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  1. Alleyoops25


    Tonight when we were bringing in our older chicks for the night, one of my silkies, ran into a piece of wire in the back of the brooder, that i think got kicked in by one of my kids. At first i didnt think there was much to worry about becuase it looked like she hurt her eye lid, not the actual...
  2. Alleyoops25

    Chicks with leg problems HELP!!!!!

    This morning i got my chicks in from Ideal, and as a whole i am impressed. BUt i do have a problem with a few of them. They have what i think is spaddled legs I am not sure. They cannot get their legs under themselves at all, and cant get aroung to the food and water. Is their anythign i can do...
  3. Alleyoops25


    I want to take a few minutes to sit down and thank you all for the prayers you sent for our family over the last couple months. I honestly think that I couldnt have made it through it as well as I did if it wasnt for all of you here to talk to. And I believe that you prayers helped in make me...
  4. Alleyoops25

    Anyone tired of snow?

    After such a wonderful week we had with spring type weather, I got really depressed to have it start snowing yesterday, and today. I really love the warmer weather, and am tired of being cooped up in the house all the time.I am ready to throw out the snow boots and throw on some shorts. Anyone else?
  5. Alleyoops25

    How can you tell....

    I was wondering if any of you hatching experts can tell me how you tell if a egg is fertile or not. I candled some eggs last night andcouldnt see anything. what exactly am I supposed to see?
  6. Alleyoops25

    Which breeds go broody

    My DH and I have been talking about chickens. Since he is on the recovery from a major life or death illness he hasnt been able to do much but watch them. He was wondering what breeds of chickens tend to be the most broody. All my chickens have nevevr done it and we would like to get some who...
  7. Alleyoops25

    New updates on DH

    Hi all I am sorry I havent posted updates until now. I know I have ran you all nutts waiting and wondering. Some of you have guessed right in that I was busy dealing with the waves of incoming family members. I temperarly lost my mind and I was having a hard time emotionally, and physically...
  8. Alleyoops25

    Hubby is not doing well. long post

    Well we are having a horrible time at my house. My Dh who is 32 is having alot of health problems. He was diagnosed with sleep apenia a feww wekks ago. So he has been on oxygen during the night. We live up on a little hill and last night he chased our dogs up it. By the time he got to the top of...
  9. Alleyoops25

    HOw far can yu fling a bald turkey?

    I was playing around on the computer today and found a online game called th turkey fling. It was so cute and funny I wanted to share it with you, and think you all will enjoy it. In case this doesnt work for you, which it might not since I am not good...
  10. Alleyoops25

    So who you betting for?

    Today is Super bowl day and evn though the Broncos are onc again not in it I am not sitting on top of the T.V. with ber in one hand and hot wings in the other. But I am pedicting that the pariots are going to be the Super bowl champions again. And since I know there are a good group of you all...
  11. Alleyoops25

    Is this the funniest looking chicken or what?

    Okay this is one of the chickens I hatched out last July. I am pretty sure that he is a he even though he hasnt crowed. From what I can think his daddy is my big ol cochin roo, and mamma was a polish. thats the only roo and hen that can come up with this funny looking guy. He has made the list...
  12. Alleyoops25

    new Chicens tons of pictures

    We went and got some free chickens out of the paper. 30 in all. mostly hens and pullets. But we arent sure what breeds they are. I wanted to post them and see if anyone has anything that looks like them or knows what breeds they might be.
  13. Alleyoops25

    ready by July?

    My duaghter is in 4-H and she does chickens usually in breeding, so that she doesnt have to sell her birds. But this year she is wanting to doing Market poultry, which is going to have to be meat birds like cornish X's. I have never dealt with these breeds of chickens and have heard a lot of...
  14. Alleyoops25

    Who's a little tubby?

    I have been feeling down and trying to get ready for a extreme lift style change. All due to the fact I have about 20 lbs to loose. I know this is kind of a trend here recently. But I was wondering how many of you out there were also battling the love handles, you know maybe so I wont feel like...
  15. Alleyoops25

    OH No, another disaster!!!!!

    My DH called me just a little while ago from Wal-Mart. I sent him out on a few Errands. HE was in the store and a Elderly man in his truck came crashing through the store!!!! The truck came through the genral side of the stores doors. And it didnt stop until almost half way through the store. It...
  16. Alleyoops25

    Turken with frozen toes

    We have had snow on the ground well over a month now, and it is taking its toll on my chickens. I went out this afternoon and found that my poor turkens feet were bleeding. That only thing that could be causing it is the snow. Possibly from trying to big down in it. The only thing I can think to...
  17. Alleyoops25

    How old is your oldest?

    I have a rooster that is coming up on being 5 years old now, and a hen that is going to be 4. I was wondering if any of you have a chicken in your coop that is turning a senior citizen as well, or what the oldest chicken you have, and had in the past. I am also curious to know if anyone knows...
  18. Alleyoops25

    How do you ship eggs?

    I have a Aunt that is wanting to incubat eggs. I have two dozen to send to her. How do I ship them so that they will be both whole, and still good for hatching? If i use a bunch of foam and bubble wrap, wont it ruin the eggs?I know a lot of you have either recieved, or shipped eggs, and i would...
  19. Alleyoops25

    What is culling?

    I know this is something that I probably should already know but what exactly is culling?
  20. Alleyoops25

    Dog attaked chicken stitched back together *graphic pics*

    I wish I would have taken pictures of my poor Buff Orpington. Last night my daughter brought her in and she has literally been skinned by nieghborhood dogs. She had huge gash in the center of her back. And then one that started at the base of her neck and ran unser her left wing and then down...
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