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  1. Connie White

    Meat chickens - which breed is best?

    Hi everyone, I'm needing some community feedback to see if I got a bad batch of Black Broilers or if they are just a skinnier meat bird. I've raised Cornish Rocks but am now focusing on heritage breeds who can reproduce naturally. I love the Red Ranger (from Cackle hatchery), LOVE my white...
  2. Connie White

    Does anyone have a 100% method of hatching out Muscovy Duck eggs artificially?

    Hello Friends - There are three groups of us trying to hatch out Muscovy duck eggs - the eggs are fertile but never make it all the way. Does anyone have a method that works? This must be for Muscovy's as the other ducks (Mallards and such) are different and don't count. I hope so! Any and...
  3. Connie White

    Freshly Laid Muscovy Duck Eggs for Sale $2.50 each!

    I have Blue, Black and Brown Muscovy's laying right now - there wont be many as half the gals (2 of 4) have gone broody! These are spectacular ducks to have - quite with great personalities and are very robust (delicious too as are the eggs). I am offering the eggs at $2.50 each or $20 per...
  4. Connie White

    Black Cochin Bantams - Hatching eggs and the Rooster

    I have 3 hens and one rooster. They are in a fairly good sized pen together. Two of the gals got broody and are hatching out a mess of chicks - both theirs and others. This group does NOT like to be separated! Once the chicks hatch - should I remove the rooster?
  5. Connie White

    Muscovy Hatching Eggs - Variety of Colors

    I have Muscovy duck eggs for sale - $40 a dozen, shipping included. The eggs that I'm hatching out have had 100% fertility rate so far. These are some beautiful ducks with great personalities - they are very clean (for ducks especially) eat flies and other bugs, and are known to be one of the...
  6. Connie White

    Rumors or Real? Cornish Rocks and all the stuff I hear on the Internet

    Ok - I might be setting myself up to get flamed by showing this video - BUT I am constantly reading information all over the internet about Cornish Rocks and to date - none of it has been true. Here are my 6 week old chicks defying all I hear! I'm wanting to breed the gals - and it's so...
  7. Connie White

    Moving a Duck with chicks after hatching

    One of my ducks decided to hatch out ducklings away from the barn. I'm scared to death that they'll get eaten - do I just grab her and the ducklings once born and put them in their own penned area? what if all the eggs don't hatch out at the same time? Dolly Duck - upset that I took a pic!
  8. Connie White

    How to 'hatch' out Muscovy ducklings?

    I hear that it's easy to incubate Muscovy duck eggs (well relatively anyway) but the major problem comes when they are trying to hatch out of the egg. I keep reading "The problem with artificially incubating Muscovy eggs isn't fertility or viability in the shell, it's getting them out of the...
  9. Connie White

    How long do Muscovy ducks lay eggs?

    I have some beautiful Muscovy's who have started laying eggs - one a day right now! My question is - how long will they lay eggs? Are there any cycles - I mean - how can my one duck hatch out all these eggs and yet lay one per day still? Thanks for any help that you can provide on this - I...
  10. Connie White

    What's the best goose for protection on a farm?

    I have chickens and ducks - even a German Shepherd to guard them, but he's not always as verbal as I'd like. I am considering getting a goose to help protect my free ranging fowl. I went to a 'trade' show once and this one goose almost tore out of its cage to get to my dog - he's one hundred...
  11. Connie White

    What is the best way to ship Muscovy eggs?

    I will be selling my gorgeous duck's eggs very soon - am hatching out a lot right now -first group due in two weeks! I LOVE my ducks but also, the eggs taste so good and well - Muscovy taste great! Here's one of my favorite girls (hopefully) hatching out her own - my other ducklings are being...
  12. Connie White

    One group of day old chicks are ganging up on another! Pecking at his/her eyeball!

    I just had some chicks hatched out - I have 4 Americaunas and one Buckeye daddy - crossed with something else. they are less than one day old - the Americaunas are doing triple flips through the air like ninjas - drinking water, eating food - and the other chick is ....slow. It doesn't walk...
  13. Connie White

    Chick from Sweet Home Alabama

    Hello All, I've been reading information from here for months now and thought I'd officially join! Thank you for all of the incredible information. I have had chickens for a little while although I'm doing things a bit differently now - free ranging mega and increasing my stock. I am the proud...
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