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  1. rmurrayslcut

    Have you ever had hens kill each other?

    I had an interesting discovery yesterday, something I've never seen in my seven years of chicken raising. I walked out of the coop into the pasture yesterday morning. Found one hen dead, with no visible injuries. Another lying three feet away, barely able to walk, with blood on top of her head...
  2. rmurrayslcut

    Are Black Sex Links early layers?

    Hello, I'm a long term Rhode Island Red raiser. This year I decided to raise a flock of Black Sex Links, because I heard they were hearty, good layers, and had a nice temperament. I've enjoyed them so far - great little hens. With my RIRs, they usually started laying at around 22 weeks...
  3. rmurrayslcut

    Any Opinions on Black Sex-Links?

    Hello Everyone, I'm a die-hard RIR raiser. Tonight, whilst buying my new Spring flock, I went for Black Sex-Links (aka Black Stars, Rock Reds). I didn't do it blindly; I've done a little research, but I wondered what your experience has been like. I'm especially interested in those who've had...
  4. rmurrayslcut

    A Recipe: How To Make Your Own Anti-Pecking Cream

    I've used anti-pecking creams (I used Peck-No-More) with great success. The trouble is, I got tired of paying $9-$12 for a tiny little 4 ounce bottle that I would use up in a week. After some experimentation I came up with a concoction that works great. I estimate I make it for less than a...
  5. rmurrayslcut

    Chicken Aggression - anyone ever use Pick-No-More

    I have two Ameraucanas in my flock. They're a little smaller than my RIR, BRs and Black Austraulorps, but all are same age and grew up together. I returned to find one of the Ameraucanas pecked in the back, near the tail, to the point where she has an open wound. I seperated her and am treating...
  6. rmurrayslcut

    My First Egg

    I've had my flock for 19 weeks today, and raised them from baby chicks. I think this one came from my RIR. She was laying in the egg box, away from the other birds, last night. When I retrieved this one - quite surprised - she had jumped back into the coop and was looking at the empty box. The...
  7. rmurrayslcut

    Is this a rooster?

    Hi Everyone, I'm 99.9% sure my Rhode Island Red is a rooster. I bought sexed chicks, but evidence mounts against this guy every day. He (as opposed to my other seven hens, including another RIR) has a much bigger and redder comb/wattle. His legs are thicker. He's much more aggressive than the...
  8. rmurrayslcut

    Does anyone have wandering hens? How do I control them?

    Hello BTC Community, My coop is enclosed in a large dog run surrounded by seven foot fences. I let my flock free-range during the day. The side fence is cinderblock, and the other day when I came home one of my RIRs was sitting atop looking out. She jumped back into the coop by the time I got...
  9. rmurrayslcut

    New to the lifestyle and the site - and need a little help.

    My wife and I picked up eight chicks tonight - two Rhode Islands, two black Australorps, two Barred Plymouth Rocks, and two Ameracaunas. They seem to be doing well. We're first timers, and I was wondering: what's the mortality rate I should expect? (I plan on housing six, so I bought eight, but...
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