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  • Users: Vicky2479
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  1. Vicky2479

    Advice for newly hatched chicks needed please

    Hi all, I need quick advice about some chicks I have hatching, I have them in a bator and was wondering if I 1 - move the hatched ones to another bator while the rest hatch 2 - leave them where they are 3 - put them straight in the brooder box as they hatch and dry The first one hatched about...
  2. Vicky2479

    Need some opinions ASAP please

    Hi everyone,I need some opinions on what to do, here is the deal I bought 6 cochin eggs (they are very hard to get here so was really excited) only 5 survived the trip through the mail so I put them under my broody hen 20 days ago BUT she started to break the eggs then she decided to quit half...
  3. Vicky2479

    Will they still be viable.???

    I need some help quick, I put 5 cochin eggs under a hen on Sunday, I just went into the coop to check on here and saw 1 egg out on the floor covered on yolk so I checked under her and there is only 3 left, 2 of which are also covered in yolk, I am thinking she ate one, would they still be ok...
  4. Vicky2479

    Changing up pecking order

    I have been reading alot about how to deal with bully hens as I am having problems after adding some new ones to my yard but most posts talk about dealing with 1 dominate hen and i am having problems with 2, my isa who is top hen and a SLW how has been moving up the ranks as others have died or...
  5. Vicky2479

    Dry a wet frizzle???

    Hi all, I just went out to turn the coop light on for the girls and noticed my tiny frizzle pullet is wet through, it has rained all day today. I was wondering if I should bring her in and dry her off abit as it it really cold tonight, well cold for my part of the world anyway :) She is not...
  6. Vicky2479

    Standard and bantam in same pen?

    Hi everyone, I was wondering for those of you have a mixed flock (different breeds and sizes, including roos) do you keep them in the same pens? I have a small flock of 9 atm, 2 peking bantam hens,1 mutt bantam hen, 2 orpington hens, 3 other standard hens and 1 20wk old Sussex roo, they all run...
  7. Vicky2479


    Hi all, i would just like some opinions on these eggs and wether they are fertile? i do have a roo but he only free ranges with the laying hens sometimes and i thought he was to young :)
  8. Vicky2479

    Rooster coming of age?

    Well it has finally happened, my Cochin Roo has started to crow!!! What I wanted to know is how old are roos usually when they are fertile and start smooshing the girls? I am not supposed to keep roosters but am hoping to keep him long enough to get some chicks from him, can anyone point me in...
  9. Vicky2479

    What are we???

    I picked theses guys up a week ago as day olds for my broody hen, she wouldn't have a bar of them so I have them in the brooder, question is what do you think the first 3 are? All 6 were supposed to be light Sussex but we have 3 that are definitely not light Sussex, I an thinking the black is an...
  10. Vicky2479

    What's the matter with my hen?

    Hi everybody, I am really worried about one of my hens, she is seemed to be waddling and holding her tail really low, she seems quite puffy in her belly but I can't feel any hard lumps to suggest an egg, she has laid in at least a week though, can any one help me out?
  11. Vicky2479


    Hi everyone, i need some opinions on these 2 silkies, do i have 2 boys or 1 of each (i heard 1 or both crowing for the first time this morning but cant seem to catch them in the act) They are 4 months old
  12. Vicky2479

    What day to expect hatch?

    Hi everyone I am just wondering what day to expect my eggs to hatch under my broody, i know it is 21 days but i put them under her at 4:30pm on tuesday 10/09. She is a first time broody, quite young at 10ths old but she seemed fairly determined so i thought I would give her a go, i put 7 bantam...
  13. Vicky2479

    moving chicks outside

    Hi everybody, i have a question about my silkie babies, they are about 6 weeks old now and fast out growing the broody box i have set up for them, here is a pic of it all clean and ready for them to come back in from their afternoon outside At 6 weeks do they still need the heater? and how old...
  14. Vicky2479

    Brinsea ecoglow brooder

    I have recently bought an ecoglow brooder after reading about them here on BYC. Today I picked up 2 silkie chicks and set up a brooder for them with the ecoglow but I have a few questions 1. Is it safe to have it sitting directly in the wood shavings? 2. The chicks are only a few weeks old and...
  15. Vicky2479


    I was just wondering what you guys are referring too when you say "scratch"
  16. Vicky2479

    my eggs for the day

    Just thought i would share my eggs for the day, one of my SWLx laid her first one today, not sure which girl it was but i have an idea, it is the tiny egg on the end (smaller than my banty egg, just 39gms) the second pic is of it next to my isa browns eggs. I also got another double yolker...
  17. Vicky2479

    meet my girls

    Hey everyone, just wanted to say hi and introduce my girls and see if i could get the pics uploaded ok. so here they are Penny the white one Henrietta the crazy bamtam somthing, not sure what as i rescued her and the guy had no idea Caramel the ISA Brown Molly and CC SWL x Barnevelders...
  18. Vicky2479

    Hi everyone :)

    Hi there everyone, i am Vicky from Adelaide Australia. At the moment I have 6 chickens in my backyard, 1 Australorp, 1 rhode island red,1 White leghorn I think they are called, 2 barevelder x wyandotte and a bantam hen of some kind, all except the bantam (I don't know much about her) are less...
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