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  1. jajeanpierre

    Breeding or Maintenance Mazuri?

    I am getting close to reordering feed for my pair of 13-month old White Chinese. The goose started laying last November before she was 5 months old. She laid until she was about 11 months in the spring. They are currently on the Mazuri maintenance formula. I have just the two geese and...
  2. jajeanpierre

    Something not right with my young goose

    For the past few days, my 11 month old White Chinese goose has been tucking her beak under her wing during the day. This isn't a nap--this is a lot of the time. She'll even do it standing. She started laying eggs in December, went broody in May and has come out of that. She's always been a...
  3. jajeanpierre

    Egg Quality of Very Young Goose

    Fiona, a White Chinese, was hatched the end of July and began laying eggs in December before she turned 5 months old. Her first eggs were very small and a few have had double yolks. The eggs are now what I think are normal sized (I've never had a goose before). She's laying about every three...
  4. jajeanpierre

    Almost 5-month of Goose Laid an Egg!!!

    She's too young! I'm not prepared what should I do? (These are my first geese.) I've been feeding my young pair of White Chinese Manna Pro Duckling and Gosling Starter. I've just ordered Mazuri Waterfowl Breeder Duck and Geese Food from Chewey. I will start supplementing with oyster shells...
  5. jajeanpierre

    Breeding behavior in very young geese?

    I'm new to geese. I found my first two when I found them in a feed store in Texas the end of July, so they are almost 3.5 months old. I think I have a pair of White Chinese. A few weeks ago, the one I believe to be the male started biting at the back feathers of the other when in the little...
  6. jajeanpierre

    What is the normal moulting/feather growth of baby geese?

    My babies are 3 months old and seem to be starting another molt. It's been a long time since I've had baby chicks but seem to remember this happened with chicken chicks. What is the normal schedule for feather growth and molting in their first year?
  7. jajeanpierre

    Treats for geese?

    I need suggestions for treats for geese. They seem very picky. I think they are eating the sprouted sunflower seeds I floated in a water bowl but they haven't taken anything out of my hand. I want them a little tamer than they are. They are hatchery babies, 3 months old now. I bought them...
  8. jajeanpierre

    Breeding behavior in 3-month old goslings?

    I have two young geese that are just turning 3 months old. I believe them to be White Chinese. Purebred something of unknown sex from a hatchery (Ideal I believe) bought at a feed store. The larger one has just started to poke/grab the smaller one when swimming in their pond. The smaller...
  9. jajeanpierre

    Best feed for young geese?

    I have two young geese hatched the end of July. I believe they are White Chinese but their sex is unknown. One is quite a bit bigger and heavier. The smaller one is, in my opinion, a bit under weight. I currently feed them MannaPro Duckling and Gosling Starter Grower. What is the best...
  10. jajeanpierre

    What breed/sex are these?

    I bought these two goslings this summer from a feed store in Texas. They were one of those "mystery" groupings. I think they are White Chinese geese. I believe they came from Ideal Poultry which only lists Brown African and Brown and White Chinese geese. How do you sex geese? I hope I...
  11. jajeanpierre

    Could any of these be a Cockerel?

    I bought a few chicks from the hardware store a month ago, 3 Chanteclers and 5 Buff Orpingtons. They were perhaps a week to 10 days old when I bought them. They were all sold as pullets. I'm having my doubts about the sex of the three Chanteclers. This is my first time with this breed...
  12. jajeanpierre

    Sudden sick bird--neurological?

    Last night when I went to put my young birds away (15 or 16 week old LF Ameraucanas), I found one flattened out and trampled. I thought he was dead. I brought him in the house and noticed he had yellow urates stuck to his fluff indicating liver issues and I don't know what else. I tubed water...
  13. jajeanpierre

    Is this Fowl Pox?

    I thought this Silkie pullet (8.5 months) had some dried, caked food on her nares. I caught her up and wiped her face which caused a lot of bleeding. (My glasses were filthy from working in the garden, so didn't see very well.) The lesion on her nares was dry and cracked and looked somewhat...
  14. jajeanpierre

    Inflamed Skin--any ideas?

    I have two frazzle (double copy for the frizzle gene) bantam Cochins that have some sort of skin problem. They were from a big commercial hatchery, and of the 26 day-old chicks that came, only the frizzle (three frazzle, one frizzle) had this skin issue, pictures below. They've had this skin...
  15. jajeanpierre

    What sex?

    These are Ameraucana chicks a few days under 3 months. Lavender Splash Cockerel? Lavender pullet? Blue cockerel? Same group of chicks, Lavender Splash pullet on the left? And the same Lavender Splash cockerel as above on the right? The bird on the right has either molted some feathers...
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