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  1. gckiddhouse

    Some meat birds growing much faster than others - What up?

    A few weeks ago, I picked up 19 cornish x day olds. I brought them home and then distributed 4 to friend A and 8 to friend B. The other 7 stayed here. Friend A kept hers in what used to be a lizard aquarium inside the house for the first 2 weeks and fed them organic feed Friend B kept hers...
  2. gckiddhouse

    Do I have to cull a meatie? Leg problem

    About day 2 of our first meat bird project, a friend of dd came to the house to see the cute little chicks and dropped one. Ugh! It acted like it was hurt (leg) but I couldn't detect a break or any swelling. I figured I would let it be a few days and see if it got better. Well, It seemed...
  3. gckiddhouse

    Coop full of problems! Disease, lice, picking, egg eating. HELP!

    I am ready to throw in the towel! Get rid of all of them! I just don't have the time or energy to keep trying to fix what doesn't seem to fix. At this point I am willing to get some specific advice and try some things. And this will be my last effort. Please, only post if you are being...
  4. gckiddhouse

    Watch Food Inc. on PBS tonight!! (Wednesday)

    'nough said. ETA - trailer
  5. gckiddhouse

    How long can they live in the air cell without pipping?

    We can hear them peeping, but don't know which egg or what to do! Two healthy chicks hatched last night and this morning, but nothing else! Why haven't they pipped? Should we do something? I think we have seen 3 eggs move, but not sure. Staring at the bator is making my eyes buggy! So...
  6. gckiddhouse

    Need some REAL ANSWERS about thermometers!! Please help!

    I am soooooo frustrated!!!!!!! DD and I made a homemade incubator. We didn't have a great hatch the first go round, so we have tried to work out the bugs and are trying again. This time with pretty expensive eggs!! I have come to realize that an incubator, whether store bought or homemade...
  7. gckiddhouse

    Chick zipped but not hatching. Should I help??

    I have a chick that zipped this morning. The egg is cracked, but the chick is not busting out. It is now about 10 hours later and it still doesn't seem to be able to get out. Is the membrane dried out? I have dripped warm water on it twice hoping to help lubricate. Each time it starts doing...
  8. gckiddhouse

    When do I take them out of the bator - some eggs aren't even pipped!!

    I have 7 chicks that have hatched. The first hatched Friday evening at 6 pm. There are now 7 and there are 8 more eggs that have not pipped. I don't know if they will hatch, but I don't want to give up on them yet. So, when do I HAVE to take the the chicks out. I know they are okay for 24...
  9. gckiddhouse

    Is this unabsorbed yolk or what!!! Graphic pics. Please help.

    I have never hatched chicks before. The first one that pops out looks like this. What the...? I have searched for something similar and I suspect it is an unabsorbed yolk. Any experts want to weigh in??? I will sure appreciate any help you can offer. Hoping it will be okay... This...
  10. gckiddhouse

    HELP! Favorite hen gasping for air, comb turning purple!!

    Our 1 1/2 year old hen, Hazel is gasping for air and her comb is purple. Her crop is empty and she is otherwise healthy. She is an EE. My daughter is holding her and we are afraid she will die. Is there anything I can do??? Please help!
  11. gckiddhouse

    Flock gone awry since adding new chickens. Help!

    This past Spring, we hatched eggs under a broody hen. What fun! Well, the fun is over! The hen who hatched them is just an outcast now. That started as soon as she went broody and has continued. What is that about?? The roosters that she lovingly hatched and raised have made her and...
  12. gckiddhouse

    Plagues of crickets and roaches! Help!

    We have a large chain link chicken yard with the coop inside. It is clean and does not smell. The chickens free range all day, so they are only in there at night. Nearby, we have a raised, covered garden. We don't go out there after dark... to the coop or the garden... Sometimes, if we do...
  13. gckiddhouse

    Sour crop??? What to do.

    I have a juvie pullet that has a swollen crop. It is soft, and feels pretty empty, but it is huge! I tried to empty it of all the air, but not much came out. Just grain in there, I think. I cleaned the waterer and added ACV and a little molasses. Also added to other puddles around the yard...
  14. gckiddhouse

    Wheaton Ameraucana Cockerel? How can you tell? Teach me!

    I have 9 babies. 5 of them are definitely cockerels. I have 3 pullets. We just are not sure about this little Am. baby. It hangs out with the other pullets, and does not participate in the sparing that the little baby roos do. But, it is really big, has a big head and really dark...
  15. gckiddhouse

    Is he just protecting chicks, or should I cook him?

    We have a rooster. He has never been a friendly bird, even as a little day old. Always avoids humans. He is 9 months old. Up to now he has been respectful. He keeps his distance and defers to us when we are outside. Since we had a hen "go broody", he has changed a bit. He has gradually...
  16. gckiddhouse

    Why doesn't my RIR hen lay?

    I have 2 Rhode Island Red hens, Cinnamon and Nutmeg. They are 8 months old. Cinnamon lays about 4 days and then skips a day. Pretty good. Not what I would have expected from a RIR, but I am happy with her and her eggs. Nutmeg, however, doesn't lay. At all. She has laid. We know for sure...
  17. gckiddhouse

    Broodies on eggs? Broodies with babies? Post here.

    Would love to share with those also hatching under a broody. This is our first time!! First broody!!! So exciting! She started setting on about the 4thish. Should have kept better notes, hu? Anyway, I have separated her and we are waiting with bated breath!!! Will post pics!! Edited...
  18. gckiddhouse

    Is it okay to move my broody and her eggs?

    I have searched for information on this site and didn't find what I was looking for. Couldn't decide where to post this question. Hope you all can help. Actually I have several questions... I have a broody which is so exciting. I wanted to hatch some eggs that I am buying under her, but...
  19. gckiddhouse

    How do I get my hen to go broody?

    I love that all you people are chick hatching obsessed. I think you are all wonderful. However, I don't share that obsession. I thought that having chicks was fun, but a LOT of work!!! I don't have time for that again. I love my full grown, self feeding, egg giving, lovelies. I do want...
  20. gckiddhouse

    How do I know when she is REALLY broody?

    We just lost 2 hens to a coyote attack and are thinking about getting a few more chickens to replace them. I don't want to do the whole brooder thing again. Too much work. Would love to buy some fertile eggs and let my semi-broody BO hen hatch them and care for them. I keep hearing that BOs...
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