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  • Users: Dawnrenae
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  1. Dawnrenae

    Hatching eggs?

    Can someone please tell me where the hatching pheasant eggs thread is, or give me some tips? I was told I can hatch them with chickens, but for some reason the eggs of a friend of mine have been failing at hatch, possibly shrink wrapped inside the egg. Thoughts?
  2. Dawnrenae

    Pheasant Babies!!!

    Can't wait to post pix! Just got my first two pheasant babies today. 2 weeks old. Hoping they are Red Goldens. I even just picked up a mixed dozen of yellow golden and red golden. Excited to see how well they do! As a newbie to pheasant, I am always interested in tios, thoughts am land ideas...
  3. Dawnrenae

    Day 22.5! 12 of 30

    My bantams started hatching get on day 20. I have 12. Seems like the first 8 hatched on day 1 (20) then 4 more yesterday. Hoping for at least 3 more to get a 50% hatch rate. One baby, my little white silkie has splayed legs. Hope we can get "her" all fixed up!
  4. Dawnrenae


    Gotta clutch of bantams in. Lockdown starts tonight. Can't wait to see what happens...
  5. Dawnrenae

    Free range vs Coop raising?

    I had to put my flock back in the coop and close the gate. I have a dog, no, not a wild dog, who is now pestering my babies... And he has already tried to kill several, but the roosters are a little stronger than he is. I was thinking until the dog gets put in a proper dog run that I can let my...
  6. Dawnrenae

    Broody hens?

    I have 3 hens brooding now in the same nest...? And sometimes a big male cat. (No one seems to mind.) But these ladies keep stealing my eggs? The other ladies keep laying in the nesting box, though we have 6 of them in the coop, and several more around the yard. If I move my hens and their...
  7. Dawnrenae

    WARNING: NOT PRETTY PICTURE. Development stage question

    We just found an extremely large nest under an even more GIANT pile of tumble weeds. No broody hen, and NO idea how long the eggs have been sitting. I candled the egg, it looked a little grown but stopped, so, I opened it. This is what we found. Any idea how old this guy is? Or if it was dead...
  8. Dawnrenae

    Did I Just Kill My Babies?

    I didn't turn my eggs this morning. Not quite sure how the heck I forgot. Is there any chance they will make it?
  9. Dawnrenae

    More eggs than hens?

    I try to collect every day. Yesterday I collected 12 eggs. This evening I collected 16 eggs. I have 11 hens?
  10. Dawnrenae

    No Emergency But Concerned

    All of my lovely ladies have been accosted by the randiest jerk in our flock. My Baby Cheep is missing all the top feathers from her back. She isn't molting. I was wondering, will their feathers grow back once the males damage them so badly? And, I know it's a life cycle, but, are the roosters...
  11. Dawnrenae

    Trumpeter Swan Eggs For Hatching

    I know this is a VERY long shot. I am wondering if anyone has any trumpeter swan eggs that they are willing to sell? We are willing to pay a reasonable fee.
  12. Dawnrenae

    Started First Hatch Tonight!

    So, the time has come. Only chickens in. Incubator sat steady at 100°for 4 days and between 40-50% humidity. Questions; 1)Is my humidity too high? 2)Looking at the picture, is the lid I am using enough of an angle to keep the eggs? 3) When I put the eggs in tonight, the incubator dropped to...
  13. Dawnrenae

    Where would you set up?

    I have a Styrofoam hova-bator incubator that I am setting up inside the house. I keep a small "zoo" cats, dogs, and a 5 year old little girl. Where is a good place for me to put my incubator?
  14. Dawnrenae

    Eggs in the incubator?

    Can I put chicken eggs and goose eggs in at the same time, same incubator? I have seen that some people do. But, I would like opinions I have 2 toulouse/embden and 2 toulouse/african ready to go in on Friday and 12 straight run chickens ready for friday.
  15. Dawnrenae


    I know it is here... So, if someone can point me to the right thread, that will be a good enough answer. I live in Nevada. Desert. Spring temps between 55-75 degrees during the day and 45-25 degrees at night. I am setting my incubator tonight, and it simply says keep at room temp? Obviously...
  16. Dawnrenae

    How soon?

    How soon can I introduce my Silkie into the flock? Right now he is in his own little pin "open range" during the day, and in the same pin inside the coop at night. But he seems sad.
  17. Dawnrenae

    Development stage

    I just read something about the developing stages of embryos, and was wondering something... A dumb question, cuz I should know, however, I don't. Do fertilized eggs start developing right away? I left some eggs in the coop for two days, then I gathered, cleaned and fridged them. Did I murder...
  18. Dawnrenae

    Artificial brooding question.

    None of our hens brood, so we have taken to an incubator. My question, will any of my ladies raise artificially hatched darlings, or will I have to be momma? Thanks
  19. Dawnrenae

    Our newest flock member

    This is Silkie, a silver silkie roo. I hope he mates. Our last silkie did not. But, this guy is so sweet.
  20. Dawnrenae

    Babies and kitties...

    So, I bought a temporary brooder box. The cardboard ones to start my lil flock in. I thought I had it secure enough so that the cats couldn't get in.... Seems the vents on the sides also work as doors. =( Now, my sweet Baby Cheep, is traumatized. Anything I can do to help her through the night?
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