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  • Users: OlivesMama
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  1. OlivesMama

    What breed is this rooster?

    I only have had hens, up until about a month ago. Any help identifying this beautiful boy?
  2. OlivesMama

    First experience with a broody

    I have a 5 month old Wyandotte that's decided she want to sit on her egg she lays daily. She lays the egg, then hangs out in the nesting box until I go out and remove her. She shrieks, squawks, and pecks when I pick her up, then just goes about her business as soon as I've put her back in the...
  3. OlivesMama

    Americauna or Easter Egger?

    I've looked at numerous sites referencing the differences between Americaunas, Araucanas, and Easter Eggers. I thought I had it figured out, then my girl went laid olive-colored eggs this week! She has slate-colored legs and a beard. Here are her first eggs: Cleo...
  4. OlivesMama

    Feding a mixed flock of layers and non-layers

    I got 3 separate batches of chicks this spring and now have 3 layers, and 5 that aren't ready to lay for a month or 2. They all are in the same coop and yard and eat out of one feeder. How do I get the layers what they need without affecting the non-layers? Everything I've read says not to feed...
  5. OlivesMama

    Help with rescue kittens with Feline Herpes Virus

    I'm hoping someone here has had experience with fostering or rescuing kittens that have Feline Herpes Virus. I am fostering a litter of 6 barn cats who all have symptoms at the moment. They are about 9 weeks old now and have been to the vet to confirm and get Clavamox and an antibiotic eye drop...
  6. OlivesMama

    Combining flocks, moving younger chicks to the coop

    I have a mixed age/breed flock. Yes, I made the new chicken keeper's mistake of buying chicks nearly every time I went to the feed I couldn't help it! The more I learned about them, the more breeds I just HAD to have. So, here is my problem- Flock #1- 5 chickens total Olive- 6 mo old Silkie...
  7. OlivesMama

    My rabbit ate medicated chick starter!

    I haven't found the answer to this question anywhere, surely I'm not the first person to have my rabbit get into the medicated chick starter! He pushed through a weak spot in the fence and chowed down. What will it do to him?!
  8. OlivesMama

    An experiment in chick taming

    I got my first set of chicks back in mid March- 3 Barred Rocks, a Sultan, and a 4 month old Silkie. I was determined to make them friendly and tame. I put them all in a laundry basket several times a day and held them all in my lap to pet them. They loved to be wrapped in "chicken blankets"...
  9. OlivesMama

    UPDATED: 4 day old Cuckoo Marans still not doing well- She died today

    I posted in the diseases/injuries forum a few days ago about my Cuckoo Marans chick. A few hours after I brought her home, she began peeping very loud. She was lethargic, couldn't stand, eat or drink, or open her eyes. After a night of isolation in a kennel with a heating pad, Poultry Drench...
  10. OlivesMama

    Please come share your tips for those brand new to raising chicks

    Let's help those out that are brand new to chickens. This is what I've learned through trial and error in the last month about my chicks and housing them: -Build or buy the coop BEFORE you bring the chicks home. You won't believe how fast they grow and you don't want to be without a bigger...
  11. OlivesMama

    UPDATED: Brought a chick home today, she's VERY sick

    I got her this afternoon, and she's rapidly deteriorating. I believe she's just a few days old. She was fine when I brought her home, but then started chirping very loud. She ate and drank a little, but seemed lethargic. Now she can't move. I've tried to set her down and get her to eat or drink...
  12. OlivesMama

    Sexing Barred Rocks-roo or pullet?

    These were all supposed to be sexed as pullets, but as they get larger there are some distinct differences. They were hatched on March 14th. I'm pretty sure I know, but I want more experienced chicken folks to take a look. We can't have roosters in the city limits. Sorry for the quality of...
  13. OlivesMama

    Olive the Silkie and "her" brood

    Oh my, I've entered the realm of Crazy Chicken Lady! We got our first chicks a few weeks ago from a local farm that raises Silkies. Little did we know, they would become Olive's chicks! She's a 4 month old black Silkie that's now raising our entire brood. We picked her up along with 3 Barred...
  14. OlivesMama

    Help me sex my 16 day old Barred Rocks and Polish chicks

    I have 3 16 day old Barred Rocks that were supposed to be sexed when I got them, all being hens. Was a mistake made? One is distinctly different from the other 2, not getting many feathers yet. They 2 that are different are on the left, the one on the right has less feathering. Could it just be...
  15. OlivesMama

    Help maintaining brooder temperature

    Hi All, I have 4 chicks and a Silkie pullet out in my garage. My current setup: 2 large plastic bins hooked together with a pass-through in the middle. Food and water is on one side and a small floodlight and light bulb screwed to the lid that I keep on, and the other side is open with a red...
  16. OlivesMama

    I'm so glad I found you guys!

    What a great online community! I've been reading as much as I can here to educate myself, as we just got our first chicks nearly 2 weeks ago. We have 3 Barred Rocks that are 16 days old now, a black Silkie pullet (Olive) who I believe was hatched in January, and a Crested Polish who's around the...
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