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  1. cowcreekgeek

    Recall of feeds/foods from Tractor Supply -- Vitamin D deficient, Aflatoxins (Aspergillus related).

    In regard to many products being recalled from the shelves of Tractor Supply Company, and the fact the FDA reports it as 'company initiated' it should be known that Cargill did NOT warn anybody of the aflatoxins until *after* the USDA discovered that they had been under-reporting the levels of...
  2. cowcreekgeek

    ODD GROWTH on Chicken's Head w/ PICTURE ~'-)

    Have a Merry Christmas, folks ~'-)
  3. cowcreekgeek

    Thought I had a Brahma, 'til today ...

    Have a Merry Christmas, folks ~'-)
  4. cowcreekgeek

    Forensic Evidence of a Raptor's Successful Hunt?

    This photo was found by my brother on reddit, in a post by skatebard, entitled, "I think a bird fell in the snow and walked away. I think." I'm thinkin' a rabbit, running and turning, so as to avoid a hawk, which simply adjusted ever so slightly and ... well ... you get the idea ~'-)
  5. cowcreekgeek

    My Flocks are Panicked, and Too Upset to Sleep!

    They're all runnin' about their enclosure, as if the world didn't actually come to an end today, and now that Winter's officially begun? I've no idea what to do to calm 'em back down ~'-)
  6. cowcreekgeek

    Dividing Guineas into Smaller Flocks; some w/ the chickens, others on their own ...Q

    By approaching this issue, I've found that it raises many ... Guineas and Chickens were raised together, with only a few problematic personalities (for the most part, no longer an issue). Our farm is about as good as it gets for nature, which makes predation a high probability. We have a high...
  7. cowcreekgeek

    Missing 1-Month-Old Chick -- Any Ideas?

    These chicks have been raised in an outdoor brooder, and have been conditioned to temperature variations, and are exceptionally well feathered for their age, so I'm not as worried about the temperature falling below 40 degrees as I am the owl that perches in the eaves, directly across the road...
  8. cowcreekgeek

    Avatars -- What Formats to Use, and Which Sizes Work Best ~'-)

    I searched the forums, with no good answers found. SoOo ... I've been testin' a bit (suggestions/comments are welcome/appreciated ~'-) The Avatars you will see on are squares made from the images you upload, and resized to fit the format of the different areas of BYC ...
  9. cowcreekgeek

    Do I have a Buff Brahma, and could you take a look at my chicks?

    Beyond just Breed Identification, I'm hopin' to gather opinions as to their current level of development ... If you wouldn't mind, please >> peck here << to check 'em out ~'-)
  10. cowcreekgeek

    Breed ID and development of my 18 day old chicks?

    Rather than sortin' through google's billions of photos for those similar to my own, I figured askin' y'all would be far easier, and more fun. Guesses/opinions are welcome/appreciated. I'd also like to know your thoughts on their current development, when compared to other 17-18 day old chicks...
  11. cowcreekgeek

    FEEDING KEETS (w/ video of mine eating RED DOTS and drinking really CHEAP vodka)

    Now that I've got your attention? Those of you that have raised keets know that there ain't no such thing as "Guinea Starter" on the shelf. I bought the Gamebird/Showbird Feed, but mixed a *limited* amount of Medicated (with Amprolium) Chick Starter for better protection from coccidia, as my...
  12. cowcreekgeek

    Video of my Twenty-Six Chicks, literally hopping into the brooder ...

    Upon arrival, I first transferred them one by one into a different box, makin' sure each drank a bit of water (which had cooled since heating to better dissolve the sugar and dash of salt that I'd added). Thought they'd stay in this short-sided cardboard tray for a day or two, before beginning...
  13. cowcreekgeek

    d@niel / cowcreekgeek ~'-)

    Hey, fellow fowlers, and thanks to the good folks of BYC for givin' us a place to flock to. Came here on my youngest brother's suggestion; although I was takin' care of chickens before he ate his first egg, he's far more experienced at it ... just gettin' (re)started on our family farm. I've...
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