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  • Users: gavbarker
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  1. gavbarker

    finch chicks can anyone help?

    Hi i have got some zebra finches they have just had 3 chicks they are about 3 to 4 weeks old not 2 of them are dark gray and one is almost pure white. I think i read somewhere that when they hatch they are all the same coulor is they white one special so it will stay white or are the 2 colours...
  2. gavbarker

    does anyone have finches or hatch finch eggs?

    Hi i have a pair of finches and they have laid there 2nd lot off eggs the first ones didnt work they wouldnt go next to them bu tnow they have laid 5 eggs and have been on them for about 5 days the male finch seems to be doing most of the work is this normal? And also they have been fighting a...
  3. gavbarker

    Can anyone help me sex my 2 chickens pics inside.

    Hi can anyone help me im not sure what they both are i think they are 2 hens but recently the first one has got a lot reder around the face but it is about a month older then the one in the second pic they are both lightsesex Also here is a pic of my recent batch of chicks 4 buff orpington...
  4. gavbarker

    buff orpington eggs

    Hi i have 2 of them pluss a cock i posted a pic a few weeks back i have just put some eggs in the incubator but also i got some from a friend in scotland to go in there too but they are much bigger than mine does this mean that my hens are too young to have fertile eggs i think they where born...
  5. gavbarker

    Buff orpinton eggs

    Hi i have 2 of them pluss a cock i posted a pic a few weeks back i have just put some eggs in the incubator but also i got some from a friend in scotland to go in there too but they are much bigger than mine does this mean that my hens are too young to have fertile eggs i think they where born...
  6. gavbarker

    more pics of my chicks and 2 of my dogs couldnt resist lol

    Hi just been takeing some pics of my chicks again and had to do some of the gogs as they were just sat there too iv got the 2 marrans and 1 lightsusex and i had to put the guinea fowl in with them as the other 2 of them died. And here is Kimba my 5 month old lab x boxer And here is Bess my...
  7. gavbarker

    Messy chicks help!

    I have 3 chicks in one brooder im feeding them jus ton chick crumb at the moment they are nearly 2 weeks old now but they always get poo stuck around there bums i sometimes leave it till it falls off but other times i have to snip it off and dampen it etc. Does this sound like a diet problem or...
  8. gavbarker

    Hatching is finaly over my results inside with pics.

    Hi out of 13 eggs i think i had in the incubatoe iv had 6 hatch is this good iv got 2 marrans 1 lightsusex 3 guenifowl here are pis i just took The 3 about a week old A better pic of them but one ran out of the pic lol Then here are the 3 guenifowl just hatched last night and one...
  9. gavbarker

    Should i put week old chicks with just hatched?

    Hi i have 2 marran and one lightsusex only a week old and i have just had 2 guinefowl hatch today they are a bit wobbely so iv put them in a seprate brooder for now till they get moveing a bit more should they be able to go togetger by the next day do you think as it would make it a lot easier...
  10. gavbarker

    Dried poo on the chicks bums?

    Hi i have 3 chicks at the moment 1 lightsusex and 2 marran but the 2 marrans have had dried poo on there bum for the last day so i tried puting warm water on it and takeing it off but it didnt work so i used the scisors to snip it off but had to cut a bit of the feathers around there will that...
  11. gavbarker

    Buff Orpineton Anyone have them? Got pics now

    Hi iv just bought a trio of them thre realy nice i was just wondering if antone else has them i went to a special breed auction yesterday and got them i paid £90 form them does that sound too much? Thats what the bidding went up to and i realy liked them so i just got them il post pics of them...
  12. gavbarker

    what to do with ill chick?

    Hi one of my chicks thats just hatched is not looking too goo dim going to leave it a bit to see if it starts to perk up if not what is the best way to put it out of its missery? I dont think the vets around here would help i work with dongs and have to do it to them alot of the time so i dont...
  13. gavbarker

    My chicks hatched i dnt know if its good or bad pics inside

    Hi my chicks have hatched i had 9 in the incubator due to hath 3 days ago i had one last night but i dint have the incubator humidity high enough so the eggs were to hard and the membrane like paper they couldnt get out so i had to help them all iv helped 3 that are in the brooder now and iv got...
  14. gavbarker

    HELP my first chick hatched

    Hi my first chick just hatched well it piped a bit of the shell off but there was the white membrane under it and it was like that for 6 hours so i decided to help and put a tiny hole in it and i ended up takeing most of the shell off the chicks out now and drying there was a bit of blood is...
  15. gavbarker

    does it help puting a damp sponge in on the final day?

    Hi iv got another topic up but its the final day today well day 21 i have been puting a few sponge pices in with warm water in not too wet tho does it harm the eggs if it gets too close to them? And also how often should i cange the pices i want it to get nice and humid as i dont have a reader...
  16. gavbarker

    Its my hatch day 21!!!!! How long till they break out of the eggs?

    Hi i have just got in from work its day 21 for me so should be hatch day i havent had anyhting up to now not a noise or movemnt with the eggs so im not feeling very hopefull. I was just wondering once they stary to break throug the egg haw long does it usually take i mean are we talking a matter...
  17. gavbarker

    Is this ok for my chicks to go in once they hatch?

    Iv got this cage for my chicks to go in for when they hatch iv got a heat pad in there i carnt get a lamp to go in only the heat pad i can only get the temp up to 32 degrees celcius not 37 will that be ok? they will be inside and iv got the big towel to go over the top so there will be no drafts...
  18. gavbarker

    1 day to go i dont feel confident is this normal?

    Iv got one day to go tomorow night will be 21. I dont feel as if they are going to hatch they have all got a chick in as iv seen when iv candeld them before but thay just look as if there not going to hatch sat there should i be expecting any noised movement today or is that just usualy a last...
  19. gavbarker

    Is it safe to candel eggs after day 18?

    Hi iv got 3 days to go iv started to get the humidity up etc is it save to do candeling or is it just best to leave them alone now and hope for the best?
  20. gavbarker

    what should i do with my temp at 39?degres c not farenhite

    Hi i have a cheapish incubator and the turning nob for the temprature is not perfect as it was damaged in posting i had the eggs at 37 nmost of the time but the last half of the hatch it have been up to 39 i dont realy want to try and change it incase i doe it too much either way and loose the...
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