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  1. pawsplus


    Hi all--haven't been around recently. My red-sex-link, Svetlana, is doing great. I recently lost Felicity, who I rescued from a bad situation where the was being picked on and overbred. Her eggs were never normal (she laid sporadically and the eggs were thin-shelled and malformed), so I...
  2. pawsplus

    Any suggestions for how to help Clarice deal w/ Bianco (roo)?

    So as I've discussed elsethread, last summer I got 2 young pullets, Audrey and Bianca, whom everyone here said WERE pullets, to join Clarice and Svetlana after Olivia passed away. Shortly thereafter it became clear that Bianca was really BiancO. Since I knew that it would not go well for him...
  3. pawsplus

    FIRST CROW! (sorta ;-))

    This a.m. Bianco TRIED to crow. It was very clearly a crowing attempt (up to this point all he's ever said was quiet "bok bok boks"!), but it was mostly just "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK!" It was VERY loud, but not a complete cock-a-doodle-do, LOL. I encouraged him and he tried again w/ the same...
  4. pawsplus

    Homemade scratch

    Scratch sold in stores is pretty icky, as we all know. So I now make my own. I combine: BOSS (black oil sunflower seeds) brown rice (uncooked) other whole uncooked grains (try wheatberries, barley, etc) rolled or steel cut oats Toss in the run and stand back! Much better for them than the...
  5. pawsplus

    Roos: At what age do they have their full growth?

    I've read about some HUGE roosters here, and am wondering at what age roosters are as big as they're gonna get. My Bianco is RIR/Brahma, both of which are biggish breeds--how big/heavy is he likely to end up, and at what age? Thanks!
  6. pawsplus

    Two moults in 3 months: NORMAL? NOT? HELP!!!

    A few weeks ago I posted that Clarice (age 8, barred Rock alpha hen) appeared to be moulting AGAIN after just having been through a hard molt in late July. No one responded so I figured maybe I didn't need to worry about it. But now I kind of am. She's lost a lot of feathers, and has been...
  7. pawsplus

    When do roosters start to crow?

    Bianco is 16 weeks and so far, nuthin'. Perhaps this is a good sign, LOL, and I'll get my wish that he's undersexed??
  8. pawsplus

    UPDATE p. 2, 11-29-11: Roo who is "satisfied" with 3 hens?

    I'm still hoping against hope that Bianco is a gay rooster, LOL. That would be really great. However, I can't really bank on that. I'm wondering if anyone out there has a rooster who has lived successfully with a smaller number of hens (i.e., w/out hurting or wearing the feathers off...
  9. pawsplus

    Getting the Young 'Uns to roost properly

    Per my recent update ( ), I've successfully (for now, anyway, until hormones kick in, LOL!) introduced the Young 'Uns (16 week old hen Audrey and roo Bianco) to the Oldsters (hens Clarice and Svetlana). They are getting along well...
  10. pawsplus

    Outdoor power strip?? Splitter??

    Or something like it?? I have seen these: They seem like a great idea for connecting one cord to another. But what I need is really a splitter of some sort that is similarly protected. I.e., if I have one...
  11. pawsplus

    Anyone use a ceramic heater?

    Up until now I have used an infrared heat lamp in the ceiling: The girls roost on those top rafters under the lamp, so it works out well. However, we now have 2 new chickens, hen Audrey and rooster Bianco. I'm not sure where they will roost eventually, but they were only recently (over the...
  12. pawsplus

    TWO moults?? What's up w/ that??

    Clarice moulted in July--pretty majorly. She lost about 80% of her feathers, refused to come out of the coop (or down from the roost) for several weeks (I had to force her, which isn't pretty given her personality!), didn't eat well, etc. She got through that, grew back feathers, and looked to...
  13. pawsplus

    Feeding Roosters

    I don't see that one can AVOID feeding roosters layer feed, right?? I mean, it's not as if they'll go to their own bowl. So is that OK? There is no danger in the excess calcium?
  14. pawsplus

    Dealing w/ a Rooster

    So based on this thread ( , see p. 2 and following), apparently my Bianca is a Bianco (or a Bjorn or a Benjamin--haven't settled on a new name yet). I'm greatly upset about all this b/c I'm not set up for a rooster. I have 3 girls...
  15. pawsplus

    Temporary food shelter (and chicken shelter)

    So my young ones keep refusing to go into their Mini Cooper except at night. I don't understand it! I leave food in there in case it rains and when I return even if it was GREAT food it's never gone. The same food left in the run is gone in a flash. We hadn't had much rain but this week I knew...
  16. pawsplus

    Pullet laying down a lot: Does this mean about to lay??

    Bianca is only about 14 weeks old. Isn't that too young?? She's HUGE but still young. But she's laying down in "laying posture" a good bit in the run. She doesn't squat when I pet her back though. Thoughts on what this means?
  17. pawsplus

    Heated Waterer query

    So I just got this: I read the instructions and can't find an answer to this question, so hoping one of you knows. Can one remove the cord from the unit? I.e., for the 9 mos of the year...
  18. pawsplus

    The Mini Cooper (Doghouse into Chicken Coop)

    So this weekend I renovated a doghouse I had into the new small temporary coop (dubbed, of course, the “Mini Cooper”) for Audrey and Bianca to use until they can be integrated w/ the Big Girls (after our first attempt at an intro was a huge failure!). It was already stained but probably won’t...
  19. pawsplus

    Ventilation in very small temp coop

    So b/c of my introduction problems, my 2 pullets Audrey and Bianca are getting their own mini-coop in their own run adjacen to the other run. The idea is that over time Clarice (big mean boss hen) will get used to the idea. The mini-coop will be made using a dog house similar to this one...
  20. pawsplus

    Ultra Kibble: How often and how much?

    So I got the UltraKibble that some folks here rave about. I've been soaking it b/c they eat it up better (w/ less waste) that way. I have 2 adult hens and 2 pullets (still separate at this point). How much should I give each group and how often?
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