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  1. LittleHouseDreams

    Baboon Chicken Problem....need advice...pic included!

    Hello, I have two hens who feather picked in winter. I got them to stop picking each others feathers and the wounds to heal but the great bald behinds will not fill in with feathers and its been over 4 months! I believe they got a bit of frostbite from being bare ( I could kick myself for not...
  2. LittleHouseDreams

    frostbite and feather regrowth???? Could someone please help!!!!

    Hello, I hope someone can help me with this potential problem. Two of my three hens feather picked in late winter and got bare behinds because of it. Well I worked tirelessly to get them to stop picking feathers,which they did, however I failed to prevent frostbite in the area that was bare...
  3. LittleHouseDreams

    Please Help ...New to chickens and I don't know what to do!

    Hi, I hope someone can help me, I have 3 BO hens that are about 7 months old and just started laying a few weeks ago. Now I have one hen who is picked bare underneath and a bit bloody and nasty and another hen is starting to look the same and the 3rd seems fine. They are not broody and I...
  4. LittleHouseDreams

    BO with scabby bare spot and vent is sort of purplish....what do I do?

    Hi all, I noticed today that one of my three hens has a bare spot underneath her with some scabby places there and also around her vent seems sort of purple. She just started laying a few weeks ago and I really am not sure if she did this herself or if the other two did this to her? (I've not...
  5. LittleHouseDreams

    Two eggs and two bloody beaked hens....what's going on?

    Hi, yesterday two of my hens laid their first eggs and they both have bled out of a nostril onto their beaks. My theory is that the stress of laying their first eggs was stressful enough to have popped a blood vessel in their nostrils. Can this be true? I have three hens total and I've never...
  6. LittleHouseDreams

    When do you worm chickens?

    Do you worm them only if they have worms or do you worm them as a precaution? If so, at what age do you worm them and how often do you do it (i.e. once a year, every 6 months?)
  7. LittleHouseDreams

    Northeast Ohio here....anyone else?

    Hi, I'm in Ravenna, OH and was wondering if there are anymore NE Ohioans around. I've got 3 BO hens (almost 14 weeks old now) and they are not too fond of the snow we're getting . Anyone else with young chickens that are not sure what to do with all this snow?
  8. LittleHouseDreams

    How long till a chicken is fully grown?

    I have 13 wk BO hens and I was wondering when they will reach full size and weight. They seem so big now but I know they do not yet approach the weight that the books say my breed will reach (at least they do not feel like it when I pick them up.)
  9. LittleHouseDreams

    Chickens and Snow????

    OK, so It's obvious that I'm new to the whole chicken thing and I really don't know where to post this so if this is not the right board please let me know . Anyway, my question is what do I need to do for my chickens in the winter? I live in northeast Ohio and currently we have snow. I have...
  10. LittleHouseDreams

    Egg Laying Pads?

    Hi, My hens are 12 wks old now and I will be putting a nest box (that we make) in their hen house soon. Do you all suggest egg laying pads and if so why? I saw them at a hatchery site and they look like doormats. Thanks
  11. LittleHouseDreams

    Where can I find a heater base for a waterer ....more

    Hello, Sorry if you all get these questions all the time but: Where can I find a heater base for a waterer? Should I use a metal waterer or plastic (plastic would melt right? or do the heaters not get that hot?) Oh and at what age can I offer scratch to my hens? Boring I know but I'm...
  12. LittleHouseDreams

    Deep litter Method and Stall Dry?

    Can you use the DLM and Stall Dry and still put the litter on your mulch pile when you go to clean out? Just curious.
  13. LittleHouseDreams

    My dog killed one of my girls!!!

    I forgot that I had the girls free ranging and I let the dog out to do her business. Now I have 3 hens and one very sad 11 year old boy. I feel awful. It's my fault and now I don't know what to do with the dog so that this doesn't happen again. Can she be taught to leave them alone? I've...
  14. LittleHouseDreams

    Question about using sand for the floor of the run

    Hello, I am wondering if you use sand for the floor of your run how do you get rid of a build up of droppings? I am considering using sand when my coop gets built. Thank you, Noelle P.S. Sorry if this seems silly but I am new at this(obviously).
  15. LittleHouseDreams

    At what age can I introduce treats?

    Hello, My BO's are 3 wks old now and I'd love to give them treats but I don't know if it is too soon. Also, when I can give them treats is that the time to offer grit. Right now they are on chick chow but I'm anxious to share some of my gardens bounty. Thanks, Noelle
  16. LittleHouseDreams

    Vitamin drops....are they needed?

    Hello, I'm new to ALL of this and someone at my church told me that I should be giving my 1 week old chicks ( I have 4 of them) vitamin drops. Is this true? I know people do sometimes but the books I've read never really stressed the need for vitamin drops. What is your take on this subject...
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