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  • Users: Younger
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  1. Younger

    new chicken coop

    Here is some pics of our new chicken coop. It's actually a condo, with the ducks housed below. I have 8 chickens. They seem to love it. I have an old wooden muskoka chair in the other corner that they roost on and that I can sit on when I go in to spend time with the girls. The pool has...
  2. Younger

    my duck and chicken coop

    We ended up putting a thick rubber mat in the coop bottom to block the cold in the winter. They seem to love the area. We have also ramped the entrance into the coop although they didn't seem to have any problems with it. (The chickens are above with the same set up. The duck nesting box...
  3. Younger

    My two pekin ducks (9 weeks old) don't seem to eat grit?

    I have two Pekin ducks, that are 9 weeks old. They are on duck pellets now and I understand that they don't need grit with that but when I give them treats or when they are outside eating the grass and dandelions I always supply grit for them. They never seem to touch it even when I mix it in...
  4. Younger

    My Rouen is plucking at my two Pekin's, is this normal and will it stop?

    My three ducklings have been raised together. They are 4 weeks old. Two Penkins and 1 Rouen. Today it looks like my smallest Pekin has some fuzz missing from her chest area. No bleeding but a bare spot. She is just starting to get feathers so hard to tell. When I put them in there play...
  5. Younger

    Can I have three drakes and everyone get along?

    Hi all I am new to ducking and purchased my first three ducklings 3 weeks ago tomorrow. I love them to bits (even the mess). They told me they can't sex ducks when they are young. I have read that you should have 1 drake to 2 ducks, which would be perfect. Also, if I had three ducks that...
  6. Younger

    question about water (may seem silly)

    I have a question that may seem quite silly but here goes... I have read that ducks need water at all times when they are eating, so when I put them outside (they are still in the brooder right now) to forge in the grass how will they find the water? I understand when they go into their pen at...
  7. Younger

    my ducks are very timid

    Hi all I am very new to this and just want to make sure I am doing everything right. Please bare with the questions. LOL I have three new ducklings (2 Pekin and 1 Rouen) that are about 5 days old now. They eat, drink and move around the brooder well but when I go near them they head for a...
  8. Younger

    My ducklings didn't like bath time

    I tried my ducklings in about 2 inches of water today. They are about 4-5 days old and very interested in the water in their waterer so I put some lukewarm water in my sink and placed them in it. They could touch the bottom with ease (it barely came to their belly) All they wanted to do was...
  9. Younger

    when can my babies swim?

    Hi everyone Just picked up my 3 ducklings (2 pekin and 1 Rouen). They are about 4 days old. When is it safe to bring them in the sink for a swim? They love playing in their water dish. It's too cold outside (they are in the garage under a heatlamp) but wondered if I could give them swim time...
  10. Younger

    excited about my new chicks

    Hi All I get my first ever chicks and ducklings on Tuesday and I am very excited. I am in southern Ontario and unfortunately we are not having a very good spring. I was planning on setting up my chicks/ducklings in the garage with heat lamps but we received snow last night and have a feeling...
  11. Younger

    Ontario anyone?

    Just waiting for my first delivery of chicks and ducklings. Still cold with snow here in Ontario but the heat lamp is ready. Come on spring!!!!
  12. Younger

    just ordered my first ever chicks!!

    I have just ordered my first chicks and I am so excited. I have wanted a chicken coop for ages but never had the room or time. We have "an empty nest" now and moved to the country. Here I go!!
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