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  1. ClickerChick

    Pet Pigeon/Dove Sources in PNW?

    Hello! I'm considering the possibility of getting a pair of pigeons/doves as pets possibly within the next year or so, and have begun my research. I'm very familiar with caring for other poultry like chickens and ducks, but pigeons are new to me. I've started looking around online to see what...
  2. ClickerChick

    4-H Goat "Potty Training" for Occasionally Going Indoors

    Hey! I'll be helping to raise a goatling or two starting as soon as they're born, sometime later this month hopefully. Mini Alpine/Nigerian Dwarf cross, so the kids will be pretty small and easy to handle. My 4-H club, which usually deals with small animals such as poultry and rabbits...
  3. ClickerChick

    Unique Feathering Genetics Questions

    Hey! I'm doing a 4-H presentation on unique chicken feather genetics, and have a couple questions about Silkies and Naked Necks. One part of my presentation is on Silkie feathering (the "hookless" feathering, not just the breed), however I haven't had enough experience with silkies to know...
  4. ClickerChick

    Chicken Wing Won't Stop Bleeding + Meat Chick Stopped Eating

    So my friends have a cockerel that has an injury on his left wing. They have been struggling with it for weeks, trying to get the bleeding to stop, but eventually it starts bleeding again as soon as the wrappings come off. The owners of this bird have gone on a trip, so I am the one taking care...
  5. ClickerChick

    Diatomaceous Earth Whitewash Chicken Bath?

    So first of all, my chickens have lice (Ugh!). I bought some DE (food grade) to sprinkle in their dust bathing areas, however I was wondering if there was another way to apply it to chickens. The instructions say you can make a white wash out of it to apply to a coop, but could I just wash the...
  6. ClickerChick

    Herbs in Fermented Feed

    Hey everybody! I haven't posted on here in a while! It's always ok to lurk, though... right? :P I have used fermented feed in the past, and would like to continue once it starts getting warm again. I also read about how herbs can be beneficial to poultry like to humans...
  7. ClickerChick

    Black Cockerel with Gold Flecking

    Hey everybody! I have two black Japanese bantam cockerels that I ordered earlier this year from Murray McMurray hatchery, and they are NOWHERE NEAR the SOP for the breed. Recently the feathers on one of cockerels began to change, and I am curious about the genetics involved. The hackle...
  8. ClickerChick

    Wanted: Ameraucana, Wyandotte, Sultan, Silkie. (Walla Walla, WA)

    Hey, I'm looking for young show-quality chicks or hatching eggs of the following: Bantam Ameraucana Bantam Wyandotte Bantam or Large Fowl Sultan Bantam Silkie Please contact me if you are near me or can ship, or if you know of any breeders in the area. Thanks!
  9. ClickerChick

    Wheaten Ameraucana Bantam

    I have a little wheaten Ameraucana Bantam that is about two and a half weeks old. I want to know how soon I can tell it's gender, so I have been searching the internet. All I have found is one place says that when the breast feathers come in, they will come in either black or buff (black for...
  10. ClickerChick

    Wing Feather Sexing Bantams

    I have heard mixed results about this. Some say that only large fowl breeds can be wing feather sexed, but some say that it does indeed work with bantams. Does it work with bantams? What are your experiences with this? Just to be clear, I'm talking about sexing the three-ish day olds with the...
  11. ClickerChick

    Clicker Training Japanese Bantams

    I'm SUPER excited!!!!!! I'm getting three day old black Japanese Bantams on March 3, and the suspense is KILLING ME!!! I'm going to be training my new chickens! Reasons I'm excited, and reasons I'm doing this: 1. I tried clicker training before, but it was cut short when I found out my star...
  12. ClickerChick

    Feeding Ducks + Chickens

    I have one duck living with three chickens. I am currently feeding them Purina Layena (18-20% protein) pellets, and Family Farm cracked corn. I recently found out that the layer pellets I'm giving them is not suitable for ducks unless I supplement it. How should I feed her? Would it be safe for...
  13. ClickerChick

    Breed Study Info

    I would like to increase my knowledge on poultry to help with showing. Right now I'm showing in county fairs and want to want know more about breeds. So I think I'm going to start a thread to gather info about chicken breeds, and maybe later about other breeds of poultry. Once a week or so I...
  14. ClickerChick

    Large Fowl Modern Games

    Hey! I might get some modern games in the spring, but I need some more information about them. Here is some information: 1. I am going to be showing these birds in 4-H, not breeding or big-time showing or anything. 2. My 4-H club is going to be ordering in one big chick order in the spring from...
  15. ClickerChick

    Modern Game from McMurray

    I'm thinking about getting some black breasted red modern game pullets from Murray McMurray Hatchery in the spring. Has anyone had any experience with these? What can you tell me about them? How good for breed and color are they? I'm planning on showing them. Personality? Thanks!
  16. ClickerChick

    Oops... Cracked Healthy egg

    One of my hens has been sitting on four eggs. Here is the back story of them: I was taking care of my cousin's animals and cleared out all of the eggs from their hen house, including the hidden ones. I ended up with a total of about 3 dozen eggs. I brought them home and candled them, throwing...
  17. ClickerChick

    Talkative Duck Problem

    Can anyone help me with my duck problem? In the mornings, she is SO noisy! I'm not sure what the quack means, but she continuously quacks while running back and forth across the yard! She scolds me for being out, then she quiets down as soon as I go in the house! She is so noisy and annoying -...
  18. ClickerChick

    Which Breed?

    So in the spring, my 4-H club will be all ordering chickens from Murray McMurray hatchery. We're all going to be ordering together so that we can each get only a few chicks. I'm having trouble deciding between these two breeds: Bantam Rhode Island Red, or Bantam Partridge Plymouth Rock. I might...
  19. ClickerChick

    Small eggs

    My duck (Lizzie) has been laying irregularly-sized eggs. They're usually a lot bigger than a standard chicken egg. A couple days ago, it was smaller than a standard chicken egg! Calcium's fine, no shell problems, just small eggs! Any ideas? Thanks!
  20. ClickerChick

    Feather Legged Chickens

    I've been showing chickens for three years, and I'm planning on getting some porcelain d'Uccles next spring. When showing at the fair, dirty, broken, feathers doesn't look very good to the judge, especially since the chickens I'll be getting will be porcelain. I'm already working on getting...
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