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  1. earthy_chicks

    Just saw some EE Chicks at the feedstore- Vancouver, WA

    I saw a post about someone looking for Easter Eggers around Vancouver, WA so I thought I would pass this along. They have 4- 3 wk olds at Pioneer Feed just off I-5. Of course they are being advertised as "ameraucanas" but they are the chipmunk looking EE variety. They also had a lot of other day...
  2. earthy_chicks

    is there still hope? sexing ?

    Well here I go. I wasn't going to get all paranoid about roosters this time. Yeah right. So I have 2 one week old EE's and one of them is getting thick legs, angular body, long neck. Likes to the do the whole prance around and spar move. The first four or five primary wing feathers or flight...
  3. earthy_chicks

    WTB Speckled Sussex pullet or hen ( Portland, OR ) or trade for...

    Looking to buy Speckled Sussex pullet or very young hen or I could trade one of my delaware chicks (5 weeks old) for a Sussex chick. Thank you!
  4. earthy_chicks

    *Update-REHOMED* Pair of Laying Hens- Portland, OR

    Hello Chicken-Lovers, I have a Rhode Island Red and a Red Sex-Link. 1 Year old healthy hens in their prime. Fed Organic layer crumble and accustomed to urban coop and run. Must go together and to good home (coop/ protected area ALREADY set up) $40 for the pair. Send me a message on BYC. Thanks!
  5. earthy_chicks

    UPDATE REHOMED-Golden laced Cochin (bantam) Hen- Portland, Oregon

    She is my only bantam and she is often broody. I'm looking to rehome her to a flock with other bantams. Thank you. Found her a new home with a small flock of banties with plenty of space to strut her stuff. Thanks for looking.
  6. earthy_chicks

    what is going on with this hen? please help.

    Hello peeps, hope you can help. I have noticed lately my delaware has been acting funny for a couple of weeks. Moving more slowly, feathers all ruffled up, tail down, standing strangely (kind of balled up) But then she'd perk up and act normal. Yesterday she stood out to me again so I threw in...
  7. earthy_chicks

    can you help solve the mystery of the missing blue eggs???

    I have one Ameraucana in my small flock. When my pullets started laying eggs late last summer I never got any blue eggs. I figured she must of been mixed and didn't get the blue egg-laying gene. Well to my surprise one morning in February I found a blue egg in the nest box. Hooray! Then a couple...
  8. earthy_chicks

    Ladies of the garden coop celebrate their first birthday

    Well it's been a whole year and the ladies are looking so grown up! So I updated my personal page with new photos of them. Take a peak if you are interested.<br> Ahhhh, spring has sprung
  9. earthy_chicks

    finally did something with my page

    Hello Everyone! I finally did something with my byc personal page. I have some cute pics on there. Check it out if you're interested
  10. earthy_chicks

    drops of blood under the roost-UPDATE

    I'm not sure if this is an emergency but from everything I've read on here chickens go fast so I just want to make sure I'm not missing something important. I introduced 4 new pullets and rehomed 3 cockerels this past week so now I have a total of 7 pullets, ages range from 7-11 weeks. The...
  11. earthy_chicks

    suck an egg

    O.k. out of 6 chicks I've been working with day and night for my backyard flock, 3 are roosters! I want to add more but where can I find 8 week olds that have been handled? pooh.
  12. earthy_chicks

    linoleum lined droppings board ROCKS!!!

    so I followed some advice I saw on here about putting linoleum on the droppings board under the roosts, and I cleaned the coop for the first time after the girls had been out for five days. Linoleum ROCKS!!! So easy to clean! Highly recommended the hubby thinks I'm incredibly strange for being...
  13. earthy_chicks

    city flock owners- how do you compost the poo?

    Hello. I wanted to ask those of you who have to be diligent when it comes to coop/compost smell. How do you compost the chicken poo? I want to find the least smelly way for our city coop. Thanks so much!
  14. earthy_chicks

    6-7 week old pullets(I think) - behavior ?'s

    Is it normal for a couple of pullets to constantly challenge each other in this way? My SLW and buff Brahma try to raise their heads higher than the other and peck the other down. Their neck feathers fluff up and they dance around until the other retreats. So is this normal pullet behavior or...
  15. earthy_chicks

    blood on beak

    Today my 5 week old Delaware had blood and a little cut on her beak, right in the middle. Oh no! I put on some anti-picking lotion (marigold, tea tree oil, & some other natural ingredients) and wondered if I should separate her so the other chicks wouldn't make it worse but she started flipping...
  16. earthy_chicks

    new coop (photos) ~ so proud

    After a busy month of building it's done! yay! I can finally take my huge stack of building books back to the library. So I wanted to share. Thanks to this great message board for all the help too:) the coop under the apple tree side shot back clean-out door to henhouse 2 nest boxes-...
  17. earthy_chicks

    anyone have Buff Brahma Bantie that can help with sexing? PHOTOS added

    I have a 6 1/2 week old buff Brahma bantie and so far it looks like she has feathered out like all the pics I have seen of pullets in this breed. But, her comb already has red (comb is still small) and she seems to make a crow-like sound different than the others. I'm totally a newbie so I'm...
  18. earthy_chicks

    do you provide roosting poles in the run?

    Hi Everyone, I am finishing up my attached run and henhouse and I wondering about putting roosts in the run area. I thought it would be nice for them to sunbathe but maybe it would keep them from going back inside to roost at night? I don't know. Any ideas would be great. Thanks!
  19. earthy_chicks

    1 1/2" wide roost o.k.?

    Hi Everyone! Just back from the Depot to get more supplies and the largest diameter of wooden dowels I could find was 1 1/2" for the roosting poles. It seems quite large to me but I keep seeing 2" listed as the minimum. Can I have some input here? Thanks!
  20. earthy_chicks

    chicks hormonal?

    I have been trying to handle my chicks a lot for the past three weeks to get them used to me and in the beginning they were all very sweet and tolerated being held. However, I've noticed now that a few of them have gotten really irritable about being held and they are also loosing a lot of fluff...
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