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  1. ChickadeeRanch

    My Fat, Old chickens

    So right now I have 5, 4 yr old hens - 2 RIR hens (they are dual-purpose so of course their fat) and 3 white leghorns who over the past few years have gained quite alot of weight...actually sorta suddenly take for example Audrey who was as light as a feather is now this Well not quite but she...
  2. ChickadeeRanch

    Wow they actually have a brain! How your Chickens intelligence blew you away

    Just share your stories about how the impressed you with their intel!
  3. ChickadeeRanch

    Please help!

    First I brought in Blue because she had the same symptoms as one of my hens that died ( I'll tell you about her later but this is more urgent) But then I found Ingrid in sleeping position sitting at the edge of the nesting box dripping gooey fluid from her butt...she was perky and fine just a...
  4. ChickadeeRanch

    What is your favorite chicken's personality: Share stories and pics!

    So yeah I think the title explains it ( Sorry it's a bit confusing but I think you get the point ) Love to hear from you! Anyway I'll shut up now
  5. ChickadeeRanch

    In Honor of Ginger: Share your Rooster pictures here!

    Go to to find pictures and stories about my Rooster But while your here show me your Rooster
  6. ChickadeeRanch

    Urgent! Liver disease!

    My Rhode Island Red rooster of 3 years has fallen ill! He has all the symptoms for liver disease! His comb went a bit purple around the edges, he has are hard time having bowel movements, he has low energy - he does not even cock a doodle doo much any more and just like it said in the article I...
  7. ChickadeeRanch

    Urgent! Liver Disease!

    My beloved rooster has fallen ill! He has all the symptoms for liver disease! His comb went a bit purple around the edges, he has are hard time having bowel movements, he has low energy - he does not even cock a doodle doo and just like it said in the article I read he just started showing...
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