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  • Users: jmeeter88
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  1. jmeeter88

    How long are eggs good for outside?

    I just noticed that my hens laid their first eggs, but I'm not sure of an exact date or timeframe - how long can eggs go unrefrigerated?
  2. jmeeter88

    RIR and BO at 4wks

    Just the other day I got them to eat from my hand!!
  3. jmeeter88

    Feeder vs. spreading feed

    How many of you put out a feeder and how many of you spread the feed in the grass, allowing the chickens to eat it off the ground...? I currently use a feeder but I am tempted to start dropping a handful or two on the ground in the morning, then in the afternoon, and evening.
  4. jmeeter88

    In the rain?

    My 3.5 week old chicks have been in the coop for about 5 nights now... They go in and out of the coop as they please. We are getting some decent rain right now, and I noticed the chicks are just frolicking in it. Is this ok for them or should I force them to go in the coop?
  5. jmeeter88

    Oops... Cannibalism

    Well, I wanted to give my chicks some treats earlier so I scrambled some eggs and fed them to the birds - they loved it. I didn't stop to consider removing the yellow part... What did I do?! Are they going to get sick??
  6. jmeeter88

    Gasping for air??

    So I was sitting in the coop watching my chicks as I usually do. One of the BO's starting raising her head high in the air and opening her mouth wide. Almost like she was trying to crow, or worse, gasping for air? It was very bizarre, but she was otherwise acting normal. Anyone ever seen this...
  7. jmeeter88

    Pics of my coop

    Well, this is the chicken coop. The boards are holding the doors shut because I have yet to install proper latches. The hole in the foreground is where I will put a post and cement for a fence. Side view The chicks are very happy in their new home. They are definitely growing up quick...
  8. jmeeter88

    So THAT'S how you roost...!

    I was sitting in the coop watching the chicks play around in their new environment. Well, she gets an 'A' for effort...
  9. jmeeter88

    Chicks laying funny

    My chicks have started laying funny - on their sides with their wings stretched out. What does this mean? I tried to take some pics:
  10. jmeeter88

    When can I put my 2 week old chicks outside?

    My BOs and RIRs are two weeks old. When can I put them outside? We are average 60-80 during the day and 40-50 during the night...
  11. jmeeter88


    My two day old RIR has a dingleberry... I tried to remove it but it seemed to cause the chick pain when I tugged on it. It's not actually in the way of the vent, it's just off to the side. Can I just leave it for now and keep an eye on it? I didn't want to tug to hard and rip the skin, therefore...
  12. jmeeter88

    Just ordered from MyPetChicken

    I just ordered 2xRIR and 2xBO... So in celebration, please share your pictures of your RIR and BO chicks!! Yay!
  13. jmeeter88

    Everyone is sold out!!

    Yikes! I want to place an order for chicks but it seems like everyone is sold out! I'd really like to place an order for delivery before June 1... Any tips??
  14. jmeeter88

    How many chicks is 48 square feet good for?

    I am building a shed from Lowe's that is 8 x 6, and I will be making the necessary amendments to make it a suitable home for chickens. I was hoping to have around 8 - 10 chickens... Is 48 square feet enough room?
  15. jmeeter88

    Will these go together nicely?

    2x Rhode Island Red Hen 2x Cuckoo Maran Hen 2x Red Star Hen 2x Buff Orpington Hen 2x Black Australorp Hen 1x Polish Rooster Will the Polish rooster be sufficient for keeping the flock in line and protecting them?
  16. jmeeter88

    Square buckets for nesting box

    Would some of those squared-off buckets laid on their side be good nesting boxes for my hens? Or would that be too small / cramped for them?
  17. jmeeter88

    What is this noise?

    OK, my chickens make this noise (not the usual 'cluck') but it's more of a scratchy growl, like eerrrrrRRrrrRRRrr. If I had to equate it to something, I'd say it's like an angry cat growl sort of noise. Does that make sense? What are they trying to say when they do this noise? Also, does it...
  18. jmeeter88

    Your Chickens & the ROAD

    For those of you that free range, how do you deal with your chickens going near the road? Are they instinctively afraid of the road or what?
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