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  • Users: poupoule
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  1. poupoule

    Gravity feed chicken watering?

    Hi all, I hope you all had a lovely Christmas! I have decided on a new project for my girls (and boys!): a gravity feed chicken waterer. My ideas. I want to collect rain water from the chicken coop into a 44 gallon drum and supply that via a gravity system using nipples/rabbit waterer for on...
  2. poupoule

    Whose job? Mine or the hen???

    Hi there, My silkie hen has been sitting on 5 eggs and 2 hatched into very cute chicks. Now the older one (5 days old) has a dirty bottom. I know it is important for them to have a clean one, so their vent doesn't get blocked, but.... will the hen take care of this? Or would I have to do it...
  3. poupoule

    Building incubator with everyday household items???

    Hi all, I am thinking of building a bator with stuff I can find in the house/garage. I don't have the means to buy equipment so want to use what I can find from home. Does anybody has advice and/or instructions on how to do it? What do I actually need?
  4. poupoule


    I was just wondering until what age chicks are suceptible to drown in the water? I had one-day-old chick who drowned in his water (a drop!!!), so I've been very careful with my newly hatched ones. They are 2.5 weeks old now. Are they safe?
  5. poupoule

    How long should I let her sit for? Pleeeeease help!!!

    Hi, My silkie has been sitting on 5 eggs for 21 days today, but .....still nothing I looked at the eggs a week 1 and all had some development in them. I also looked last week, and from what I could see (not much really!) it looked ok. I was expecting them to hatched around day 19 (just like my...
  6. poupoule

    another question about ISA Browns

    Hi guys, I have 2 ISA Browns, 1 Leghorn (not sure of the spelling) and a Red IslandxAustralorp rooster (I think). I also have in a differnt coop a bantam and 2 silkies. The bantan sat on some eggs (some of hers and some of my big breed) and 3 (out of 10 )chicks hatched (2 weeks old now ), but...
  7. poupoule

    Can I mix different age chicks?

    Hi all, One of my hens had 3 chicks two weeks ago. They are so cute!!! I partionned my coop and set up a little nursery in one side, where momma hen and her 3 babies are staying. The rest of the coop has a rooster, a silkie and a point of lay black hen (quite big). I am waiting for this one to...
  8. poupoule

    Viable eggs???

    Hi all, The situation: my hen has been sitting on a mix batch of eggs, 3 of hers and 8 of other hens that I introduced under her a couple of days after I noticed she was broody. 3 chicks hatched last monday, 2 days earlier than I expected, but not the other eggs (the ones I introduced). I...
  9. poupoule

    HELP Pleeeease!

    My hen has been sitting nicely on 11 eggs (3 hers and some from other hens that we introduced 2 days later she started sitting). Three lovely cute chicks hatched on monday (they were due today!), but today she left the nest with the other 8 eggs. There should only be 2 more days to go before...
  10. poupoule

    Rabbit waterer?

    hi there, two of 12 chicks hatched today under mama hen and I am soooo excited!! They are my first chicks with a hen. I bought day old chicks last year which almost all got vanished by a or many fox in one night, so those are really important!! I lost a chick last year drowing in his water. So...
  11. poupoule

    new babies

    Hi everyone, I went down the coop to feed my chicken, when what a surprise, I can heard chipping! I looked in the box where my bantam has been sitting for almost 3 weeks now (I was expecting hatching time towards the end of the week), and there there is a tiny yellow ball, so cute!!! I am...
  12. poupoule

    New Chicks

    Hi everyone, I went down the coop to feed my chcken, when what a surprise, I can heard chipping! I looked in the box where my bantam has beeb sitting for almost 3 weeks now (I was expecting hatching time towards the end of the week), and there there is a tiny yellow ball, so cute!!! I am sooooo...
  13. poupoule

    Hi all,She is sitting !!!!!!

    Hi All, Just wanted to share my great exciting news. My pekin bantam hen is sitting since yesterday I am so excited:celebrate I have had chicken for the last 3 years and this is the first time I have a hen that sits. Now my questions. I've got so many! What do I do? I would like to put some...
  14. poupoule

    What do silkies eat?

    Hello, I read somewhere(???) that silkies do not eat pellets, but only chisk sarter/grower mix. Is this true? I am about to get a trio to join my other bantams. I feed them a mix of grain/pellet, bread and veggies scraps. Whould the silkies be fine with this diet? Any suggestions will help...
  15. poupoule


    Hi there, I am thinking of getting one or two silkie hens. I already have 2 pekin battam hens (not pure breed) and a Aracauna cross (Silkie? He has that nice silkie feathery down on his head and is quiet small) rooster. I was wondering what people think about mixing those birds with some silkie...
  16. poupoule


    Hi there, I am thinking of getting one or two silkie hens. I already have 2 pekin battam hens (not pure breed) and a Aracauna cross (Silkie? He has that nice silkie feathery down on his head) rooster. I was wondering what people think about mixing those birds with some silkie hens. I want to...
  17. poupoule


    Hi there, I am thinking of getting one or two silkie hens. I already have 2 pekin battam hens (not pure breed) and a Aracauna cross (Silkie? He has that nice silkie feathery down on his head) rooster. I was wondering what people think about mixing those birds with some silkie hens. I want to...
  18. poupoule

    New food?

    Hello everybody and happy new year:) My chicks are growing fast now. They almost all look like chicken, no babies anymore:hit. I guess the biggest ones are just over 6 weeks. I was just wondering when do you change their food. For the moment they are still on crumbles, plus a bit of food scraps...
  19. poupoule

    AHHHHH, one dead!!!

    I discovered a dead chick this morning in the brooder. It was my littlest one. When I picked it up, its neck was all floppy. It was ok yesterday, and look like it got squashed by the biggest ones. Is this possible? I have a aged chicks mix: the biggest one, Leghorn or Sussex I don't know, the...
  20. poupoule

    Sexing chicks

    I have a dozen of chick since a couple of weeks. They all have different sizes, so guess they have different ages. Could anybody tell me how to sex them? Would it be easier with a photo?
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