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  1. NorthGeogia


    I have successfully raised chickens before for eggs. I live at the end of a dead end road. I have one neighbor to the north, an 11 acre pond to the east, and forest to the south and west. I assume this would be perfect for raising ducks. The pond has wild mallards and migrating Canadian...
  2. NorthGeogia

    Does free ranging destroy lawn?

    I have raised 4-6 hen flocks in my back yard for the past 7 or 8 years. They free range all day and hunt through the lawn, the adjacent forest, and have all the feed they want in the coop. I've noticed that grass in my lawn is waning and being overcome by moss. Could this be caused by hens...
  3. NorthGeogia

    Are "flighty" and "Skittish" bad characteristics?

    I'm in it for the eggs only. I've free ranged Golden Comets, Jersey Giants and Isa Browns. They've all been good foragers and thanks to two big dogs, I've never had a predator problem. All 3 breeds are friendly and docile. I'm not convinced this is necessarilly positive. The hybrids seem to...
  4. NorthGeogia

    Mice and hen breeds

    I let my hens free range and they like to hang out around my porch. Mice come at night to feast on the hen poop. My cat was a good mouser, but has aged and settled into retirement. I have two old dogs, one old cat and don't want to get another cat yet. Any ideas on how to keep the mice away...
  5. NorthGeogia


    I have had experience with Jersey Giants, Isa Browns and Golden Comet hens. I let them free range during the day and they return to the coop at night. They are poorly protected by 2 big, lazy dogs. I am surrounded by forest and never had a predator problem (I think because of the dogs). The...
  6. NorthGeogia

    Hens stopped laying

    I have 3 Isa Brown egg laying machines. They are 2 or 3 years old and have completed a seasonal molt. Over the past few weeks, I'm only getting about 3 eggs per week. Is this normal winter slow down, or are they essentially retiring?
  7. NorthGeogia

    Pullet or cockerell?

    I bought these straight run ISA Browns from TSC. They are a week old. I wonder if they are not first generation (and therefore not color sexlinked). Compare the left chick's wing size against the wing size of the other 3 chicks. It's much shorter. Is he a cockerell and the others pullets?
  8. NorthGeogia

    Name that breed!

    I think they're Golden Comet or Cinnamon Queen. What d'ya think?
  9. NorthGeogia

    Hello from North Georgia!

    Hi Y'all, Over the holidays, I spent too much time on Craigslist. Somehow, I wound up with 4 young, Jersey Giant hens. I've never raised hens before, am clueless, but pretty excited about the whole thing. I've cobbled up a pile of stuff other people have thrown out, bought some stuff...
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