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  1. chickenlover89

    Recommended Breeds to Get

    Hi all. So, recently I lost two chickens, and this spring, we are going to get some new chickens. I would love help on the breeds y'all recommend to get! They will both be girls, and we love friendly girls that are also good layers.
  2. chickenlover89

    Suddenly unfriendly?

    Hi all, all my chickens are about 10 months old and they all just stopped being friendly. We have always spent time with them, and held them but they randomly started being unfriendly. Any ideas why?
  3. chickenlover89

    Lavender Araucana Thread

    I have two lovely true lavender araucana hens, and I love them so much, I thought "why don't I start a thread about it?" So this is a thread for lavender araucana chickens! Post pics, discuss breeding, anything you want! I know this isn't an official color, but I love it anyway! my two hens...
  4. chickenlover89

    My Chickens! Life story!

    Hey fellow backyard chicken lovers! I am coming up on my 1 year mark, and I would like to share my flock with you! At the beginning, we only planned for 4 chicks. So, we ordered 4 baby chicks from My Pet Chicken. Sadly, only two lived, one barred rock, and one delaware. We called back and...
  5. chickenlover89

    Very Bloody Chicken!

    Hi all, I just went outside now that the storm is finished, and I found one of my chickens wings were very bloody and there was blood all down her side. i also found that they spilled all their food into the snow, and they wouldn't eat it, so we think they pecked her feathers for food. We really...
  6. chickenlover89

    Orpington Show!

    Show off your orpingtons!! Any breed any color. All you need to do is say the: Color Gender Description (optional) Age Example: Buff Girl Are you actually taking a picture of me?? 7.5 months
  7. chickenlover89

    Rare blue egg laying breeds?

    Hi all, I have been raising chickens for a little while, and my friends said that they were going to try breeding chickens this spring. They said that they are very rare, and lay blue eggs, and they believe that chicks would sell for tons of money. I know it isn't an ameraucana or araucana...
  8. chickenlover89

    Hawks and how to stop them!

    Hi all, Recently I had a hawk attack on one of my seven chickens. Luckily, I was out there, and able to chase the hawk off and the chicken it attacked actually fought it, so no harm was done except a bloody nose which is now fine. I was wondering what the best way to try to avoid more hawk...
  9. chickenlover89

    Blood On All The Chickens Feathers!

    Hi all, I went out today to see the chickens and there was blood on every one of their feathers. I was wondering why, nothing looked wrong on any of them, except one of my araucanas pooped out blood. That worried me! Any help or advice you could give me would be much appreciated. Also if anybody...
  10. chickenlover89

    Why aren't they full grown? 24 weeks old and still not very big

    Hi all, I have 7 chickens within 22-24 weeks, and they aren't very big. I have given them grower feed from blue seal since they were 8 weeks old. I have 2 girls laying eggs, but they still aren't full grown chickens and I have no idea why! Thanks for all the help in advance!
  11. chickenlover89

    My Pet Chicken-Review and Pics of Birds

    I ordered from MPC over the summer, and my chicks are coming up on 15 weeks and 13 weeks, and I would like to see some pics of your birds from MPC, and here how you like them we ordered: delawares, BO's and barred rocks (first order=1 barred rock, 1 white leghorn, 2 delawares=1 WL and 1 delaware...
  12. chickenlover89

    Heritage Chicken Breeders in Southeastern CT?

    Hi all, I am looking for a heritage chicken breeder in southeaster CT, anyone you know?
  13. chickenlover89

    Buff Orpington?

    So, I ordered from MPC, and all chicks seem fine, but this one. I ordered a buff orpington pullet, and it has looked like a buff orpington (not sure of gender), but yesterday. we found brown feathers on his/her tail feathers (after the first small moult), and we don't know what it is, any guess...
  14. chickenlover89

    Chicken Bleeding, losing feathers! Help!

    My dog got out and he chased one of my 12 week old chicks, he get her feathers, he didn't seem to bite HER, just her feathers, but she lost a lot of feathers, and there are just holes that are bleeding now, will she be okay? could he have bitten her, and she just isn't showing the fact that she...
  15. chickenlover89

    Saddle Feathers? *pics*

    so I have 5 12wk old chicks, and I was thinking I was seeing saddle feathers on a few, this is my first flock, so i need help! If you see them, or see them growing in, can you please tell me! they were all supposed to be pullets, and I don't want a rooster! thanks! lavender araucana (tailed)...
  16. chickenlover89

    Randomly Not Eating A Lot??

    Hi all, I have 2 9 wk old chickens, and 5 11 wk old chickens, and all of a sudden, they pretty much stopped eating, they eat a tiny bit per day, any idea why? are they sick? is it just natural? thanks!
  17. chickenlover89

    Araucana Contest!!!!!!

    Alright lets see those araucanas!!!! just list the color of the araucana, give it a title, and the gender (if known) This Contest ends on September 28th. You guys can vote and I will tally up the votes at the end of the day and then announce who won! Have fun and be nice, and lets see your...
  18. chickenlover89

    Water Not Freezing?

    I have quite cold winters up where I live, and it is starting to get cold...and so i was wonder: hwo do I keep my chickens water from freezing in the winter? This is my first flock, so I don't know what to do! Thanks
  19. chickenlover89

    Jersey Giant Contest!!!!!!!

    Alright everybody, you can post any jersey giants you have, tell me the name, color, and give the pic a title.This Contest ends September 10th! Everybody can vote, I will tally the votes at the end of the day on Sep. 10th. Please don't start voting until around Sep 8th or 9th.
  20. chickenlover89

    When To Switch To Layer Feed

    I have young chicks who will be 20 weeks in November (20 weeks is when i am supposed to switch from grower to layer). I am not adding any light to my coop, so my chicks will probably start laying next spring. I heard that if you switch hens onto layer feed before they lay an egg, it can hurt...
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