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  1. mychickensneaky

    Vacation with chickens? Ideas?

    I really want to go somewhere this fall that last a whole week. My mom said something like how are we going to go tho cause we have 65 chickens? I don't know what to say but I was wondering do any of you guys go on vacation even tho you have chickens? I have relatives but they are states away...
  2. mychickensneaky

    :) !mychickensneaky chat thread! :)

    First I will tell you a little about me I have 65 chickens I am home schooled and like talking! :) You can talk about anything and everything you want to. So come on and join the chat! :D Someone come help me pick a subject to talk about! :)
  3. mychickensneaky

    Stinky eggs! :(

    Ok, so I pick up eggs every day. I crack one to use when I am cooking and bam right in my face a horrible strong smell coming from the egg. Someone told me that rotten eggs smell like this. But in my case I don't think mine are rotten because I pick them up every day. The eggs smell like a very...
  4. mychickensneaky

    Hawk? molting?

    My pet chicken Sneaky I call her has lost her tail. Witch is really weird because she used to have a long pretty tail. Just a day ago. So I left my chickens out to free range when I left to go out to town. The next morning when I saw her she had no tail and her neck looked funny. I thought...
  5. mychickensneaky

    Hawk? malting?

    My pet chicken Sneaky I call her has lost her tail. Witch is really weird because she used to have a long pretty tail. Just a day ago. So I left my chickens out to free range when I left to go out to town. The next morning when I saw her she had no tail and her neck looked funny. I thought...
  6. mychickensneaky

    Watery eggs?

    I always get eggs every day because I have 50 chickens. I have phoenix,dorkings,fyoumis and some mixes. But Anyway, some of the eggs seem to be watery inside to the point I am hestitent of eating there eggs. Some are bloody too. Kind of gross. I dont know why some are watery and am really...
  7. mychickensneaky

    My dog is sick! I think?

    I really don't know what to say but my dog pukes her food up. I got an anatolian guard dog to protect my chickens. She is 1 year old. She is very playful and shows no symptoms of a sickeness besides she pukes like every other day. And has a runny nose I think? Someone told me dogs were suppost...
  8. mychickensneaky

    My dog is sick! I think?

    I really don't know what to say but my dog pukes her food up. I got an anatolian guard dog to protect my chickens. She is 1 year old. She is very playful and shows no symptoms of a sickeness besides she pukes like every other day. And has a runny nose I think? Someone told me dogs were suppost...
  9. mychickensneaky

    Please help! Really hurt bird and really mean rooster!

    This morning I was checked on my birds and I have 2 roosters in one cage. I noticed yesterday that I had one mean rooster and seperated them. But to find out I accidently put the mean rooster with my nice pheniox rooster! :'( My nice rooster was in the coner of the cage with mud over it's head...
  10. mychickensneaky

    My hen is injuried very bad!

    I have a hen that I found in her house when I opend the chickens door to let them out to free range. She was getting up and like she was dizzie kept claspsing looked like she was passing out! I picked her up and looked at her and she had 2 black eyes her whole face was swallon. and 1 of her legs...
  11. mychickensneaky

    Turkey vultures?

    Do turkey vultures eat alive chickens? I have like 30 turkey vultures that fly over my flock when I let them free range! It kind of scares me. :( And also It might sond crazy but I cant really tell the diffrence beetween hawks and turkey vultures... do you have any ideas on how to tell the...
  12. mychickensneaky

    My hen has an infection in her eye!!! Help

    My 20 week old girl once had an infection in her eye and she got rid of it by me putting salt water in her eye. Then she was fine just blind out of that one eye but she could eat and drink and do everything on her own fine. Now say 3 to 4 weeks down the road she has another infection in her same...
  13. mychickensneaky

    My hen has an infection in her eye!!! Help

    My 20 week old girl once had an infection in her eye and she got rid of it by me putting salt water in her eye. Then she was fine just blind out of that one eye but she could eat and drink and do everything on her own fine. Now say 3 to 4 weeks down the road she has another infection in her same...
  14. mychickensneaky

    Why are my eggs bloody inside?!?

    I was making some fried eggs this morning and cracked open 4 of my eggs and the yolk inside looked bloody. I was totally grosed out but now it keeps me curious why the eggs were bloody inside and afraid to find my other eggs like this. And also one day I cracked one of my eggs and it looked...
  15. mychickensneaky

    Should I let my chickens free range when it is raining?

    It's pretty muddy out, 50°, and raining. Will my chickens get sick if I let them out and they get soaked? They never come in till its dark so I don't know if they will come in out of the rain on their own or stay out in the rain and get sick?
  16. mychickensneaky

    yay! First fayoumi egg! :)

    Yesterday I found three white eggs from my fayoumi chickens in there house. They gave me a late birthday preasent. Lol My birthday was 2 days before they layed eggs. They sure taste a lot better then the ones from the store. :) Today I found 2 eggs. But the 1 of the 2 today was huge and the hen...
  17. mychickensneaky

    Lets scetch! :D

    Hey lets scetch lets see who can make the best scetch of a chicken or chick or roos. This is how you 1 person scetch 2 persons scetch then the 3rd person has to decide witch is the best scetch and so on. THIS IS JUST FOR FUN NOT ANYTHING FOR BEING MEAN!!!!
  18. mychickensneaky

    Give me any picture and I will turn it into a sketch.

    Hello! I love to draw/skecth! Give me a pic and I'll turn it into a drawing. :) I am a beginner tho so give me time. And it might not look exacly like the pic you gave me. :/ But I'll try!!! :)
  19. mychickensneaky

    How do I train a dog not to kill my chickens?

    How do I train dogs not to kill chickens? Some are very playful can I still train them not to kill chickens? :)
  20. mychickensneaky

    who wants to chat?

    Hey everyone lets chat! But reamember to fallow the rules on here! :D
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