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  1. JadedPhoenix

    Chicken Friends!

    Let's get a positive thread going. I posted before about how my blue silkie gets bullied by my production reds but not my white leghorns. Well, I witnessed something last week that warmed by heart. I let my flock out to roam like I'd been doing since the weather has been warmer. Each day...
  2. JadedPhoenix

    Cooped up Silkie

    We all know that Silkies don't get the respect that they should in a flock in general. Well, I have a blue silkie who is the eldest of my flock. She is the only silkie with about six white leghorns and five production reds. The reds have always been quite aggressive with the silkie. Not to...
  3. JadedPhoenix

    Sometimes the help is no help

    Boy, it has been HOT lately. I'm going on vacation at the end of the week and I can't wait to get out of this humidity. Of course, there is always the issue of taking care of the animals while I'm gone. I've hired a neighbor to feed and water the chickens and collect the eggs. I honestly...
  4. JadedPhoenix

    Unbelievable mistakes

    The longer I keep chickens and the more fellow chicken owners that I come across the more mistakes that I can't believe that I see. For instance, I work with someone who has had chickens for more than ten years. Every year her hens go broody and has chicks, except this year. So instead she...
  5. JadedPhoenix

    Wind can really mess with our birds

    Just figured that I'd throw this out there for everyone with it being spring in the top half of the planet. It has been really windy around here lately which has had some unforeseen consequences. I have had what looks like kite string or string from feed bags fly into the run from the...
  6. JadedPhoenix

    Silent rooster?

    I have been suspecting my sultans (hatchery quality) of being roosters for a while based on their behavior but now I'm really starting to wonder about them. They are about two years and half old and though I've never heard or seen either crow I do see them stand off in typical rooster fashion...
  7. JadedPhoenix

    Processing Chocolate Turkeys

    I have some chocolate turkey eggs in the bator now and I'm just wondering when would be the best time to process this breed. Any different than lavenders or mottled blacks? That is the other two breeds I have with them.
  8. JadedPhoenix

    White Rock/ Rose comb?

    On March 20, I bought what was labeled as 10 "cornish rock" hens. Thinking that they were cornish crosses (they did have the meat bird label on their tub) I prepared myself for my first batch of chickens meant solely for processing. Well, the ended up NOT being meat chickens. In fact, not...
  9. JadedPhoenix

    Hen with an identity crisis

    I'm always on the look out for odd behaviors in my flock so when my one year old Cochin started to whimpering instead of clucking a month ago, it definitely caught my attention. I was trying to figure out if she was sick or injured. Nope. She just has stopped clucking and making normal...
  10. JadedPhoenix

    Need Processing Lesson: NC

    I've been keeping chickens for several years but there is one thing that I haven't been able to do yet. Process one of my chickens for the freezer. The reason being, I have to DO something to learn it. I have looked on-line until my eyes have bled but I don't feel like I can do it based on...
  11. JadedPhoenix

    Processing lesson in NC?

    I've been keeping chickens for several years but there is one thing that I haven't been able to do yet. Process one of my chickens for the freezer. The reason being, I have to DO something to learn it. I have looked on-line until my eyes have bled but I don't feel like I can do it based on...
  12. JadedPhoenix

    2015 CHICK DAYS!!

    Figured I'd start a thread so folks can share when their local feed stores will have chicks for the rest of the chick-a-holics on here. I was just at the TSC store in Lexington, NC and they expected them today but they didn't come so they should have some tomorrow. I wish it had been a...
  13. JadedPhoenix

    Persistent Silkie

    I have a silkie who has tried to hatch out a brood three times already this winter. For the last four days she hasn't left the nest so today I went ahead and gave in. I put a leghorn egg and two augsberger eggs under her so here's to hoping that she will make a good mother. Day one, down.
  14. JadedPhoenix

    Lonely chicken showed up

    Today when I woke up (I work nights) my husband asked me if I had a chicken loose because he thought he saw one while he was outside. I was certain that I didn't since it has been more than two weeks since I've let them free-range but when I went out to check on them and collect my egg (it is...
  15. JadedPhoenix

    Broody hen stages...

    I have a silkie who has been on one of the nests every time I've gone outside for the last couple of days so I have the feeling she is TRYING to go broody. The thing is, she has moved every time I've nudged her to move so I could collect the eggs so I don't believe she is fully broody just yet...
  16. JadedPhoenix

    Bumblefoot, recovery...

    On Friday, I performed the bumblefoot surgery on my three year old hen, Copper. Last week, I noticed her limping and she tended to just lie around the run and she wouldn't roost, rather she crawled into an old nesting box that no one uses anymore. Her foot had the black dot but the bump was...
  17. JadedPhoenix

    Too many roos

    Like many others on here, I have too many roos for what I need. I have three extra Augsburger Roos as well as a bantam mixed roo as of right now. I suspect I'll have a couple of silkies to add to the list as well. My roos range in ages 12 to 14 weeks old. If you would like one or more of my...
  18. JadedPhoenix

    13/14 week old fertile cockerel?

    I have two young cockerels who are no older than 14 weeks old and I've noticed that my older laying hens' eggs have shown fertility once more after being without a rooster for more than two months. The boys are still much younger than my laying hens and the older girls are pretty bossy around...
  19. JadedPhoenix

    What breeds have you regretted adding to your flock?

    I'm sure that we've all been there. We've had the "Perfect" flock minus one or two chickens and often times they are a different breed than the rest of the flock. For me, the breed that I wish I didn't have is the bantam cochin. I have two who are three months old that I got for my nephew and...
  20. JadedPhoenix

    Youngest that your hens have ever laid

    I have had two eggs to be found in the morning under the roosting bars two mornings in the row and I'm a little dumbfounded. I have four hens that are two years old who have never "missed the nesting boxes" along with chicks of different ages. The oldest chicks are thirteen weeks old and I'm...
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