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  • Users: BFeathered
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  1. BFeathered

    BC Marans "runs out of ink"

    Does anyone else's dark egg-layers "run out of ink or toner?" My BC Marans seems to cycle between a beautiful, dark chocolate brown egg and a rough, pink-y brown one. (with the full gamut of in-between!) The girls' diet is pretty consistent, layer crumbles, oyster shell, free-range in the...
  2. BFeathered

    Volunteer needs to vent

    Hello all you lovely feathered creature caretakers, I haven't been on in a while, but I'm sure you're all busy too. I just need to vent, and you're such great sounding boards and laugh inducers that I'm doing it here. I volunteer at the middle school library for 2 hours (lunch) 1 day a...
  3. BFeathered

    Chicken people are AWESOME

    There, I said it! (couldn't figure out where to post this) The local poultry community has done the ultimate chicken swap and taken care of my dilemma. I had 2 roos, one gorgeous but obnoxious, the other sweet but seriously wounded by one of my furry hooligans (my fault). Between the 2, we...
  4. BFeathered

    BC Marans Roo- trade/free

    I've got a lovely BCM roo (18wk) who needs a new home. I'd love a young layer of similar age to replace him. Any takers? I'm in the Dallas/FtWorth area.
  5. BFeathered


    I checked the treats chart, but didn't find pineapple specifically listed in the okay or the do-not-feed lists. Is it considered a citrus fruit (therefore not a good idea)? I've got a core left in the fridge and it's hotter than blue blazes here; thought the birds might enjoy a cool tropical...
  6. BFeathered

    I'm truly insane....

    What was I thinking? We actually adopted a 90lb Malamute! In Texas... in June! Thank heaven the previous foster "mom" stripped out his undercoat when it "blew" in April. So now we have an Airedale (50lb female who rules the pack), a Rhodesian Ridgeback (85lb supermodel - pretty, can do basic...
  7. BFeathered

    Hot weather advice?

    Do any of you eggsperts/old timers out here have any advice for food/water in the lovely broiler that we call Texas? I've been putting ice cubes in the 2gal waterer in at lunchtime, and put out a gallon jug of water that's been in the freezer overnight. Should I give them different type/amount...
  8. BFeathered

    Am I nuts???!!

    DH and I are considering adopting a Malamute. Mind you, we already have a Rhodesian Ridgeback, an Airedale and a geriatric lame Siamese. Oh, and chickens So what on earth are we going to do with an extremely hairy, 90+lb goofball? Any Malamute fanciers out here in chicken land? Oh, BTW, we...
  9. BFeathered

    Langshans question...

    What color is the comb supposed to be on a Langshans? My early-April hatched chick has an almost black comb at the moment. Her(?) legs are lightly feathered, and the rest of her feathers are coming in a lovely irridescent black, but that comb is a bit funky-looking to me. I'm not an expert...
  10. BFeathered

    Just curious...

    What would you get from a BC Marans roo on EE hen (white or leopard)? I'm thinking Dr. Seuss egg-layers...
  11. BFeathered

    They did it all by themselves....!

    Yay! We put the "babies" outside in their coop/run last weekend. We've been "putting them to bed" every evening, shutting them in the coop at dusk. This evening, I waited just a hair longer than usual to tuck them in, and lo and behold, they were already in the coop, waiting for me to say...
  12. BFeathered


    I have a Langshans (maybe 2) fuzzybutt that has me puzzled. It was the biggest of the 3 that I originally got (mix of BCMarans and Langshans), but is now the smallest of them, 2 weeks later. It is definitely a Langshans (feathered outer leg/feet). Do these birds just mature much more slowly...
  13. BFeathered

    Another "poop" question

    I'm sure I've seen this before, but since I'm currently BFuddled, I'll ask now... One of my little ones (3? wks old) has loose watery poop that is a lovely shade of yellow-ish brown. This little one eats, drinks and is active, but prefers to hunker down with one of the bigger ones (6wk old...
  14. BFeathered

    Am I really?

    Oh dear, I've finally done it... my BYC addiction has finally changed me to Overrun with Chickens... Shhh.... don't tell DH, but our 3 fuzzybutt yard ornaments are about to be augmented with a couple more! Hehehe... the plot is definitely "sickening"..
  15. BFeathered

    Non-stop peeper!

    I'm going deaf! One of our 2wk olds just will NOT shut up! Temp in brooder is fine, they're all eating/drinking/pooping normally, etc. The one baby just constantly "talks", in fact, I think she even talks in her sleep! And yes, she has fallen asleep in my hand, so I've witnessed this... good...
  16. BFeathered

    Okay, not really new, but...

    Howdeee! I've been on here for a while, but dormant due to lack of birds (stupid dogs!). But now.... just brought home 5 lovely fuzzybutts -- 3 Langshans, 2 Black Copper Marans. DH and I built the new SOOPER COOP last weekend (yes, I'll put pics etc on the coop spot) and have to put the roof...
  17. BFeathered

    Uncoordinated, lethargic?

    Just brought home 3 Langshans and 2 BC Marans, all 9 days old. 4 look/act healthy, but 1 had a pasty butt that I cleaned off (and it promptly emptied out more! normal, not icky/diarrhea). That chick is not as active as the others, is uncoordinated in its movement (falls on side occasionally...
  18. BFeathered

    No longer just plotting..

    Heheh! DH got "bitten" when I informed him that I was planning a new coop and run. I also informed him that he didn't have to lift a finger, I would build/do it all. However... engineer, OCD carpenter, asthetic/structural guru that he is.... well, you can guess. Although Easter weekend was...
  19. BFeathered

    Yay! Hubby promised new coop!

    Hubby has designated Easter weekend to work on the new coop. He drew up plans with my specs for a small coop and run area-- 4x4 feet coop and 10x10 fenced run (with solar powered zapper). I only want some feathers, fun and eggs, so I'm only planning 4 or so standards in the coop. Now to...
  20. BFeathered

    Hey, remember me?.....

    Hello all you fellow chicken-freaks! I've been dormant (but not lurking!) for a while. And now I'll probably be dormant for a while longer, since my 15yo siamese decided to leap from the garage roof to the flowerbed. He completed disarticulated his "wrist" and is now wearing my new chicken...
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