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  1. thenovicehen

    What gender is my d’uccle?

    The first week of March, I purchased three day old Belgian D’uccles. We have an obvious roo porcelain; our white is clearly a hen; but what the heck is our Mille Fleur? They appear to have hackle and saddle feathers, but not sickle feathers. They don’t crow, and our porcelain has been crowing...
  2. thenovicehen

    Tube feeding and mouth breathing

    Howdy, y’all. This is a little long, but bear with me because I need insight. Some background: I have a hen that had severe round worms and nearly died. She had stopped eating because she became so weak so my vet taught me how to tune feed her until she is strong enough to eat on her own...
  3. thenovicehen

    Is this normal?

    My ameraucana molted at 9 months old in mid September, finished by mid November. We’re in Austin, TX for geographical reference. She STILL has not laid an egg. Is this normal? I feel like it’s not. Is there anything I can do to help her get her egg cycle going again? I’m more concerned for her...
  4. thenovicehen

    How can I tell if my adopted rooster has active depluming mites?

    Hello! I adopted a frizzle rooster a few months ago with some feather damage. About half of his wing feathers look like pieces of straw and his tail is mostly cottony fluff. I didn’t know about depluming mites at the time and assumed it was a protein deficiency. He is growing new feathers meow...
  5. thenovicehen

    Bumps above eye

    Hey y’all! Long story short: I brought her inside the second week of may because her eye was irritated. Saline flushes, antibiotic eye ointment and respiratory support. Then she went lame. Found lice; treated and gone. Then found roundworms; starting second round today. The lameness lasted...
  6. thenovicehen

    Lame hen - need guidance please

    A little back story first: New to chicken keeping; got our flock of four 5-6mo old pullets in April. About a month ago, I brought one of my hens (Tina) inside because she was keeping one eye closed and isolating herself. It was a little crusty and cloudy so flushed her eye with saline and...
  7. thenovicehen

    Howdy y’all!

    My name is Angela and I’m new to chicken keeping. I’ve been a member on here technically for over six years now, but we’ve only actually had chickens for almost three months now! We have a small flock of divas: Bette Middler (red sex link), Dolly Parton (ameraucana), Tina Turner (ameraucana)...
  8. thenovicehen

    rooster to hen ratio for egg production

    **Please note that I do not have any chickens yet. I'm only recently interested in raising chickens and am doing some research** I think I only want to get about 3 or 4 chickens to start out with. Do I need to have a rooster if I'm only keeping chickens for egg production?
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