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  1. camilleathome

    how many eggs before they sit?

    My pilgrim geese have four eggs in their best we just moved seven duck eggs from our hen that died into the best as well. How many eggs usually do they lay before they start to sit on them? Should i be worried yet?
  2. camilleathome

    Recipe for heritage breed chicken(25 weeks old) for thanksgiving

    Hey guys were processing two roosters for thanksgiving that are around 25 weeks and trying to find a good recipe to serve it up for thanksgiving. Their buckeye and Heritage Rhode island reds so definitely not meat kings. Any suggestions on how I should cook them? I heard the texture can be...
  3. camilleathome

    Top hat ducks? What is my duck really called?

    I was sold a pair of ducks dubbed top hat ducks. Their really cool looking ducks and very healthy but I haven't found any info on them. Their crest doesn't look like a crested duck though. So Wondering if anyone has any information on them? I don't have any photos as I just got home but they...
  4. camilleathome

    roundup: To use or not to use

    Hey guys. Gardening season is upon us and this will be our first year gardening at our farm. Im very excited. My landlords father in law has a tiller and is a retired farmer/cattleman and said he would till our garden for us. He said if we wanted he could treat the ground with roundup which he...
  5. camilleathome

    Run instructions needed

    Hey everyone. With 18 little chicks here and a lot more on the way in a month Its time to plan my run. I was going to free range but with us spotting a few foxes everyday, multiple hawks and a few loose neighborhood dogs. We have decided to build a run. i would like to build something very...
  6. camilleathome

    Rebeccas treeless saddle

    Hey guys I wanted to know what you guys thought about this type of saddle. I went to visit my horse at his previous owners house(Hes coming home in march I cant wait) and she let me ride her endurance horse(Canadian named Benjamin) with this saddle I had never seen in my life. its called a...
  7. camilleathome

    OCD in horses

    Im looking for a pasture mate for a horse that we are taking in. Hes a 21 year old standardbred with swayback. I stumbled upon this mare who just seems exactly what Im looking for. Im not big on riding. A horse that I can use here and there for light riding is fine. Mainly would like a pet horse...
  8. camilleathome

    Please add something to your message error

    Everytime I try to post on a thread or try to PM someone it keeps telling me that I must put something into my post even though I am. Anyone else having this issue?
  9. camilleathome

    insufficent permission for lists

    I was trying to make a list for breeds of chickens id like and duck breeds so I can easily bring up the bios to mull it over(Might be getting our farmhouse in four months if all goes well). It lets me add a breed when I CREATE the list but afterwards it says insufficient permissions and ive...
  10. camilleathome

    Fenced in stream or duck pond?

    Hi guys, ive just been lurking for a while as we didnt have our spot for ducks. BUT we just found THE house. 23.5 acres. we are in the process of getting the land surveyed and then getting the lawyers to do the paper work. I want ducks and Im just kindof trying to get a solution on the pond...
  11. camilleathome

    Fair season is upon us!

    July is fast approaching which is the first County fair. I cant wait. I have never gone to one with my husband before. I usually go with my best friend and we go on rides and she begrudgingly walks around to look at horses and chickens with me. This year we are going with our spouses. I cant...
  12. camilleathome

    Hello from New Brunswick Canada!

    My name is Camille, Im married to the love of my life Al .My husband has lived in the city his whole life but always wanted to live in the country(His favorite thing to do is run off into the woods with a tend and fishing rod and not come back for a week XD. ) and Ive lived in the country and...
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