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  1. TheCrazyClucker

    My friend is having account problems..

    My close friend, Eliza joined a couple weeks ago. Her username was Eliza5 when she joined but she PMed terrielacy to change her username to SunnySkyFarm. She told me when she wanted to log on she typed in "Eliza5" and then her password. But then realizing her username might of been changed...
  2. TheCrazyClucker

    The possible gender of these 14 week old Silkies?

    Cindy: Jasmine: Any ideas as of gender? They are both about 14 weeks old. Cindy both roos (it's pretty pathetic) and clucks (that's impressive) and I've only heard Jasmine cluck (it's pretty good), not roo. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
  3. TheCrazyClucker

    TheCrazyClucker's Photo Editing Thread!

    Hi everybody! So, I thought this sounded fun so if you want your photo(s) edited come here! I will edit almost all photos, but I WILL NOT edit * Overly personal photos * Gruesome or offensive photos For anybody who is interested, I use So if you want me to edit your...
  4. TheCrazyClucker

    Can't post a new profile picture!

    I'm trying to post a new profile pic from the bluetooth folder on my laptop but it always says an temporary error has occured please try again but i tried a billion times but it keeps saying that!! Is anybody else having this problem???
  5. TheCrazyClucker

    Need help naming my mini horse!!

    Just got him from an auction but I don't have a name! Can you help? On his right side he has a little bit of white dappling. His coat is a brownish-grey. His mane,tail,and forelock are whitish-flaxen. Here's him:
  6. TheCrazyClucker

    Blue Mille Fluer? Can someone please clear this up for me?

    Is Blue Mille Fluer the same as Porcelain? Or what?
  7. TheCrazyClucker

    The Non-Bored Club!!! Where all the bored people go!!!!! (Come to be non-boredified!!!!)

    The Non-Bored Club! Come to be non-boredified! Hey everybody! You bored? But be bored no longer! This club where you go to be non-boredified! Anybody is welcome! No "joining" required just introduce yourself an pop in on the conversation! Special thanks to Bossy Bantams for this idea...
  8. TheCrazyClucker

    Need help breaking broody hen!

    My Orloff hen is broody,and has been for the past four weeks. I've tried dunking her in a bucket of water,but she's still broody. My mom doesn't want to seperate her from the flock,either. What do we do? Will she just come out of it on her own? Thanks!
  9. TheCrazyClucker

    Why can't I make a list anymore?

    I noticed you can't make a list of breeds or supplies anymore... Why not? And if you can, how?
  10. TheCrazyClucker

    The Prettiest Hen(s) Show! ENDS JUNE 15, 2013

    The Prettiest Hen Show! Show off your prettiest hen(s)! Maximum three entries for each person Hens can be any breed, and purebreed or crossbreed Chickenfan4life,LovePolish,Mr MKK FARMS,SilkiesForEver,and I will judge Contest ends June 15, 2013 Winners will be posted that day We...
  11. TheCrazyClucker

    Is this hen a bantam Partridge Wyandotte?

    Does Clover look like a bantam Partridge Wyandotte to you?
  12. TheCrazyClucker

    Recipies for double-yolkers?

    Kind of getting bored with the usual over-light egg...and I've got a couple double-yolkers I'd love to see what I could make out of. Any good double-yolker recipes?
  13. TheCrazyClucker

    Can you cut a 5 week old chick's wings?

    Hi, our two new Salmon Faverolle chicks are flyers! They have flown up to the top of the grower coop, which is about 3-4 feet tall, and it is possible for them to get out of the enclosure that way. They are five weeks old, so is it okay for us to cut their wings? Thanks!
  14. TheCrazyClucker

    This EE is a Girl... Right?

    What gender do you think Cindy Lou is? (She is the chick in the front) Thanks!
  15. TheCrazyClucker


    I'm sure the title gives it all away But how you play is simple. Someone gives 3 clues. EXAMPLE: Clue-Giver: Colorful. Squishy. Yummy! And another person guesses what it is by the clues. Guesser1: Gummy bears? The clue-giver tells them if they are right or wrong. Clue-Giver: Right! If after 5...
  16. TheCrazyClucker

    Blue Ameraucana thread!

    I noticed there wasn't a Blue Ameraucana thread anywhere... so I'm starting one! This thread is for all the fellow Blue Ameraucana lovers! I know you're out there somewhere, and this is your thread! I breed Blue Ameraucanas. I have 1 rooster (Merlin) and 4 hens (Ellie, Minnie, Cassy, and...
  17. TheCrazyClucker

    Show off your roosters!!

    This is not a contest, just show off your rooster(s)! There is no limit on pictures, post away! Skittles, the best rooster EVER:
  18. TheCrazyClucker

    What color is this Polish rooster?

    I don't know if this is the right forum to ask this in. If not, my apologies to the mods. I have a Polish roo, Skittles. Does anybody know what color Polish he is? thanks!
  19. TheCrazyClucker

    Name ideas for Silver Spangled Hamburg hen?

    I've had my Silver Spangled Hamburg hen for a little over a year now and just realized she never got a name... Any suggestions? I'm open to anything, name away!
  20. TheCrazyClucker

    The Q&A Game!

    I guess the title speaks for it self haha. But how you play is simple. The person above you asks a question. You answer it, and then you ask a question. Example: User1: What's your favorite color? User2: Red. What is your favorite movie? User3: The Twilight Saga. Have you ever broken your arm...
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