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  • Users: dc3085
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  1. dc3085

    Tourniquets, accidental or on purpose and what happens when you remove them (spraddle leg fixers bew

    I've let this one sit on the burner for a while so as not to hurt the feelings of the keeper in this situation. We've all heard that when you have a serious wound, you should wrap it in some sort of a tourniquet to stem the flow of blood. What information often doesn't come with that, is that...
  2. dc3085

    Should I keep working on this feather pattern?

    I've been generating a few of these and I'm not entirely sure if it's worth my time and cage space to continue to generate/improve on this color variation. You guys tell me what you think. I'll add some pics of his sides later as they also have an extended amount of the reddish feathering...
  3. dc3085

    Blue and Gold skin lesion?

    Was over at a friends playing with Scooter his 16 y/o B&G and we notice she has a mark of some sort on her cheek. It doesn't look particularly concerning and could easily be a little wound she picked up in her aviary, but I'd like an opinion from someone with more macaw experience just be sure...
  4. dc3085

    Fitting Large Quail Eggs Into Turning Racks

    A lot of people who receive their first jumbo quail eggs (especially JMF eggs) have issues fitting them into the rails on little giant or gqf automatic turners. 13-15 gram eggs can't be fit into both rows on one quail egg tray either because of their girth or height. They will either be too wide...
  5. dc3085

    Diarrhoea(Diarrhea) as a Symptom of Disease

    The following is a list of diseases commonly known to cause diarrhoea as a symptom in game birds.
  6. dc3085

    Ruffled Feathers as a Symptom of Disease

    Often when infected with certain diseases game birds will display constantly ruffled feathers. Ruffled feathers are not specifically a sign of disease, and can be caused by other issues such as prolapse, boinking, severe cold, etc. Here is a list of diseases commonly known to have the symptom...
  7. dc3085

    Inappetance Thread; Loss Of Appetite In Quail

    Continuing to organize disease by symptom, this thread is for anyone with game birds experiencing loss of appetite. I do not include diseases known to be chicken specific so this is not to be considered a complete list for chickens. Feel free to open discussion or ask questions...
  8. dc3085

    Avian Influenza Outbreak In The US

    If there was ever a time to tighten up bio-security of backyard flocks, now would be it. AI has made it's way into the US from Canada, spread by waterfowl and other wild birds. If there are too many more confirmed cases interstate shipping traffic will be suspended throughout the US for any...
  9. dc3085

    The Paralysis Thread

    Being there are so many poultry diseases out there I'm trying to organize them by their most common or noticeable symptoms. This thread will be for the diagnosis and discussion of paralysis based diseases. Hopefully this will give some people diagnostic leg up when dealing with these types of...
  10. dc3085

    Anyone keep constictors or boids?

    I've recently rescued a juvenile red tail boah. His owner left for college and the parents were feeding it only once a month. He's eating healthy now and he's pretty small so I still have him on mice. As he grows I'll transition him to coturinx since they can't hurt him (rats and rabbits can...
  11. dc3085

    The "Gasping" Thread

    Pretty often people start threads asking for help with gasping birds. I've had the same question in the past myself. It's a tough question to answer because of the number of possible causes. This thread is intended as a place to list and discuss conditions and ailments that cause gasping...
  12. dc3085

    What kind of pheasant is this?

    There is a pair of these for sale near me. I'm not particularly interested in them but I'm quite curious to know what breed or hybrid they are.
  13. dc3085

    Artificial lighting links and discussion

    For years I used standard halogen "flood lamps" to light chicks and on those occasions that I light layers. Recently after discussing lighting on another I started doing some more research on proper artificial lighting and wanted to share some of the links I've found along the way. I've not...
  14. dc3085

    I have a question for anyone who ties flies (for fishing)

    I'm curious as to exactly which feathers from the bird are most frequently or easily used by those tying their own flies? I have a million hobbies but I'll be adding tying flies and fly fishing to them soon. The main source of my curiosity is what feathers of what color do people have luck...
  15. dc3085

    Scrambled Hard Boiled Eggs

    Anyone tried this yet?
  16. dc3085

    This is why predators have such an easy time with quail

    I set up a game cam on a cage wrapped in hardware cloth to see just how that stupid raccoon got so many of my birds earlier this month. Turns out they actually go up to him to investigate what he is doing. There were a ton of pictures but below are the pertinent ones. Notice the time stamps on...
  17. dc3085

    Who lives in the SF Bay Area, and doesn't have their own incubator?

    Just like the title says. I'm looking for one person near me who does not have an incubator, but would hatch quail/poultry if they did.
  18. dc3085

    The warm weather is on it's way...

    Just some quick tips regarding summer weather. Keep all water fonts in areas that do not have any direct sunlight during the day. Quail will not drink excessively warm water and this can easily lead to nerve damage or organ failure on hot days. Auto watering systems should have any clear...
  19. dc3085

    You think your cages are predator proof....

    Three weeks ago I had 30 6 month old hens getting back into production. I had 5 roosters which I have been specifically breeding for color. As of the day before yesterday I have 8 hens only 1 rooster left. I have to set up the gamecam to see how many raccoons are coming but it has to be several...
  20. dc3085

    Advanced Search and Quail Stickies

    I've noticed lately an increase in the number of threads asking questions that are covered several times a week here on BYC. I was thinking maybe it would be helpful to start a discussion about how to use the vast amount of information contained in the BYC forum. Advanced Search Using the...
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