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  • Users: JeffOeuf
  • Content: Threads
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  1. JeffOeuf

    4 Week Old Welsummer Chicks -- One Pullet and One Cockerel??

    Here's the one I think is a pullet. And here's the one I think is a cockerel
  2. JeffOeuf

    Successful Broody Hatch -- Now What?

    So, I put a dozen eggs under a broody hen 21 days ago, and now I can see one chick and hear some more under Momma. I would like to know how many have hatched and clean up the nest, but I am a little reluctant to mess with Momma, in case there are eggs in the middle of the process that need her...
  3. JeffOeuf

    Welsumer X Barred Rock???

    I have my cart before the horse, and I am literally counting chickens that haven't hatched yet, but I am wondering if anyone has crossed Welsumers with Barred Rocks and what the resulting chickens looked like and acted like. I have a couple of Barred Rock hens, one of which has gone broody. I...
  4. JeffOeuf

    Molting This Time of Year?

    I have some unexplained behavior in two of my four hens. The two younger ones, born around this time last year, as best I can figure, have stopped laying. At first, I thought they were laying somewhere other than the nest boxes, but I locked one of them up all day yesterday, and no egg. The...
  5. JeffOeuf

    Cookbook everyone should check out...

    We had our family Christmas celebration last night, and my niece gave me a copy of The Fresh Egg Cookbook by Jennifer Trainer Thompson. If I'm reading the title page correctly, this is a new book, with a 2012 copyright. I've not seen mention of it here on BYC and just finished a search for it...
  6. JeffOeuf

    Chicken Run....Watch it Again.

    I'm a real fan of animation, particularly clay animation. It just fascinates me the work that goes into making something so silly. Yesterday was my birthday, and given my current obsession with our chickens, my wife made it a chicken birthday. She gave me two DVD's and a book. The DVDs are...
  7. JeffOeuf

    Egg Moon?

    Don't know how many nights it is after the full moon, but has anyone else noticed that the moon tonight (11/2) looks just like an egg?
  8. JeffOeuf

    Help with a couple new pullets...

    I posted this on the EE braggers thread, since I thought the pullets were EE's but now I'm doubting that. They're probably just barnyard mutts, but if anyone sees something in them, I'd appreciate a comment. The younger one in front appears to be developing an upright comb and her legs...
  9. JeffOeuf

    Fordland MO poultry swap meet Saturday October 27

    I've never been, but I've heard good things about this meet. It's my first, and it is the last one of the year (last Saturday of the month from March through October). Looking forward to it. We'll have to come up with a BYC high sign, so we can recognize each other.
  10. JeffOeuf

    Thinking Red combination?

    I've been thinking about expanding a bit...yes, I'm a victim of chicken math. I'd like a flock that has it all, that is, attractive, well mannered, good layers, good foragers and non-aggressive. I had a couple of red sex-links that were pretty much all you could want in a chicken, except just a...
  11. JeffOeuf

    Odd roosting choice in recently acquired hen...

    I recently acquired one black sex-link hen and one red sex-link hen. I'm trying to get them acclimated to the sole survivor of my original flock, which is a 7 month old Easter Egger. The new girls seem like they might be a little older, and since there are two of them, they're picking on the EE...
  12. JeffOeuf

    Three pullets gone, absolutely no sign of struggle...

    We've been out of town, and our chicken sitters called in a panic last night while we were driving home. Three of our four didn't come home last night, but our friends could find no signs of a struggle. We're out in the boondocks, and what predator problems we have had have been at night, so we...
  13. JeffOeuf

    Egg size versus yolk size

    I have a Silver Laced Wyandotte whose eggs I would classify as medium (don't have a scale, so I'm guessing). My two Gold Stars lay a large/jumbo and my EE lays a medium/large. What I've noticed, though, is that the yolks are almost all exactly the same size, it is only the albumen that seems...
  14. JeffOeuf, not the aliens...

    One of my ~6 month old pullets (hatchery stock Silver Laced Wyandotte) seems to have a problem missing her fluffy butt feathers when she defecates. She does have a particularly fluffy butt, however the others do as well, and I haven't seen this issue. Is this a sign of something? Her stools look...
  15. JeffOeuf

    Feeding Back Eggshell Question...

    Has anyone ever experienced an uptick in egg eating after feeding back eggshells? I have not been feeding back the shells, because it seemed to me it would lead to egg eating...a problem I have not experienced at all and don't want to. Or, are you crushing them so fine that the girls don't...
  16. JeffOeuf

    AAArrrrrggggghhhhh!!!! I hate it when I lose track of a post.....

    A couple days ago someone in some thread on EE's or eggs or something along those lines posted a picture of a perfectly lovely carton of eggs, with blues, greens, pinks and browns from off white to dark chocolate. I have some questions I want to ask the keeper of the the flock that produces...
  17. JeffOeuf

    I want 2 - and only 2 - Buff Orpington chicks...

    I just don't feel like getting into big time chicken math, but I lost one pullet to a coon, so I'm down to 4. 2 would give the replacement an ally and friend growing up over the next few months, and would make integration to the rest of the girls easier. But, I just can't seem to find any way to...
  18. JeffOeuf

    First Eggs!

    Came home from work to find these in the coop. I've been off the last couple days, and the girls have been free-ranging from dawn til dusk. I think the real first eggs might have been laid in the woods....I heard some commotion, but couldn't find anything chasing could have been...
  19. JeffOeuf

    Thinking about submitting to the force of Chicken Math...

    OK, I bought 5 hatchery chicks in March. They're doing wonderfully, growing strong and I anticipate eggs in another month or two. As it turns out, other than my red sex-links, none of my girls are exactly what they were sold as. Not to worry, they're still chickens...but on the other hand, these...
  20. JeffOeuf

    Pretty Sure Paula is an EE...

    ...but, she was sold as an Auracana. Here's a pic at 6 weeks.
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