're not going out at all hardly! Outside it's a chilly 12 degrees when I...
  2. BawkinOnTheBench

    Nestbox Cam

    We've installed a nestbox camera, and it's one of the best investments I ever made. It is SO entertaining watching the girls! I had read about hens getting in the box with each other, but never actually seen this occurring - now I see it frequently. I knew the girls bawked loudly and...
  3. BawkinOnTheBench

    Weird bump on Eggs

    For the last 3 days, one of my white Lethorns has been having something unusual with her eggs. On the side of the egg, there's a slightly raised bump. It's about the size of a dime, and it's slightly gray instead of being pure white like the rest of the egg. It's not hugely raised but you can...
  4. BawkinOnTheBench

    Just started collecting casino chips

    Hi everyone! My DW says I need a new hobby like I need a hole in my head but I recently became interested in collecting casino chips for a hobby. Perhaps some of you may have been to a casino, and instead of cashing in your chips, you may have just put them into your purse, or pocket and found...
  5. BawkinOnTheBench


    I have one EE pullet who consistently makes a big production out of laying. She sits in the box a long time, and when it comes down to it, she grunts and fluffs out all her feathers. You can hear her holding her breath and just PUSHING with all her might - and then she lays a medium egg...
  6. BawkinOnTheBench

    Salmonella in Wild birds - should we clean all eggs?

    We've noticed some Pine Siskins around our property acting sick, and I've taken away 3 dead ones from my chickens that they probably caught - the sick birds fly so poorly that you can catch them. I've googled this and it turns out this species of bird is VERY prone to outbreaks of Salmonella...
  7. BawkinOnTheBench

    Do Hens ever lay 2 eggs on the same day?

    We have 2 EE's, Easter and Egg. Easter started laying 2 weeks ago, and has been laying most days. As far as we know, Egg hasn't started laying. She doesn't do the squat or anything. Yesterday, we got 2 green eggs, within about 3 hours time. The second egg we know for sure was laid by Easter...
  8. BawkinOnTheBench

    29 weeks and first green egg

    Finally, 29 weeks to the day, our EE Easter has given us our first tinted egg - a beautiful pale green! Now we're waiting on Egg, to see what color hers will be. You sure have to wait longer for those colored eggs!
  9. BawkinOnTheBench

    Bloody tail - should I wash or clip the bloody feathers?

    I came home yesterday to find one of my hens quite bloody. It looks like she somehow broke some feathers in her tail, close to her body. I don't actually think she was pecked, but I separated her anyway. I can't find an actual wound, just the bloody shafts of a few broken feathers. I am...
  10. BawkinOnTheBench

    Help! Pullet not eating, uncomfortable, hasn't laid

    We have a 23-wk old Red Star. She began laying when she was 18 wks and has been a steady layer. We've gotten 2 eggs from her this week with soft/no shells - the last one was yesterday. She hasn't laid today. She is out in her run - not free ranging with the others. She is moving very little...
  11. BawkinOnTheBench

    Chicken Cams anyone

    Those of you out there with chicken cams - can you share your experiences? What to look for, where to host? We're thinking we'd like to do one and trying to get started.
  12. BawkinOnTheBench

    Soft or Shell less egss

    Hi all. I have some pullets that are just beginning to come into lay - different breeds - Red Star, NHR, GLW, RIR. All hatched 8/19/08. The Red Star starting laying December 25th. The NHR or GLW started sometime around Jan 8th. We know for sure the NHR has laid at least once, but not really...
  13. BawkinOnTheBench

    Layer - 16 vs 20 percent

    I assume the percentage they are talking about is protein? Which is better - or which conditions warrent 1 or the other?
  14. BawkinOnTheBench


    We used Vaseline on the combs of our Leghorns, as we've read about. Of course, the Vaseline doesn't STAY there. The 3 formerly white leghorns are now gray. Does anyone know - does the vaseline getting into their other feathers impair the ability of those feathers to keep them warm?
  15. BawkinOnTheBench

    Coopers Hawk gets a shock

    The other day our chickens were out free-ranging - well, as much as they will with several inches of snow on the ground. They mostly stay under the coop and in the small shoveled area around the coop. The bird feeders are also there. Our local covey of wild CA quail was feeding under the bird...
  16. BawkinOnTheBench

    Infrared - No visible light? I think NOT!

    I use an Infrared on a timer to give my girls a bit of extra heat at night. All the info says they emit 'almost no visible light'. I've wondered about it, because I can certainly see by it well enough, but I thought, must be chickens see differently. This morning, however, I was awakened by...
  17. BawkinOnTheBench

    How do you dust a chicken?

    Or do you just let them dust bathe themselves? My 3 pullets have been scratching their necks; 2 of them have bald patches there. I keep looking for any sign of bugs and haven't seen any, but I thought maybe I could dust them with DE since I have it.
  18. BawkinOnTheBench

    Integrating 14 week olds with older pullets

    So, I've read everything on here about mixing ages. I built the babies a small run and coop next door to the girls, so they've been close but separated for at least 2 months. I've been free ranging them all together for about 6 weeks - the babies get pecked but nothing serious. I waited until...
  19. BawkinOnTheBench

    Bald patch on neck under earlobe

    I don't know if they is anything wrong but ... I have 3 Wh Leghorns, 26 weeks old, that just started laying. Just since they started, I noticed that 2 of them have a small bald patch on their necks, right under the left earlobe. On one of them the patch is bigger - maybe about the size of a...
  20. BawkinOnTheBench

    Heated 3 gal waterer - read before you buy (or use)

    I bought that 3 gallon heated waterer from Premier. I decided to set it up this weekend. I would have to say that it has a design flaw, though it's still quite usable. The rim of the bowl is at almost exactly the same height as the hole the water flows out of. This makes it quite intolerant...
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