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  1. CarolinaHen

    Buff Orpington Crosses

    This spring we will be hatching out a few chicks to add to our layer flock. We will be using our Buff rooster over RIR, BR, Dark Brahmas, and EE. I'm hoping some of you have pics to share so I can see adult versions of these crosses. :)
  2. CarolinaHen

    genetics issue?

    We have a beautiful young silkie cockerel that we hatched in January. The chicks we are getting from him are all dying before they reach a month old. The hens are over a year old and experienced broodies. Any ideas why these chicks are dying? Mostly they appear as failure to thrive chicks. Is...
  3. CarolinaHen

    Chicken Popularity

    Is it just me, or have chickens become the newest craze? It seems like there are so many new people starting to keep chickens now than I ever remember. Why all of the recent popularity?
  4. CarolinaHen


    In light of the recently reported salmonella outbreak at Mt. Healthy, I am just wondering what could/should be done for chicks purchased from there. Should they be culled because they could be carriers? How can you determine if they are carriers? If they are a carrier, will the eggs be...
  5. CarolinaHen

    Best/Worst Show Awards

    I am in charge of the awards/ribbons/trophies for our next show. Any input on your best awards received, worst awards, etc. would be greatly appreciated. Ribbons and rosettes are a given. There are some people in our club that would like to see silver platters awarded, large trophies, etc...
  6. CarolinaHen

    Blue Egg Pecking/Eating

    I have a strange problem that I can't figure out. For the past three days we have had a blue egg pecked through. Not eaten, just a hole pecked in it. I know all three eggs have been laid by the same bird because they are the lightest blue ones. One was even moved to a different nest box...
  7. CarolinaHen

    Am I the only one..............

    Am I the only one that wishes she were home instead of at work? I would much rather be sitting by the fire, knitting, and watching the chicks in the brooder. Too bad I've got to do this "work thing" to pay the bills.
  8. CarolinaHen

    Hawk attack!

    One ofmy leghorn juveniles was snatched up by a hawk today. My DIL saw it and raced after the hawk. It dropped the pullet. It she is pretty badly injured. She was bleeding from her mouth and obviously has a ruptured air sac. Her body cavity is filling with air. As I've pulled the air out with a...
  9. CarolinaHen

    Dead Chicks!

    I am absolutely furious! I received my order of chicks today from Ideal Poultry and most of them were dead! No heat pack in the box, no call or email telling me it was too cold to ship chicks. Nothing. I called and spoke to customer service and the lady asked if I wanted to reorder or...
  10. CarolinaHen

    Help! Over 20 birds lost

    I'm posting this for a friend that isn't on BYC. She has been having birds die left and right. Took one to the vet and was told it was CRD. She has treated with antibiotics, fogged the pen, and is still losing birds. Here is what she sent me to post on here: Crd present in the pen. Eating...
  11. CarolinaHen

    Dry incubation problems

    I have had great success with dry incubating, but am now having a large amount of chicks make it to lockdown but never pip. :hu This has happened for my last three hatches. Humidity during days 1-17 stays around 25% and is increased to 65% for lockdown. Could it be because of the changes in the...
  12. CarolinaHen

    Baladi Thread

    Let's celebrate and improve our Baladi lines! The word "Balad" means village or a small town. Baladi - from the village / of the village. These are chickens that are a mix of at least three different dual purpose breeds. These chickens are typically indigenous to a particular area and are...
  13. CarolinaHen

    Rhode Island White?

    I thought this girl was a leghorn when I purchased her at a swap. Her comb is either rose or pea though, it hasn't quite decided ;) Could she be a Rhode Island White? Thanks!
  14. CarolinaHen

    Any ideas?

    Any ideas on what these two could be? Chick #1 Chick #2
  15. CarolinaHen

    Mystery Chicks

    These chicks were in with some EE's I bought and I'm hoping someone can help me figure out what they are. #1 #2 #3 #4
  16. CarolinaHen

    They can't all be roos!!

    Please tell me if you see any one that could possibly be a pullet. I stink at sexing silkies! These are about 6-7 weeks old.
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