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  1. Sandstorm495

    Chicken suddenly unable to walk, any advice?

    A couple of days ago, we noticed that one of our chickens was laying on the ground of the run, and wasn't getting up. We've set up a 'bed' for it in the wheelbarrow with some blankets, given it food and water, but it seems to have completely lost the use of its legs. Other than that it seems...
  2. Sandstorm495

    Diotamaceous earth - What are your opinions of it?

    I've heard from many members that Diotamaceous earth is good for chickens. But others say it's bad for them. What are your opinions of it? If you would use it, what would you use it for, and how?
  3. Sandstorm495

    Camera question

    Does anyone here own a Finepix Fujifilm Hs10 camera? If so could I have feedback from those who use it as to whether they find it slow, or find that the photos are of poor quality?
  4. Sandstorm495

    Good ideas of what plants to grow for chickens?

    What are some ideal plants to grow for chickens? Ideas anyone? Our chickens don't free range.
  5. Sandstorm495

    The Cat Thread-For Cat Owners

    There's a Dog thread so why shouldn't there be a cat thread? I would love to see photos of your cats, whatever breed they may be. Here's some of mine: Name: Davros Breed: Persian cross Age: 13-14 yrs old If you could include the age and breed that would be great.
  6. Sandstorm495

    What are some benefical foods for rabbits?

    Is bread ok for rabbits? No matter how much they have? And what are some other healthy foods for them?
  7. Sandstorm495

    Do you have any rare breeds of rabbits or chickens?

    Anyone have any pictures of your rare breeds of rabbits or chickens to show?
  8. Sandstorm495

    Treats and other foods to feed on cold days

    What do you feed your hens on cold days? Yesterday it was reasonably cold, so I went and gave them some oatmeal soaked in warm water. I'm curious to know what you would feed your chickens on cold days!
  9. Sandstorm495

    Fussy chicken not eating layer feed

    Hello all, Ever since we got her, one of our Red Star hens has been a very fussy eater. She prefers not to eat layer feed, although she will peck at it a little. She doesn't enjoy treats besides grapes ,grass, meat and a few other things, preferring to peck at things around the yard. Is there...
  10. Sandstorm495

    Post pictures of your Red Stars!

    Hello everyone, This is a thread where you can post pictures of your Red Stars! I have four Red Stars who are about 3 years of age, they are cute and entertaining. I was just wondering, how many of you out there have Red Stars, and have you found them to good pets or good layers? Feel free...
  11. Sandstorm495

    Can your community profile picture be the same as your avatar?

    I was just wondering because when I tried to change my avatar before to be the same as my community profile, it refreshed the page and changed my community profile back to what is before. Is this a problem, or is just that you can't have your avatar pic the same as your community profile picture?
  12. Sandstorm495

    Weird eggs? Why and how do they happen?

    Hi all The other day I picked up a strange egg laid by one of my Red Stars. It had a crushed in side and end, and had a stringy parts of yolk and egg attached to it.. Thought s on this?
  13. Sandstorm495

    When are chickens past the 'laying stage'?

    We have four Red star hens which are around 3-1\2 years old. I just wanted to know,when do hens stop, or not lay so many eggs?
  14. Sandstorm495

    Help please BYC!

    I suddenly can't post any private messages anymore and a box pops up when I try to send one that says there was a problem submitting the message to the server! What can I do?
  15. Sandstorm495

    Chicken with diarrhea! Advice?

    I have a chicken who has just got diarrhea today. She is walking around slowly and not doing much, however she is eating and drinking.We did clean her and she has gotten sick like this before. What would be your advice?
  16. Sandstorm495

    What is the best diet to feed to chickens?

    What would you say is the best diet to feed to our fully grown Red Stars?
  17. Sandstorm495

    Advice anyone?

    We are most likely going to be breeding some chicks in August or later in the year. Can anyone give me advice? We haven't bred chicks before, and if anyone could post their advice it would help heaps. For a start can anyone tell me the average of how many eggs a chicken will lay in one clutch?
  18. Sandstorm495

    Favourite songs\bands\singers

    What are your favourite songs, bands or singers?
  19. Sandstorm495

    Post pictures of your animals!

    If you've got any photos of your animals, feel free to post them here!
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