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  • Users: Griffox
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  1. Griffox

    STILL unsure about colored Sebastopol's sex

    I have two one-year old gray Sebastopols. In the last month they have been "mating". The same goose is always on top and they finish by doing the happy dance facing each other, so I've been hoping that this means I do indeed have a male and a female. They are both very aggressive right now. I...
  2. Griffox

    Avian Flu on Western Kentucky Poultry Farm I did a search and this didn't come up, so sorry if it's already been posted. It sounds like it's on some type of factory farm, although it wasn't really clear from the article. Seeing as how they're having to "de-populate" 20,000...
  3. Griffox

    Chick sneezing and headshaking

    My 2 1/2 week old chick has started sneezing and head shaking in the last few days. She has been alone since she hatched except for this weekend when I put three newly hatched chicks in with her. They were together no longer than 24 hours when I noticed her sneezing, so I separated them...
  4. Griffox

    Two Faverolle Pips!!

    I didn't think any of these were going to hatch. Shipped from TX to Ky. My egg turner broke and it took me a week to realize it. It's the end of day 21 and all my previous hatches in the hovabator have been 2 days early. Did I mention that Faverolles are my FAVORITE FAVORITE FAVORITES!! I sure...
  5. Griffox

    mid size cabinet incubator?

    I'm looking for a cabinet incubator that's smaller than a sportsman, but holds at least 90 chicken eggs. Does that exist? I guess it doesn't have to be a cabinet...just bigger than my good ol' hova bator. Or should I just buy a few more of those?
  6. Griffox

    possible broken air cell, but chick still alive??

    When I candled today (day 17) there seemed to be movement in the aircell when I rock the egg, as if liquid is moving. The chick is still alive and kicking though. Will it survive until it pips? Is there anyway for me to prevent it from drowning? I don't want to lose this one!!!
  7. Griffox

    White Faced Black Spanish?

    I got some BO and BR eggs from some locals. They threw in some little white eggs with the batch. They have lots of breeds, but most of them are separated into breeding pens. They do have quite a few white faced black spanish running around, so I thought the eggs must have been from them. But now...
  8. Griffox

    Are starter crumbles too big for bantam chicks?

    I feel like I need to crush them up or something to make them easier to swallow. Am I worrying needlessly?
  9. Griffox

    The Precious gets a friend...or not *pg. 8 w/ pics*

    I moved my silkie eggs from the hovabator to my LG for hatching and the temp spiked to 105 and the humidity dropped to around 40% Thursday night. Only one hatched and I had to soak it in water to get it unstuck from the egg. So now I'm left with one little silkie chick who's all alone. It comes...
  10. Griffox

    Backwoods Country Marans

    Has anyone ordered Marans from Backwoods Country? I'm having a moment of insanity, but before I send money I thought I would check here to see if it's worth it. I like that they are near me so the eggs won't have to travel far. Let me...
  11. Griffox

    Chick is dying...*New Question about culling*

    My 5 day old chick is gasping for air (not panting) and peeping loudly like it's in pain. Right now I have it cupped under my chin b/c it seems to calm it down and quiet it's frantic peeping. All the other chicks are fine. Is it too late for antibiotics to work on this little one? Is there...
  12. Griffox

    Eggs were washed - need to vent...

    I bought some eggs last week from a local woman and they have been in the bator for 7 days. I have been hand turning them (washing my hands first). Yesterday, the seller called me and offered me 40 more eggs for free. When I went to pick them up, she mentioned that she had washed them. I...
  13. Griffox

    Thanksgiving Day Hatch, anyone?

    I just realized my chicks are due on Thanksgiving Day. Boy, that was poor planning on my part. I might just have to have Thanksgiving at MY house. Anyone else?
  14. Griffox

    From Broody to Bator

    Can I take eggs from my broody hen and finish them out in the bator? I know. I know. A broody is the best bator. The reason is that she's sitting on more eggs than she can keep warm. The other girls started laying their eggs in her nest and it took me a few days to catch since she's...
  15. Griffox

    Trouble swallowing, stretching neck out

    I hate starting threads, but I have searched and can't find anything matching these symptoms. 1) What type of bird , age and weight. Some type of game pullett, not yet laying. She's small, but not sure of her weight. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. She was eating pellets out of my hand...
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