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  1. SnowPeeOstrichU

    I got a giant egg the other day!

    Found a huge egg, from one of my ameracaunas. Weighed some other eggs from that same day, 4 samples. All in oz. 2.10 2.20 2.25 4.00 Haven't cracked it yet. compared to other eggs very large compared to sharpie for size
  2. SnowPeeOstrichU

    Temporary Run for Quarantine of Newcomers, at least

    Hi all, I am fairly experienced with chickens, but I am considering a new run idea based on how tigers uses fencing sold as a dog excercise pen for her bunnies. I think I could use something like that plus a tarp for a roof as a makeshift run and if it was moved every day, it could work but...
  3. SnowPeeOstrichU

    New Rooster Raising

    Hi all, Recently noticed that my dear dear Polish Crested is a roo but it's no biggie since I can keep him and was hoping for a new roo because my BR isn't nice enough to the hens and several have back-feather issues because of him despite the fact that there should be enough hens. Anyways...
  4. SnowPeeOstrichU

    Murray McMurray Rare Breeds x8

    Hi all, I got a bunch of chicks from Murray McMurray, and have guessed the breed of some of them. I put a bunch of pictures of them here . I think the Polish Crested is a rooster. The one with a white/grey head and neck and a darker body is named Sparrow, and is possibly an Egyptian Fayoumi...
  5. SnowPeeOstrichU

    New to Ostriches

    Hi, I'm new to this whole ostrich thing but curious about having one or two so they don't get lonely.. I have a few questions. What do they eat and how much? How often do they lay eggs and when will they stop How friendly are they? To humans or other animals How old do they get? How...
  6. SnowPeeOstrichU

    Mealworms, Crickets, Soldier Flies, etc

    Is it worthwhile to grow bugs for chickens as treats? Also, is it easy, cheap, etc? :) Thanks!
  7. SnowPeeOstrichU

    Managing Dustbathing Areas

    Hi all! I'm not new to raising chickens, but I recently moved to a farm and we haven't quite gotten everything going again. Previously, we had bark chips all over the place as weed control, and the hens loved dust bathing in it! However, we're not doing so much weed control but want to have a...
  8. SnowPeeOstrichU

    New to the whole game of ducks, advice?

    Hiya everyone! I've done the whole raise chicks thing except hatching but I've got the whole chicken deal under control. But.. I'm going to be doing ducks in a couple months but I'm a bit unsure on the best way to do the whole water/swimming deal. Emptying and refilling everyday sounds like a...
  9. SnowPeeOstrichU

    Rapidly expanding family..

    Recently got 2 brahmas ...and have a shipment of chicks coming in a couple weeks.. Hopefully everyone will get along!! Also, I started a thread on naming the two brahmas as I am not sure what to name them.. Any advice on having two ages of chicks all in the one brooder? It's definitely big...
  10. SnowPeeOstrichU

    The Name Game..

    Hi guys, I recently got two brahma chicks- the ones in my profile picture. They're both very sweet. Anyways, I'm not sure what to name them so here's a poll with some silly ones I could come up with, but of course feel free to add more below :) Also, in a couple weeks, I'm going to be...
  11. SnowPeeOstrichU

    Americauna Chick with Strange Lump

    I got an americauna and crested polish yesterday. I am not sure how old they are. The americauna was named Fluffballa and nicknamed Fuzzy Wuzzy because of all the fuz around her face. The crested polish is Top Hat Pat because we don't know the gender. Anyways, both birds have some...
  12. SnowPeeOstrichU

    Plymouth Rocks!

    I noticed there isn't a HUGE plymouth rock thread like EE Braggers or Marans, so I want to start one and make it almost as big, if I can! To start, I'll talk about my plymouth rocks. I got two plymouth rocks in the May of 2011, and they are wonderful! When I got them, one was significantly...
  13. SnowPeeOstrichU

    What Breed? V2

    Hello, and thank you for voting! I recently got a new chick who is the sweetest! In the end, I chose a gold laced wyandotte! Here is the sweetheart! Tonight I will be sticking her under Ostrich, who is broody. Willl be working on photographing her soon!
  14. SnowPeeOstrichU

    What Breed?

  15. SnowPeeOstrichU

    Do peacocks lay eggs regularly?

    Do peacocks lay eggs regularly or only when there is a peacock around?
  16. SnowPeeOstrichU

    South Washington and Oregon

    Hi, I have had chickens for over a year now. I have used BYC as a resource throughout and only recently created an account. I was wondering if many people were nearby.....
  17. SnowPeeOstrichU

    Hello from Oregon-Washington Area

    I have used Backyard Chickens previously as a resource but never actually got an account. I had four hens- Snow, Pee, Ostrich, and You. I got them May of last year, so a few months ago they all had a birthday! Anyways, I have always liked Backyard Chickens as a resource.
  18. SnowPeeOstrichU

    "Pants Chickens" Cochins, Brahmas, Langshans, some varieties of Marans and Faverolles

    Ok, so I used to have four chickens(one died recently at a bit more than a year of who-knows-what-causes-still-trying-to-figure-it-out), and before we were thinking about getting a fifth and I was really wanting a pants chicken. However, I live in an area where the climate-well, in certain...
  19. SnowPeeOstrichU

    Looked Good Before..... Ill/Dead Hen

    Hey, I have(now had) a lovely hen named Snow. She was friendly and enthusiastic about lots of things like coming out of the coop and treats like grape leaves. She was one of our more social hens, and she let us pick her up more easily. This last weekend, she seemed to be having trouble laying...
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