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  • Users: conroy
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  1. conroy

    Relocating from Long Island, NY to Cherokee Cty, GA

    HI Peeps, So it looks like my husband is going to be getting early retirement and our friends have moved to Canton, Ga and love it. We are thinking of relocating there. Our 2 oldest are in HS and our youngest will be entering middle school. The only snag with my kids is that there are no...
  2. conroy

    Transporting chickens and ducks a long distance

    Wasn't sure where to post this...we currently live on LI and are moving to GA. It is a 19 hour do I transport my 10 chickens and 7 ducks safely? I am reaching out for ideas...I have been stressing about this...I don't want to them to be too uncomfortable.
  3. conroy

    Cuckoo Maran Rooster 5 1/2 months old

    Free Cuckoo Maran Rooster, very gentle, nice personality but he has started crowing and we cannot have a crowing bird in our neighborhood. We are willing to drive him to you (within 2 hours), or at least half way. We are on Long Island.
  4. conroy

    My Khakis are sooo LOUD!!

    OK so I love them and so far the neighbors don't seem to mind....but my Khaki Campbell ducks are sooooo loud... we named them Abigail and Amelia (from Aristocats) Is this breed notoriously LOUD?
  5. conroy

    when can baby run with the big chickens?

    Our EE brooded one baby.. we had 4 eggs but... so the other day, when baby was 1 day old, the hen brought her around all the other chickens... I picked her and the hen up and put them back in the nesting box.... my question is when is it ok to let the hen bring her out with the bigger hens...
  6. conroy

    Only one egg is going to hatch....what should we do with chick???

    OK just as the title said!! AGGH!! Onle one chick is going to hatch the other eggs looks like it is not fertile..... so what should I do with the single chick.... leave it with the broody hen? put it in a brooder box alone? Put it in the brooder box with the hen? Leave it in coop? If I...
  7. conroy

    What is considered day 1

    I have some eggs that are under our broody question is this...they were layed 23 days ago but weren't put under the hen until like 20 days ago.... when do you start the countdown...from the day layed? or the day it was out under the hen?
  8. conroy

    Khaki Campbells?

    Hi I was told these were Chocolate Runners when they were babies... but now they look more like Khaki Campbells....I have 4 Rouens as well...
  9. conroy

    Day 21 should I candle?

    Today is day 21 for my fertile eggs that are under my broody hen. I just got back from vacation...she ate one while we were away...should I candle the remaining eggs? Shouldn't they be hatching?
  10. conroy

    Coop addition

    SO we needed some more egg boxes and this is what we did ... we are really happy it needs paint and trim but I think it looks good view from inside whole coop with addition 3 of our babies... we think they are roos but no crows yet
  11. conroy

    broody hen pushing eggs away

    So our l'il banty EE went broody...last year she didn't lay for 8 months cause she was soo broody...this year she layed everyday for 3 months and then went broody again. SO we got her 4 fertile cuckoo maran eggs from EBAY .... ok so she has been diligent but I have noticed she pushes 2 of the...
  12. conroy

    Duck breed?

    ok So I got these babies this morning... wasn't planning on them but we will make due... you all know how that goes... they are real pretty... the woman who gave them to me said that the three brown ones are Chocolate Runners... the other four she thinks are Rouens.... can anyone confirm? thanks
  13. conroy

    Haven't been on

    Hiya all I haven't been on in about six months so I thought I'd reintroduce myself. I have my list of animals in my signature.. hoping to add to our flock this spring.
  14. conroy

    Anyone have Miniature Sheep?

    I was thinking about these l'il guys... Are they loud? are they destructive? Just thinking about getting two...
  15. conroy

    Silver Spangled Wyandotte

    So as many of you know I am looking for SLW pullets. So I found this lady selling Wyandottes but she has them advertised as Silver Spangled. I asked her if they were purebred and she said yes... Is there a Silver Spangled Wyandotte? If so does anyone have a picture?
  16. conroy

    Wanted: Wyandotte pullets on LI

    Looking for Silver laced or Golden laced wyandotte pullets. I would prefer to pick them up over having them shipped. I'm willing to drive a couple of hours.... So if there's anyone within a couple hours of NYC that has some please pm me.
  17. conroy

    Any one in North East have Sebrights? YAY he said yes to Sebrights!!!

    I hope I posted this in the correct area. I would like to purchase some Sebrights. My husband is less than keen on the idea for a couple reasons. The first is that they aren't great layers... I told him I don't care they are pretty. The second reason, and the reason for my post, is that they...
  18. conroy

    Anybody ever order from the Burpee catalog? Ordering this year?

    So I was checking out the new burpee catalog. Anyone ever plant seeds for the "Sweet Seedless Tomato"? Any seeds anyone wants to recommend as easy to grow veggies? We have a couple gardens and I always buy the seeds from the store but there are some I can't find so I think I'm gonna order...
  19. conroy

    Measuring eggs?

    Hey there just curious if any of you guys measure your eggs when baking. There is a noticeable difference between the size of my BR eggs and my Australorp eggs. Today I used 2 smaller ones in pancakes and they still came out good. But I do know that some baking recipes have to be exact. So I...
  20. conroy

    Anybody else eat cookie dough? OK tell your fav flav...

    Just curious.... I cannot make a batch of cookies without taking at least a mouthful of dough... I know it grosses some people out but there have to be people out there that do it...
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