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  • Users: nok13
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  1. nok13

    scooting pullet update

    well i dont know if it was the vitamin b complex, the TLC (TENDER LOVING CARE) vitamin (what my vets always called that, works for goats, dogs people, why not chickens), or dumb luck, but two days ago, i started to see some signs of improvement: more agressive search for food and willingness...
  2. nok13

    my house pullet is sinking down, walking backwards- help

    i just noticed this today but could have started already a day or so ago; my folks are here from overseas so we are out a lot, and husband doesnt pay as much attention to details.... we had a young chick of his thai chicks , also raised in the house, stumbling and falling, but seems recovered...
  3. nok13

    pekin/cochin bantam gender,emergency answer needed before rehoming

    sorry for double posting but got no answers cause obviously i posted int he wrong forum previous: i have three young (dont know exact age, got as barter/present) chickens and i have to sex them, the roos will be given a good home with a friend in need (to keep him busy due to heart issues)...
  4. nok13

    got three new pekin babies as a present, sexing possible?

    so someone made a barter with me, and i ended up with three feathered out baby pekins... of different colours. now , once again, i have too many chickens. i know i know its like sox. u can never have too many, but really, my neighbhors and the kibbutz will give me problems soon. so we have...
  5. nok13

    update for pekins (bantam cochins in the states?)

    sold my two red hens (the noisemakers) and suddenly found someone who was selling off his pekin /cochin bantams (in israel not sure what they are called in the states, the ones that have feathery legs, and look like teakettles).. he has no time for all his chickens so was minimilizing his...
  6. nok13

    transgender hen and miss screech have got to goooooo

    thats it. i woke up in an anxiety sweat cause the first thing i heard this a/m/ was the cuckaricoooooo of my red hen (yes, she is a hen, lays eggs, and can even be broody, but she is a few years old, her brown eggs are fairly pale, and now she is crowing).then the horrible screeching for two...
  7. nok13

    coming ut of the closet crower

    so the past week, ive been hearing a sort of half baked crow, every morning at around 8:00. ive been blaming hubby's thai babies cause they are getting quite big, and im nervous about the noise factor here.... we already have a very very very noisy loud complaining hen... so this mroning i...
  8. nok13

    traffic jam in the nest... loudly complaining hen/s and possibly, soon, the neighbhors

    i have a red hen, probably a leghorn mix with something, she's a rescue that someone litterly dumped at the botanical gardens here, and daughter brought her home. the other hen, i tried to rescue, didnt make it... anyhow, this hen has been a decent layer of creamy beigish eggs... lately she...
  9. nok13

    conditioning, behavior and mistakes we make

    ive noticed that in many threads people misinterpret their animals' actions as 'being friendly' or 'sweet', by coming over when i am feeding and eating out of my hand, or pecking at the feed scoop, or dancing around me (roos), or butting against me, .. all very cute when t he animal is five...
  10. nok13

    link to article in hebrew about law suit between neighbhros about a black cock crowing day and night

    an article about a black rooster named 'gever' (means man, or more biblically, cock)who is the center of a small town law suit. the town , whihc i had lived in many years ago (22) used to be partially agricultural and many peole had chickens. now it has turned in to a new 'green escape' for all...
  11. nok13

    all chicks OUT OF THE HOUSE...JIT

    thats it. they reached a size that made having them in a bedroom intolerable. fortunately, the weather here has gotten hot: 25 celsius, and we ahve moved them in to an impromtu holding tank area in our greenhouse/junk storage area.. it has a dirt floor, ventilation, lots of holes unfortunatley...
  12. nok13

    purim party: zooland, so we are going as...........chickens.

    we went to the dress up storage room our kibbutz has, along with a zillion other adults , to get costumes and find accessories for our purim dress up (an over 18 only party, the one time in the year where poeple actually drink, get drunk a bit or a lot, act silly, flirt a bit more then usual...
  13. nok13

    thai/laos/burma/khmen fighting chickens; anybody with pics of the different combs and legs so i can

    anyone? i have lots of info in thai but i dont read thai and hubby is lest interested in teh fine details of colour varietions and combs and such... so if anyone has info in english with close up pics? i would like to see them... i'll try to photo all our babies with the various colours they...
  14. nok13

    got nipples. now what?

    i received my nipples and happily i went to put them on bottles and voila, bottles in israel do not have the same cap size as my nipple i am collecting foreign mineral water bottles that seem to be smaller and the caps fit... found one, hung the bottle up after making a small hole in...
  15. nok13

    received nipples from ebay. thanx to those that offerred to help

    i finally got in contact with the ebay seller ( i am a virgin at this internet buying thing); they told me they would check their postal service but that it would take time so they just sent me an other order, it took a week, arrived today, and i sat in the kibbutz dining room for lunch playkng...
  16. nok13

    up to 21 thai babies in my salon (living room)...

    our first chick, number 1, is huge, he /she has back feathers, wing feathers, manages to fly (that should answer the question someone asked on a thread about height -- number one flys inside its room, climbs on the gallery ladder rung but doesnt venture over the the small wooden 'fence' that it...
  17. nok13

    chicks in the house.....

    have now converted a small room to become the brooder but here are pics of when we let them out for a short day excursion (we left them outside in the salon all day) but now they are safely back in their small room... pics later... there are four different age groups there; one is almost four...
  18. nok13

    chicken nipples

    help... i thought and thought and in the end i bought chicken nipples from some address on ebay tha ships to israel... i paid close to 200 shekels on them, but they havent arrived... i have never used ebay before, and havent a clue what to do... i wrote them a letter to the seller and they...
  19. nok13

    the shnitzels' first day outdoors with the girls

    today was relatively warm and i have had the four young pullets/cockerels in our colder bedroom withthe window open to get used to ambient temps. the mess is already horrendous so downstairs they went, into the big girls' outdoor pen. they were pecked abit, but i had set up several feed...
  20. nok13

    our thai hens... the chicks at home with us; will hens start laying again?

    hubby brought 9 chicks back home from our coop (the ones i posted about in different post); he moved the hens but figured the coop is not set up for small babies, they could get eaten , and the hens seemed indifferent moms so now have 9 few day olds and 8 month olds. our months olds are already...
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