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  • Users: neverbdone
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  1. neverbdone

    My Monster Feeder Idea - I'm going to try it.

    For years I have loaded 50 lb bags of feed into my car, then into the shed, then dumped it into a ice chest then carried the feeders from my 4 coups to fill up and carry back to the coups every day or two. Sooooo, while needing a new feeder (4 large ones and 4 small baby ones just aren't...
  2. neverbdone

    Question pros what did this?

    Dog under porch revealed this. Had chickens for 10 years. only freerange when home with 3 dogs. Never had skunks or racoons yet. Broad daylight. Any ideas? Nothing amiss with the Roster Chickens or turkey hens or tom..
  3. neverbdone

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year BYC Turkey Fanatics

    Thank you for all your help, entertainment and a few belly laughs. I'm glad we have this wonderful forum. Special thanks to all the Mods. Merry Christmas and looking forward to new babies very soon.
  4. neverbdone

    Presidential Pardon question

    Just curious if anyone noticed the President pardoned two BBW Toms. Does anyone know how or why they select them? They looked about the 40 pound range to me.:/
  5. neverbdone

    Anyone else suffering from Thanksgiving Turkey stress?

    I have sold 16 turkeys this year. Five are in the freezer. That means my DH and I have to process 11 Turkeys next Friday and Saturday:ep. At least the good lord gave us Sunday to rest. Anyone else out there this crazy? How many are yall doing?
  6. neverbdone

    Need a quality bourbon red Tom turkey

    Does anybody in So Cal have a BR breeding Tom I can buy? I have White Hollands. Tried to hatch out a dozen Bourbon Reds but only got one hen. Need a breeding Tom to start a flock next spring.
  7. neverbdone

    Tom with a swollen snood - any advice?

    I have a tom that showed up with a swollen snood yesterday. They don't fight much, but fighting may be the reason. Does anyone know of any other problem this could be that I might need to separate or give anything to him? It doesn't seem infected, just really swollen. I'm sure it hurts...
  8. neverbdone

    Live weight vs processed weight.

    Can anybody tell me the approximate percentage weight between a live turkey from a processed turkey?
  9. neverbdone

    Pure White Holland Hatching Eggs-So. Cal

    6 Fertile hatching eggs White Holland Turkey for $30. Or, 12 eggs for $50 including shipping. I have 11 available right now and will get 2 more eggs tomorrow 6/17 if you want a dozen. These eggs have been laid this week from my two hens in an exclusive pen with my Tom. This is my third year...
  10. neverbdone

    Found this 5 feet from 14 babies

    Be careful out there.
  11. neverbdone

    She finally got off the nest

    Day 28 and one is pipping. I count 24 white holland turkey and 4 chicken eggs. She not only stole from her sister she majically stole somehow from the chickens too. If I get 24 wh's I will be selling poults. Lost my roo 3 weeks ago, so we will see if he left a strange and varied legacy.
  12. neverbdone

    Thinking I have a bad hen.

    Appx 12 eggs under hen "1" for 2 weeks. Had 1 Tom and 1 hen in with her. Today found an egg about 20 feet from the nest picked on one end with a bit of dried gunk stuck outside. On my way to throw it out I could see movement throughbthe hole. Almost cried. Removed the non-laying hen and Tom...
  13. neverbdone

    Can I use this paralized Turkey for meat?

    I have a BBB turkey that went down about 6 weeks ago. I did a molasses flush and he survived. However, his legs have been paralized ever since and his neck occasionally has control issues wings and everything else seems normal. I am assuming the original cause is long gone or this bird would...
  14. neverbdone

    Newbie to Turkey and need some advice

    I have 6 BBB that are almost 4 months old. One of the girls was laying on her side last night and was very hot. I realized that all her breast feathers were pulled out and she can't stand up. She seems almost like a broody hen. I separated her and gave her vitamin water with a little sugar...
  15. neverbdone

    Columbian Wyandotte Shy? Mute? or Gay?

    Ok, I have 35 hens, 1 Welsummer Roo (Aramis) the boss, 1 Light Brahma Roo (Porthos), and 1 Columbian Wyandotte (Athos). Aramis and Porthos crow (although Porthos was a late bloomer) but he finally got a nice thick crow. Originally he sounded like a WWII blackout siren. Athos has turned out...
  16. neverbdone

    Just dispatched a 2' rattler entering into the chicken coup !

    Oh My! Way too early in the season for us to deal with this. Small, but none the less entering the front door of the coup as I was free ranging. Usually we only get one a year, but this is Soooooooo early. Everyone stay alert and safe.
  17. neverbdone

    Anyone else have bathtub babies because of weather?

    When will this rain and cold stop so I can put these babies in a lovely brooder OUTSIDE? I guess I shouldn't complain as some are still dealing with snow on the ground. Gotta keep the babies warm and happy.
  18. neverbdone

    Fresno Poultry Show-February 19th not the 21st!

    Check out the dates on the Fresno Fairgrounds website. Don't want to get there two days too late.
  19. neverbdone

    Anyone sell duck eggs? How much is too much?

    I sell chicken and duck eggs at our local Farmers Market. Our chicken eggs (two of us vendors sell chicken eggs) sell out at $4.00 per dozen. Of course ducks don't lay like chickens do. And, you can't just buy duck eggs at Vons. I was selling the duck eggs for $5.00 for six eggs. Another...
  20. neverbdone

    Muscovy Adult Trio 8 months old-So Cal looking for new home

    Black Muscovy Trio available. Sorry, can't ship - they are just too big. All were hatched in March and the drake is as big as his dad. Sorry, the photo is just of the girls. Mom is the one in front on the left side. All have the green sheen on the black feathering. Email me if you have...
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