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  1. mississippifarmboy

    The opposite of “Afraid of the dark”

    I remember when I was a kid and I woke with the night terrors and needed to clear my head and think I’d slip out the bedroom window and make my way by the light of the moon and stars over the mountain and down to a high glen on the south side. Only a half mile or so from the house but it was...
  2. mississippifarmboy

    I met my best friend on BYC. Anyone else?

    A long long time ago... No, not American Pie, but anyway... I joined a chicken forum. I got pretty active then it went poof! And disappeared. Then it was restarted. And being me, I got active again under a new name (because I couldn’t remember what I was registered under before). So I’ve been...
  3. mississippifarmboy

    Farm Blogs?

    I had a guy ask me today why we didn't have a farm blog. He was talking about our chickens, asking about some of the breeds we have, talking about the progress we've made around the place. I've no idea who he was, must have bought chickens from us several times or something I guess. It got me to...
  4. mississippifarmboy

    Are there any other Anti-Sports fans besides me?

    I was just cruising BYC and saw a thread on racing. Got me to wondering. I don't get watching "sports". What's the deal with it? You sit and watch someone else do.... well.... something I guess. Racing? I don't see "racing", I see a bunch of silly looking advertising sign cars all going the...
  5. mississippifarmboy

    I need a life...

    Was cruising BYC and realized hardly anyone is on. Then I realized something.... It's 8:30 on a Saturday night. Everyone else has a life. I wasn't always this boring, I'm sure I wasn't. At least I don't think I was. I used to do... well... stuff on Saturday nights. I'm old. I'm going...
  6. mississippifarmboy

    Hey Redhen! Piggies!!

    Only three so far... but she's still HUGE.. so should have a pretty large litter.
  7. mississippifarmboy

    Hey NYREDS, Fowlman01, other Dom breeders and judges.... Critique please?

    You know I'm tough... tear them apart. I really want to learn, so seriously, give me your views, both good and bad. I'm looking for the advise I need to breed SOP birds. They aren't my pets, they are my chickens. If they are good enough to start with... let me know. If they are garbage, they...
  8. mississippifarmboy

    Anyone else going to Ripley, Ms this weekend?

    Just wondering if any other BYCers will be at the Ripley First Monday flea market this Saturday. We'll be in the dog yard with some of our stock.
  9. mississippifarmboy

    A few pictures around the farm

    I've been pretty sick the past few days and out of sheer boredom decided to post a few pictures of things around the farm. It seems we have 100 projects started and zero finished, but every day the dream gets closer.... I notice people aren't posting pictures as much anymore, just thought I'd...
  10. mississippifarmboy

    Guinea Genetics Question... Lavender pops up after hundreds of keets?

    Just curious if anyone knows why this is happening now. I started years ago with a pair of pearl guineas. Never had any other color on the farm, ever. From that original pair I hatched a few dozen and every year have been hatching from the previous year's birds. In the past 6 years or so I've...
  11. mississippifarmboy

    Looking for breeder quality red shoulder Yokahamas, Eggs, chicks or ?

    We currently have a small flock of red shouldered Yokahamas and are looking for good, breeder or show quality, bloodlines to improve fertility and markings in our flock. Would consider hatching eggs, chicks or adult birds under two years old. From my research it seems all are descended from 7...
  12. mississippifarmboy

    At what age do you allow your children to process meat birds?

    I'm just curious. I was taking some pictures of my 13 year old dressing some guineas and young roosters for our Thanksgiving dinner and one of my neighbors stopped by, and almost fainted. He said he might eat a farm chicken, but would never allow a child to help, much less allow a child to do it...
  13. mississippifarmboy

    Choice of breeds, ages and colors, over 100 to sell, bidding on one.

    It's that time of year again, time to cut our flocks back to just the breeders we are keeping for next year. Our local broker is currently giving $6.00 a head for processing, so I'm starting the bid there and if you are top bidder you can take one bird or up to however many we have at the...
  14. mississippifarmboy

    Alright already... I'm back, was just sick. Jeez...

    Finally got my PM's cleared out, so thought I'd just let everyone know I'm fine. Been sick for a couple of weeks and been depressed and just needed a little break. I'm ok though, just still a bit weak and grumpy. I won't be online just a whole lot until I get to feeling better, but I'm still...
  15. mississippifarmboy

    Double, triple posting?

    Just wondering if anyone else has noticed that it looks like about half of all the post the past little while are double or triple posting? Is this a glitch in BYC or is something else going on?
  16. mississippifarmboy

    Quality Dominique Bantams... What are they worth?

    I have a friend who just found two trios of very tiny Dominiques. He asked me about them and I know nothing at all about them, so thought I'd pick all the BYC'ers brains. These are supposedly quality birds. I haven't seen them, but he is supposed to email me some pictures, when he does I'll...
  17. mississippifarmboy

    Happy Birthday Woodmort

    Tomorrow, October 6th is Woodmorts Birthday. I gotta work, so might not be online, so going to get a head start on saying.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! You are a appreciated resource here on BYC and I always look forward to your posts. Happy Birthday and I hope you have a wonderful day...
  18. mississippifarmboy

    I Quit!!

    As of today I have been quit smoking for 9 days, Terra has been quit for a week. Yeah for me I've been at least a two pack a day smoker for around 32 years, so I think it's a major milestone in my life. So now I gotta problem. I need a new vice.... I think I'll take up.. ummm.. eattin'...
  19. mississippifarmboy

    What is it with women and eyelashes? I don't get it.

    Ok, another really random MFB post.... I read. I like to read. It's fun and I enjoy it alot. There's only one teenie lil problem..... I'm blind as a bat when it comes to reading small print. I have no problem seeing things at a distance, just can't see things close up. So I have a pair of...
  20. mississippifarmboy

    Hey Redhen! Look what we got!

    Remember Terra lost her little female back in the spring? Well, I finally found another one. I traded some chickens for it. She's a sweetie! Terra named her Baby Girl.... sounds like something I would do.
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