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  1. autumnjanene

    ISO: Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucana chicks

    Looking for Ameraucana chicks (or hatching eggs will do) that can be shipped to Missouri. Looking for great egg color and a little on the heavier side (the weight of the chicken). Thank you!
  2. autumnjanene

    Marans using bucket nesting boxes

    Hello! We're in the process of building our "Marans only" chicken coop. I'm considering using 5 gallon buckets as nesting boxes but I know how big Marans can get... do you think they would be able to fit inside of a 5 gallon bucket nesting box or should I go with the classic box style nesting...
  3. autumnjanene

    Ideal fertility rate before setting eggs

    I have a question about incubating my own eggs: This past weekend we culled one rooster, leaving us with 2 roosters and 12 hens. Before we culled him this past weekend, we had a fertility rate of 50%. I'm going to check again this weekend to see if there's any change in fertility now that...
  4. autumnjanene

    What kind of breed is this?! I must have it.

    Has anyone seen this photo before? What kind of breed is this? I actually sent a message to the photographer and she replied that it's a RIR to which I replied, ma'am... I don't think so! Any thoughts?
  5. autumnjanene

    easter egger pullet? or cockrel?

    So we first got 3 easter eggers and were told 1 was a male, the other two female. As they got older one developed a nice, red comb and started crowing and developed beautiful feathers but so did the females. They were showing brown feathers on the shoulder which I was told means they were male...
  6. autumnjanene

    rooster chaos!

    So I have a flock of 16. 8 roosters and 8 hens (had to buy them in pairs at the small animal swap). Our wyandotte is bulling the hens to the point where they run out of their run, then the Wyandotte blocks the entrance so they can't get back in. I've penned up 4 other roosters in the...
  7. autumnjanene

    how to socialize but feed separately

    I have 3 pullets (about 10 weeks old) and 2 older ones (male and female... ages unknown since they were gifted to us). I had been keeping them in separate parts of the coop that are joined by a chicken door until the little ones were big enough to hang out with the big guys. Now that they are...
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