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  1. youngchooklover

    Can Turkeys, chickens and ducks all get along?

    G'day everyone, I'm new here and I just wanted to know can I run turkeys, chickens and ducks all together? Can they even all sleep together? Just making a coop for my place at Kangaroo island and wanted to know. Thank you to anyone who responds 🦃
  2. youngchooklover

    Inbreeding Plymouth Rocks? need help.

    So me and my mum have been arguing about inbreeding with chickens. I have a Plymouth rock rooster named Matthew he has had a sore leg now for 1 year. We have hatched some babies from him so I thought to give Matthew to some friends and keep one of his sons. If we keep Matthews son will...
  3. youngchooklover

    yongchooklovers chat thread come If you are insane.

    Sooo chat talk do things.... OR SOME THING. All BYC rules apply.
  4. youngchooklover

    Power goes out for 4 hours on incubator help i am new to incubators.

    Well this is the second power outage i have had with my incubator. It is my first ever hatching with a incubator. (with chicken eggs) I had to put them out side in the sun and that was all we had. My first power outage went for 3 hours second 4 hours. One good thing was the incubator said it...
  5. youngchooklover

    youngcooklovers theatre all welcome

    Well i will start a scene and you have to say what happens next any thing you want. For example 1) i knock on the door. 2) (some one else) i open the door. 1) i would like some tea. 2) (some one else) i say NO and close the door. And so forth There can only 2 characters in one play. But...
  6. youngchooklover

    Just liked to say.....

  7. youngchooklover

    Silkie is probably going to die she is my fav pls look.

    So my hen jewel who cost 60$ has a bad diseases we have one idea what it might be a staph infection we thing. It is now in the front of her throat 3 of them can you tell me what you thing it is.
  8. youngchooklover

    Chicken disease?

    At the moment I am battling two problems. On my leghorn hen there is a burn like, swollen sore on her foot. One foot has a little problem but the other is more swollen. We have been wrapping it after betadine solution bath. My silkie hen who cost $60 has two big lumps which we think maybe...
  9. youngchooklover

    I should have know grrrr aaag.

    Here I am year after year same old thing chicken goes broody but she fails. We are all so sad the chicken fails. Next chicken goes broody SHE FAILS. That happened for 2 years and we want chicks. So today is the day that we fond out what is wrong...... ISA BROWNS CAN NOT HAVE CHICKS!. WE ALL...
  10. youngchooklover

    I,m back!.

    The most horrible thing has happened. Our internet went off for 3 weeks. Yes 3 weeks!. The worst thing was our pop past away and we had no internet mum could not tell her friends on facebook. It was horrible but we pulled through it. Well so I'm back.
  11. youngchooklover

    silkie rooster having problems dominating his hens

    Yesterday we got a little silkie cross rooster. He is not a cockerel or full grown rooster. We have given him three hens: an Australian Langshan bantam, a silkie and a leghorn. He has dominated our Langshan, he fought with our silkie for domination and won but when he came into combat with our...
  12. youngchooklover

    Paper Good or Bad

    Is paper good or bad for the chickens to lay in or are there chemicals on the paper which go on the eggs? Is it all right to go broody on paper.
  13. youngchooklover

    Her second try :D

    Hello once again my silkie (Jewel) has gone broody. I HAVE NEVER SUCCEED ON HAVING CHICKS and my chickens have gone broody 2 times before yet they have felled!!!!!!!!!!!!!. This was my last thread. So stay in touch as I count my way to 21.
  14. youngchooklover

    RIP Noir

    This morning I woke up without knowing one of our chickens Noir, was gone. Until my mum said Noir last night started to buck. We know her buck very distinctly. Ed my bro went and looked for her and said "Nothing, she's gone". Noir, not like the other chickens, does not go in the coop at night...
  15. youngchooklover

    Silkie roosters

    HI I want to get a silkie rooster. I haven't seen them a lot so can to post some pictures of them for me. Thanks
  16. youngchooklover

    LANGSHAN show.

    Ok this is a Langshan contest show who has the most beautiful langshan please have there Name: Gender: Breed: Other: Picture: There is first, second, third and fourth place for hens. The same for roosters and a all round winner.
  17. youngchooklover

    Please help !!!!!!!!

    Is this a pullet I have asked this to very one I know !!!!!!. or hen we got her at a pet shop but we were to exited to ask she costed $60
  18. youngchooklover

    Tomorrow Is The DAY!!!!!!!!!

    My first broody chicken a silkie called Jewel and tomorrow Is the day the chicks hatch but there is no peeping. We thing she is a hen but we don't know?. If she is a pullet does that mean the eggs won't hatch?. Also whats a candeling?. P:S If this helps she was $60.This her.
  19. youngchooklover

    New to Ducks

    Hi last night I made a 2 feet long and 2 feet wide pond for Ducks. I have never had Ducks before. I live in South Australia and it's dry and rocky here. So what is a breed of Duck that doesn't mind hot weather and dryness?. I have so many questions like: I want 3 Ducks 1 drake and 2 girls...
  20. youngchooklover

    What is your favourite tv show

    mine is Adventure Time
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