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  • Users: panner123
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  1. panner123

    black bear

    I don't like to post about another site, but I think everyone that has a bear problem should read this. It is an article about black bear on The Clifornia Chickens site. This is a forum about chicken on Yahoo. The article is from Tezas A & M. This is information I believe everyone should...
  2. panner123

    electric fence information

    Before you spend those hard earned dollars, do some rescearch first. Your local dealers will try to sell you what they think is best, but this is not always the case. There are many different types of control boxes and as many ways to set up the fence. Here I will give you a few places to...
  3. panner123

    Los hens found (broody)

    I have noticed that 3 of my hens have been missing for over a week and couldn't figure out where they had gone. I now know, the goat's house has not been cleaned in two weeks (many things had been put off due to a major opertion). Anyway, I had one of the local boys clean it for me. As I...
  4. panner123

    hens wanted

    A shirt tailed realitive (my daughter's sister-in-law) is looking for a couple of hens in the Reno, Nv. area. She wants them mainly for her daughter to watch from her wheel chair, as well as the eggs. The coop and run will be finished 6/3/2011, so anytime after that would be great. Being a...
  5. panner123


    Seems everyone wants to know what treats they can give chickens. A chicken will eat anything that doesn't eat it first. But you must be careful not to give them to much salt. So now look on the bottom shelf way in the back of your refrig and all the small tupperware pieces you have been...
  6. panner123

    rattle snakes

    Here in Norther Ca. we are have our first warm days of summer. This is the time when rattle snakes come out looking for a meal. Just be careful around any wood pile or tall grass.
  7. panner123

    new dog

    Some have asked me how do I train my dogs not to kill my chickens. If at all possible, I let the chickens do the training. If the new dog is a pup it is easy. Let the pup in with the chickens and the rooster or broody hen will do the rest. For years I had a little banty roo that would train...
  8. panner123

    Grand daughter hit the jackpot

    My daughter's co-worker told her that her parents were selling an incubator and she knew my grand daughter wanted one. All she knew was there were three sets of them and some smaller ones. They are home now with three sportsman incubators and three sportsman hatchers. The cost was $100 for...
  9. panner123

    my dwarf goat went broody

    I placed some BCM hens and a roo in with my dwarf goat to keep him company, for his brother was killed. Plus, I wanted this roo with these hens for breeding purposes. I Only wish I had a camera when I fed everyone this morning. The hens have been laying in the goat shelter, so what do I see...
  10. panner123

    Who turned on the egg laying machines?

    I figured to give the hens a rest this year. So I didn't use any lights in the coops over the winter. So for the last 2 months I have had almost no eggs. Today when I when to clean the coops and put in some new nest boxes, I found 30 eggs that wasn't there last night. Will be back on track...
  11. panner123

    aerial attack deterrent

    I have noticed that many are having hawks attacking their chickens. One way to slow these attacks down is a simple one. String CDs above the run. For some reason as the CDs move in the wind, the hawks and other birds of prey shy away. This is by no means 100%, but it will cut your loses way...
  12. panner123

    roosting outside

    Yesterday I built a new coop for some young hens and a roo I want to breed. After I finished it, I put the chickens in the coop for a while and then let them out to free range. My DW and I went to dinner and returned a little after dark. I went to lock everyone up, only to find all the...
  13. panner123

    feed bill lower for a few days

    We just picked the last of the string beans and cuccumbers today. All the chickens hiding outside the gate waiting for us to forget to close it. We weren't 10 feet from the open gate as the first chicken entered and called the rest in. The DW and I had to sit and watch for awhile before...
  14. panner123

    new neighbor--new dogs--old solution

    Last week we had a new neighbor move in with rottweilers. These dogs are left to run loose all the time. They killed the chickens next door and some down the road. Nobody home at the time. This morning they were across the road after Kathy's horses and chickens. I went down to get the...
  15. panner123

    bear trap

    For anyone in the northern Ca. area with a bear problem, here is the answer. It is listed on the Sacramento Craigslist under the heading of farm and garden. This is the same type the state trappers use. BUT WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ONCE YOU GET HIM IN THERE? The man that builts them lives...
  16. panner123

    What happens when you try to scare a bear away from food?

    A fellow chicken lover has been having bear problems, not to far from this area. Search "Bear attack at Union Valley Campgrounds". This bear had no fear of humans and knew where and how to get the food. This man and his family is lucky the bear didn't kill them. Had he not had the gun, it...
  17. panner123

    neighbor's dog (update 5-14)

    What happens to the neighbor's dog (5 lbs) when he tries to attack chickens and you have 2 100 lb. dogs guarding them? No chickens harmed, 1 mad neighbor (had been warned what would happen) and 2 dogs looking for treats. Only thing I told the neighbor was, I would replace the dog when he...
  18. panner123

    Treat day

    My son just called saying he is going to bring some crickets for the chickens. He has a friend that owns a bait store and when he has to many old crickets he sends them to me as treats for the chickens. Watching the chickens run around a box of crickets is something to see. We set the box in...
  19. panner123

    OPPPPPSSSS I almost killed them

    I had a set of eggs hatch out Sunday night and Monday. Three questionable eggs didn't hatch. Wendesday I pulled the chicks and put them in the brooder. Because of a heavy work load, I got lazy and didn't pull the eggs and turn the bator off. I did turn it down and turn the fan off. I just...
  20. panner123

    surprise in the coop

    Went out to feed chickens and collect the eggs this morning and got the surprise of my life. One of my older hens has been trying to brood for days and I won't let her still to cold here. As she tried her best to peck and fight for her nest I saw a strange movement under her. So at the cost...
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