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  1. LaPetiteFarmer

    sick or molting?

    My EE is looking really skinny. I see her eat and drink as usual, but she seems off. Her comb is very light, she stopped laying, that is why I thought she was molting, but she hasn't lost any feathers. This morning, I found a soft shell egg on the pooping board. I am pretty sure it is one from...
  2. LaPetiteFarmer

    hen laying in the run

    All my egg layers lay in their nesting except one who keeps laying in the run. Any tricks to change this habit?
  3. LaPetiteFarmer

    Campine hen?

    I am not very familiar with Campines and was wondering if this little gal was a hen.
  4. LaPetiteFarmer


    Some of my chickens have lice. Not too many but enough for me to see some. I dusted two of them with Sevin and for the rest i just sprinkled on top of them (hard to catch lol). How often should I add Sevin? Should I add some inside the coop? Do I have to take every single one or sprinkle on top...
  5. LaPetiteFarmer

    broken egg (soft) in pooping board

    I suspect my EE (10 months old) to have laid two soft eggs in the pooping board. I am a bit concerned because she is not in layer feed because some of the other chickens are only 3 months old. She has oyster shell available at all times and now I am adding crushed egg shells to their treats...
  6. LaPetiteFarmer

    buff orpington pullet or roo?

    Sorry about the quality, it was just so hard to get a good shot of it. I hope it's sufficient to determine the gender. As for the age I don't really know... maybe 3 months old (I bought it August 20th and it was at least a month old) ? Thanks
  7. LaPetiteFarmer

    disinfecting my coop with oxine

    I was wondering if this humidifier would work for fogging my coop? Just to make sure, is it 3.5 oz per gallon to disinfect the coop, incubator, waterer and feeder (to...
  8. LaPetiteFarmer

    Delaware cockerel?

    I am pretty sure my sweet delaware is a roo. Do you agree? Thank you
  9. LaPetiteFarmer

    Brooder inside coop

    I am planning on having a brooder on top of my nesting box and was wondering if the red light will bother my adult flock? Thank you
  10. LaPetiteFarmer

    chick attacked by dog

    My cute little chick got attacked by my dog. The poor little chick was completely on shocked and was bleeding on her tail. I disinfected the wound and place her in an another coop for her to rest. After a while she was on her feet drinking and eating, so I decided to put her back in the main...
  11. LaPetiteFarmer

    Silkies Vista, CA

    I am looking to buy some splash, painted, white, blue or black pullets (at least 3 months old), NOT hatchery quality in Vista, CA. Thank you
  12. LaPetiteFarmer

    Hamburgs and sebright pullets?

    I have a Sebright and a Spangled Hamburgs born June 25th and was wondering if they were pullets. Here are some pictures: Sebright: Spangled Hamburgs:
  13. LaPetiteFarmer

    Pullet or roo EE?

    It might be hard to tell at 5 weeks old but I have a feeling my suppose pullet is turning into a roo. Any suggestions?
  14. LaPetiteFarmer


    So I am trying to save my little silkie and went to the feed store and they gave me some sulmet. I poured 2 tablespoon in a gallon of water and after I poured some in a little container with some sugar. I just don't know how many times a day (and / or night) I have to give it to her and for how...
  15. LaPetiteFarmer

    Worried about my black silkie chick

    Out of 4 bantams one seems very lethargic. She just sleeps all day, doesn't eat and the only time she drinks it's when i put her beak in the waterer. I added some electrolytes to their water to boost them out, but nothing changes for the little black one. She is smaller than the other one too...
  16. LaPetiteFarmer

    Just received my new chicks

    My new chicks arrived today... 3 silkies, one golden spangled hamburgs, and one golden sebright. The poor sebright was not looking too good but after drinking, eating, and resting it seems a bit better. Anyways when I opened the box, they were ridiculously smaller than my 2 weeks old standards...
  17. LaPetiteFarmer

    type of worms for compost and chickens

    I know chickens love mealworms but I don't think mealworm can live in a compost bin... so I was wondering if there is any type of worm I can use for both of them (I read that some chickens were not too kin of red worms). Also for the one who raise mealworms, do you use them only for chickens...
  18. LaPetiteFarmer

    Messy little girls

    Is it common chicks are so messy with their food? They waste so much of it... they actually put their heads inside the feeder and with their beak push the food out on the floor and barely eat it .
  19. LaPetiteFarmer

    Heat lamp temperature for 2 days old and 2 weeks old chicks combined

    On the 27th, I will received 5 chicks (2 days old) that I am planning in adding to my current chicks (they will be 2 weeks old, and one 3 weeks old). Should I leave 95F temperature for everybody? (My brooder is big enough for the older ones to be in a cooler place) or should I separate them (I...
  20. LaPetiteFarmer

    Brooder set up

    My 7 chicks are suppose to arrive today and I want make sure I did everything correctly to welcome them. The temperature right now is 93F, the brooder is 4 by 4 and 21/2 feet high and completely secure with hardware cloth, they have medicated feed and electrolyte water with pebbles to avoid...
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