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  1. Webechickens

    Broody girls

    Nice coops, chickens, and eggs everybody! Guess what? 2 of my BO girls who have just been laying for about 4wks, have decided to go broody. For 3 days keep taking them off their nests and making them stay outside. As soon as they come in, they go straight for their nest boxes. Anyone need...
  2. Webechickens

    First eggs!

    Hey, everyone, we're all excited over here in Modoc! Got our first TWO eggs today. Our Black Sex Link laid a huge egg outside in the run in soft dirt. Didn't know she laid it for a couple hours. Right when I saw it, one of the BO pullets started pecking at it and broke it in half before I...
  3. Webechickens


    Hey, guys. I've never posted in ramblings before. Getting 4 miniature donkeys this weekend. Wanted to join the BYC sister site backyardherds. Registered, then they sent me an email with a password. I have tried it dozens of times and it won't work. Does anyone know how to contact them for...
  4. Webechickens

    4-H fair

    4-H until the 25th in Randolph Co. Took our Mini Lop rabbit. Got to look at all the chickens. Couple of gorgeous roosters. There was one white Silkie that was so dirty I could not believe it. It's rear was all caked with poo. I mean bad, not just a little. I can't even imagine letting it...
  5. Webechickens


    Life is about to get even more busy! Randolph Co., IN, 4-H fair starts this Sat. Our 2nd son, age 13, will be showing his Mini Lop rabbit for the first time. He's pretty excited. Will pretty much be living @ the fairgrounds! Good times. Weather is supposed to cool down Sat. REALLY looking...
  6. Webechickens

    Hello, from east central Indiana

    Have always wanted chickens. Late in April of this year, got 10 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Rhode Island Red, 1 Gold Laced Wyandotte, 1 Black Star, 2 Light Brahma, and 1 Barred Rock. All were wk old chicks. Now they are so big. We have 4 kids and they're loving them as much as we are. Love their...
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