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  • Users: cary 1973
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  1. cary 1973

    chickens with the stoner munchies

    ok so the cops pulled someone over in my back alley about an hour or so ago so I'm pretty sure I know how it ended up in my backyard. well it's warm in my state Las Vegas Nevada in all four chickens were inside with me within the air conditioning so I no access was only about 20 minutes. so...
  2. cary 1973

    trouble with the neighbor but not the typical kind of trouble

    I live next door to an elderly couple who loves my chickens they feed them multiple times a day basically breakfast lunch and dinner snacks and desserts my chickens eat better than I do most days as of the other day they had lobster and this lobster was not left over lobsters they had their own...
  3. cary 1973


    ok not sure where I should actually post this underfeeding under emergencies under general questions etc so here I posted. I've been making Christmas snowmen and what you do is you feel socks full of rice and then tie them off and decorate. anyways I had a big bag of rice it was a ziplock bag I...
  4. cary 1973

    late night chickens

    so I live in Las Vegas Nevada this year is very warm here but this issue has been going on for a while my chickens do not go in when the Sun Goes Down during summer time I'm chasing them in about 10 o'clock at night during the winter time about 8 p.m. At night I am NOT concerned and this...
  5. cary 1973

    I don't know if I should be worried

    not sure if this is the thread I should be posting or in emergencies but I was out with my four chickens and decided to share my string cheese with them after I opened itabout three fourths of the string cheese was left when my Buff Orpington chicken jumped up grab the whole thing took off...
  6. cary 1973

    no chicken food for week

    so with out relizing it i ran out of chicken layer food and will not have $ to buy more till next week what do you suggest as far as human food i can give them to tie them over for a week or so. they free range from 7am to 8pm everyday in back yard and i throw out mixed veggies but they only eat...
  7. cary 1973


    So my daughter and I was talking about the new pot (weed) farms and if they have chickens what happens if the chickens go out into the farm and eat the pot plants. will the thc go to the egg and if yes can you funny in the head if you eat said egg? Wow you could make a massive living off those...
  8. cary 1973


    so 2 out of 4 of my girls have molted and are all done my 2 leghorns have yet to molt this will be there 1st year doing it as there a year and half old and there feathers are looking bad. My ? is its almost dec and there showing no signs of molting dose this mean they wont this year how ever we...
  9. cary 1973

    why are they so mean

    I have 4 1 year old chickens three of them get along great but my little bit is on the bottom of the pecking order she is always by herself unless she is with me or the dog in the coop she is stuck all the way at the other end all by herself to sleep tonight I brought all foreign as its so hot...
  10. cary 1973

    will they let them selfs over heat

    I put this also in Vegas section but going to put it here too I live in Las Vegas Nevada starting tomorrow they are saying we are going to have record braking heat with 115+ (now this is in the shade up in the air unaffected by the sun itself) so what we are really looking at is 125 - 130 and...
  11. cary 1973

    Can I still call them organic chickens

    So come to find out the 5 year old little girl my mother baby sits goes out side on back swing every day and her and my cheerio rose chicken eats Lays potato chips and then after find that out my 15 year old who hangs with the chickens all the time shares every thing she eats I guess my Lilly...
  12. cary 1973

    wondering why

    ok so when it rains (not very often here in hell) the chickens have no prob with standing out in the rain getting soaked. but when I water and I use a sprayer so its like a medium rain the chicken run for there life squawking all the way like I just put acid on them. dose anyone know why?
  13. cary 1973

    to the Oklahoma residents

    Don't really know where to put this so hope no one gets made I did it here. To all those out in Oklahoma effected by the F5 tornado yesterday my thoughts and prayers are with you all and your pets and your chickens that you all come out ok.
  14. cary 1973

    dead decay fish eaten what to look for

    so my buff orphting got a snack she was not suppose to get today I was cleaning a dead fish out of my tank and it had been dead for awhile well I dropped it and cheerios was there to grab it Chased her to get it but she swallowed it before I got it from her. what should I be looking for if its...
  15. cary 1973

    Comb bloddy mess

    My cherrios found like this Wed am yes that's all blood from her comb. I am pretty sure Phoenix got a hold of her she is head chicken and broody I got her cleaned up for the most part I have let the other chickens in the room here with me under constant watch and as of yet there not messing...
  16. cary 1973

    Bird flu in China any one worried

    I am cringing every time they talk about the bird flu in china as last this this happened and there was just one case thought of in So, NV the state went over board as usual they trapped 1000 of wild birds and went around and took the citizens birds and killed them, I am talking chickens, geese...
  17. cary 1973

    how to get lipstick off a chicken

    I know weird ? but to keep my chickens off my bed when they come in is for some reason long hugs and cuddling is a horrible thing so my poor Lilly jumped on my bed as I was getting ready and just put my lipstick on and its cover girls all day burgundy red well as I hugged her I kissed the back...
  18. cary 1973

    Birds not effected by dark they stay out in it

    well about 10pmish last night I was about ready to let Uncle Buck Palsgrove have his wish to turn my chickens into pies, Ugh dam birds did not go into coop (this has been on going for last 3 nights) I got Lilly into the coop and then rounded the other 3 up after about 10 min of fighting with...
  19. cary 1973

    Do Hens PMS (this is a real ? not joke)

    I think my chicken Lilly PMS about 1 week once a month and this is the week she gets mean she picks on all 3 of the other chickens including Phoenix the head chicken you look at her and she fluffs up and screams at you if you or dogs or anything gets with in pecking order you get pecked she is a...
  20. cary 1973

    fat chickens

    how do you know if your chickens are over weight?
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