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  1. SmallFarmChick

    Goat bathroom different?

    Dear Friends, I know this is the wrong fourm, I should be on BYH, but I can't retrieve my password and I would like some help. My two goats, Kisses and Betty, are not milking or pregnant, so I just feed them hay everyday and cracked corn every other day. I noticed today that their poo is a...
  2. SmallFarmChick

    Can I feed my chickens just oyster shell & cracked corn?

    Hey y'all! Can I feed just my hens cracked corn and oyster shells? Plus chicken-friendly scraps? I've heard of free range meat chickens that are only fed cracked corn. Can my laying hens be happy and healthy on corn and added oyster shell? It was an idea. Just wondering if my hens could live...
  3. SmallFarmChick

    An easy saturday rest... (PICS)

    Yesterday while guest were over, I went to the goat yard to show the guest my goats. Here is what we saw: Slowly waking! Hmmm? Guests? Hello? I was just sleeping! Thought you'd enjoy! (Look at how she kept that leg out!) *For BYHer's who know me* (I have determined...
  4. SmallFarmChick

    Do you like?

    I made a page about how you chickens can help you and do more than just give eggs. I thought it would be a nice page and it needs contributions. You cans submit ideas and such through PMing me. You can view it here: Please say...
  5. SmallFarmChick

    Crazy-cool-can't believe it- chicken coop contest!

    This is the Crazy-cool-can't believe it- chicken coop contest! Do you have a coop that: 1.Is made out of something weird(a wheel barrow,mailbox,laundry basket?*o.k. that's a little crazy,but you get the point*) 2. Is it somewhere unusual???(In a tree,on your porch,in your house?) 3. Does it...
  6. SmallFarmChick

    The Royal Diary of Queen Jolie Blonde "Ruler of the Roost"

    This is going to be a journal kept by my head chicken, "Joile Blonde". She is a refined buff orp. who is very loud and likes herself a lot. She will dictate this to me and I will write here daily. She believes this will make her famous on this, "Amazing bright picture", (computer). (Really, I...
  7. SmallFarmChick

    A new/old hen in the BYC coop!

    Hey Ya'll! I've known this site for over a year now, but never thought I'd join. I got 6 chicks over a year ago. This site was the greatest help to me on my journey. I am also a member on BYH because I have 2 Nigerian Dwarf goats. You might know a "SmallFarmGirl" on BYH. That's me! I'm an...
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