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  1. mynewbabies

    Day 27 for call duck eggs when to HELP them ????

    I have 17 eggs in auto incubator, put them in lockdown on the 25th day. We are starting day 27 this morning, it is very hard to see thru the glass its foggy to see any movement . Should the eggs be moving ? The temp and humdity is good . Can someone guide me on what I should be doing thru the...
  2. mynewbabies

    Day 17 duck eggs in auto turner ??

    We are at day 17 now, they are in a auto turner, when do I take them out off the turner and lay them on their side? Also do I have to give them an Air hole when they internally pipped ? My first time doing Call ducks. Anyone have video of how to do air hole ?
  3. mynewbabies

    Day 13 incubating call duck eggs in automatic turner ?

    When can I check the eggs , this is our first try on duck eggs . Temp is at close to 100, when should I candle them ? When do I take them out and lock them down on day 23 or 25 ? I know we should lay them on their side and at what temp is it during lockdown ? Do I need to do anything else ...
  4. mynewbabies

    Frozen Eggs in winter ??? safe to keep or not ?

    It got down to 6 degrees last night and my eggs were frozen this morning , it is safe to keep them or throw them away. ??
  5. mynewbabies

    Laying Hens eating medicated crumble Bad or Good ?

    My hens were out ranging and the door to the younger ones was left open in error and they ate the medicated crumble feed, does that hurt anything and is it ok to still eat the eggs? I wouldn't think so , it's not like a antibiotic feed, but see what you all think about it or has anyone else had...
  6. mynewbabies

    Call Duck sitting on nest how long till they hatch ???

    Petunia has been sitting on a nest of eggs for awhile, does anyone know how long it takes for her to hatch them, she has at least 10 plus eggs under her, she has built up quite a nest in her box, just need some info on what to do, these are our first call ducks we have 5 total. Any info on...
  7. mynewbabies

    Rooster loosing his comb !

    I noticed that Elvis is loosing his comb, how is that ? SHOULD I put something on it. He is only 7 month's old black bantam rooster. Is this normal . I dont see any fighting going on.
  8. mynewbabies

    Soupy Muddy coop Run Too much Rain ! Need Quick Fix !!

    OMG , What a mess 4 days of rain , now have soupy coop run, I felt terrible they don't have a dry spot anywhere, so I closed it off and put them in the house to stay dry, now need to fix it. Quick fix, should I take out the soupy , muddy mess or can I put Sand on top of it, but what to put on...
  9. mynewbabies

    When to add plastic to outter coop ?

    Fall is here, temperatures are changing , when do you put the plastic around the outter coop. I get wind from the one side from the farmers field, so at what temperature do we start to put that up. I worry about the night temps are now down in 50's not so bad but most of the flock will still...
  10. mynewbabies

    Call duck eggs in the Nest ! Now What ?

    I have 6 eggs in a nest , what do I do with them, leave them alone, how long do I leave them In there, I can't tell if she lays on them, not broody. I have 4 girls, 1 drake. They are laying, do I just let them lay, I don't want to eat the eggs. These are my first pastel call mallards . Not...
  11. mynewbabies

    Electrolytes and Vitamins Dosages and When ?

    How often do you give your flock this , how early can they start drinking it? Is it ok to give to baby mallard ducklings also and how long for them. ?
  12. mynewbabies

    Medications list safe for laying hens !

    There are a lot of medications out there that we give our flocks for whatever reasons that They made need, is there a list of meds that tell you what is safe to give to laying hens, when to give it, how long to take it, how it effects egg production, when or not to eat eggs,. I am really...
  13. mynewbabies

    When to vaccinate and what is it name.

    When do you vaccinate the chicks and what is it called, where do you get it?
  14. mynewbabies

    What is the purpose of feeding medicated feed ?

    What does the medicated feed do for your chickens ? Is it really healthy to give it, I prefer to give no chemicals to my flock, but I want them to be healthy too. Over the past few months I have lost 3 , just lost one today, my heart was broke and I felt helpless, I couldn't do anything for...
  15. mynewbabies

    Looking for a barred cochrin bantam female in delaware for sale!

    I have a rooster barred cochrin bantam, we lost maggie last week, and we are heart broke, and I know Max is lonely. Looking for a new maggie , does anyone have one for sale.
  16. mynewbabies

    Female pekin duck is bleeding !

    Daffy just started laying eggs , and now she is bleeding from her anus area, I separated her from the flock put her in with call ducks for now . What could this mean? The drakes have been really keeping her busy!! I am worried something is terribly wrong and don't know what to do for her. I...
  17. mynewbabies

    Pale Feet and legs on my leghorns ? Egg laying is slow !

    We have 20 leghorns which started laying over a month ago got up to 19 of them laying. Great , but now noticed there legs are a pale yellow color not a yellow like my red hens have. Is this normal, i never really paid that much attention to them , they act fine , eat and drink fine. My dad...
  18. mynewbabies

    How to supply bath water in the winter?

    Is it necessary to supply bath water in the winter for our pekin ducks. They love their pools, but how could you do it, freezing temperatures. They all stay in coop with chickens. I know they drink a lot . How much do they really need.?
  19. mynewbabies

    Egglaying went down why ??

    Our flock is laying a average of 24 eggs plus the past few weeks now we are only getting half , they are young only 6 mos old. Is this normal, we did have extreme hotter weather but they had a fan and plenty of water. Our hens have only been laying for about a month or so. They do free range...
  20. mynewbabies

    Using all the nest boxes ??

    We have now up to 13 hens laying , we have 10 nest boxes for our total flock. They all want to roost on the top boxes at night, so they don't use them at all, the other 5 boxes they all seem to just use 2 of them all the time. How do I get them to use the other boxes??
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