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  1. fluffykitty12

    Possible Respiratory Infection?

    I noticed one girl sitting alone, feathers puffed up. What really got me was how pale her eyelids were. On the second day I pulled her out and isolated her. I believe it's a respiratory infection. She's got pale eyes, a bit of poo around the vent (whitish', and a lethargic, puffed up stance...
  2. fluffykitty12

    Worming treatments?

    I'm pretty sure some of my girls have worms. I thought it was just due to getting old, but the abrupt stopping in egg production in my smaller coop, as well as how skinny and somewhat lethargic a few seem, points to worms. Even if it isn't worms, I'm still like to de-worm as a preventative...
  3. fluffykitty12

    Something is horribly wrong

    I have a 2-3 year old hen, red sex link, nothing special. I nticed ehr bedded down in the coop last night and checked under her for eggs, and when I found nothing, I just assumed she was keeping her feet warm. This morning, she wouln't leave the coop. She can barely stand on her own. I...
  4. fluffykitty12

    Does this sound like coccidiosis?

    Alright- yesterday I went out to find one of my birds acting strangely. She's a 2 year old red sex link- I noticed a lot of diarrhea/poo on her vent area, and that she was hunched, droopy, and walking low/ waddling. I picked ehr up and found ehr crop was very bloated- I figured she had sour...
  5. fluffykitty12

    Bowel Obstruction in Hen?

    Alright- bear with me here. So I have a hen who was droopy these past they days- droopy comb, not much energy, ect. I had a hen who was laying internally that presented the same way, so I figured it was best to just let her go. I planned on butchering her this evening to put her out of her...
  6. fluffykitty12

    Respiratory Diseases- what is it and how do I treat?

    We had a bad lice epidemic this winter, so when my girls started getting patchy (patches of lost feathers) and dropping in egg production), I began to think it was lice. They've been dusted, coop cleaned, but still only a few eggs a day, and I'm beginning to think there's another culprit here...
  7. fluffykitty12

    Hens have stopped laying? Please help?

    So all my hens have stopped laying. I had a flock of 14, but one of them died suddenly. I was draining an ascetics fluid from her, and I believe the stress of being on he back while I held her was too much, as she died about ten minutes later in my arms, gasping and struggling to breathe, comb...
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