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  1. FruitfulFaith

    Sizzle eggs and NOTHING on day 24??? What should I do?

    After some successful and some unsuccessful attempts at helping various eggs, I decided to just wait for the sizzles to do it alone. Well, it is day 24 and as far as I can tell, no internal pips anne the movement seems to have stopped within. What should I do? I'm trying so hard to follow the...
  2. FruitfulFaith

    How/when can I tell gender? And what the heck are these chicks?

    I have a bunch of red stars, black stars, anconas, and australorps. I'm guessing all of the red stars and black stars are pullets (it would probably be hard to screw up on sex links, right? Although ONE of my black stars is getting a really dark red comb wayyy before the others, which is weird)...
  3. FruitfulFaith

    When do you throw out *clears*? And when is the *latest* you have candled and seen development?

    I'm fairly new to incubating still but I'm learning :) So I candled a bunch off Orpingtons and Sizzles today and found a few that were still clear on day 7. I'm wondering when everyone else tosses out clears? I just HATE the idea of throwing out an egg that still has even a remote chance. When...
  4. FruitfulFaith

    August Box Swap!

    BYC is not responsible for transactions outside the BST area of the forum. All swaps are at the swappers risk and in no way will the Staff be involved in disputes. All disputes should be handled privately as per BYC Rules. No feedback and no feedback threads are allowed in these swaps. Do not...
  5. FruitfulFaith

    Cots dropping like flies

    I started out with 10 hatchlings last weekend and I'm down to five. The first couple were acting funny and I kind of knew they weren't found to make it. But now I've lost several more completely out of the blue. I have had nothing but trouble from the start. They were all mind and healthy and...
  6. FruitfulFaith

    Who wants to see my DESTROYED box from the post office??

    The postal lady called to inform me that my eggs arrived...late... and in the BOTTOM of a parcel bag. She said they also stunk and were in a garbage bag, and were probably smashed. Well, actually, she said "I think you have scrambled eggs." Hm. That can't be good. I'm pretty sure I am not...
  7. FruitfulFaith

    Red Star breeding question

    I know that "red stars" are a cross of two other breeds and that they don't breed if my red stars were to breed, what would their chicks be exactly? "Less-potent-red stars"? Lol I told someone they could have some chicks if I ever get fertilized eggs, but what would I tell them their...
  8. FruitfulFaith

    hatching and incubating in humid climates

    I'm in alaska and where I live is considered rainforest. I'm seeing that most species need at least 50% humidity at various stages to aid in hatching. Well, today is fairly average weather for our area and my weather app says we are at 77% humidity. In a week or so when the temp gets up to...
  9. FruitfulFaith

    My chickens are gross.

    The two week old birds are losing the down on their chests and it looks like a bald, muddy, sticky mess. They also keep walking through their yogurt and getting cemented balls of dirt on their toes. They won't clean it off and then it hardens and I have to soak their feet. Is it normal to have...
  10. FruitfulFaith

    Why give them mash?

    What is the significance of giving them a "mash" when they are tiny babies? Wouldn't chicks born "in the wild" (you know what I mean) be picking and pecking at debris from day one?
  11. FruitfulFaith

    One will NOT eat or drink :/

    I just got my second batch of chicks this morning and was much more vigilant about making sure that EACH one could eat and drink of its own accord. Once again, the little golden polish wants to cuddle up but will not eat or drink. I don't know what to do. I am hand-watering him drop by drop...
  12. FruitfulFaith

    Which comes first, the rooster or the egg? :P

    This may or may not be a really stupid question, but we haven't had chickens since I was about six years old so bear with me. I have 16 chicks with 13 on the way. They are *supposed* to be all sexed pullets. Now, say we got one wrong, and it is a cockrel. I live in a (sort of) town so any...
  13. FruitfulFaith

    Trying to raise chicks naturally - is this acceptable?

    As a rule I don't like to buy expensive store-bought products. I live is southeast alaska and due to limited access, prices are highly inflated. So I am trying to do as much as I can in an "old-fashioned" type of way. For example, I know that back in the day, farmers didn't use medicated feed...
  14. FruitfulFaith


    Okay, I got my chicks monday morning and they all looked AWESOME. Half are now dead, or dying. It sounded to me like coccidiosis. Does this sound like it to you?? 1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) they should be about 2-3...
  15. FruitfulFaith

    How many chicks / How many losses?

    How many chicks did you order/obtain and how many losses did you have? We got a total of 27 and lost one the first day, four more today, and one that looks a little iffy. They were all AWESOME when they arrived. I'm curious what the normal percentage is for losses, because I remember when I...
  16. FruitfulFaith

    Mystery chick... cochin?

    It is red/yellow, and it has foot feathers. It's straight run so who knows what sex. My *guess* is a cochin, and if not, possibly some kind of brahma??
  17. FruitfulFaith

    Quick Help... chicks got here a few hours ago!

    We raised chicks when I was young but now *I* am alone responsible for these little babies and I'm going into a motherhood-induced panic...HAHAHA! Anyways, they weren't supposed to be here until later this week, so we are slightly unprepared. I live on an island in southeast alaska, so my...
  18. FruitfulFaith

    What can you tell me about my breeds?

    I ordered 6 Ancona, 6 Black Australorp, 6 Black and 6 Red Star and 2 Golden Polish chicks. We had Rhode Island Reds when I was little....aaaand that was about 20 years ago. Is there anything I should know specifically about any of these breeds?
  19. FruitfulFaith

    Hello from Southeast Alaska :)

    I'm from SE Alaska (more specifically, a town called Hoonah on Chichagof Island...I'll pay you fifty dollars to try to find it on a map!). I won't lie - I just ordered my chicks from McMurray's and they won't ship until early February. But I am so excited to get started and get my place all...
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