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  1. Coldspringchicken

    Are they done laying?

    Looking for a way to determine when a hen is done laying. I have heard that you can examine the vent. Does any one have any info on this? Or should i just replace after a certain amount of time? Some of my birds are over 2 years old.
  2. Coldspringchicken

    adding chicks to an existing flock

    I have a new batch of mixed chicks that are about 7 weeks old. When can i add them to my existing flock that are 2.5 years old and 3X the size .I have heard all kinds of ways to do it.--- all conflicting. Any ideas from some one that has done it.
  3. Coldspringchicken

    Mixing Breeds ?

    I am going to get some Cayuga ducks. Can i keep other breeds with them such as Runner ducks ect? Would that be a problem? Does anybody know ? I bought a couple of duck books but they dont have the answer.
  4. Coldspringchicken

    When do hens stop laying

    I have 10 hens that are producing 8-10 eggs a day . they are 10 months old. When should i expect them to stop laying or slow down ? And when should i introduce new birds to the flock to continue with the same amount of production? These are our first chickens and whole family are into it.
  5. Coldspringchicken

    feeding chickens egg shells

    Is there anything wrong with breaking up the egg shells and feeding them back to the birds mixed with the other greens and table scraps they are getting? Some one said that once they get a taste for this they will start pecking the eggs open.
  6. Coldspringchicken

    Luv My Birds but the roo might have to go

    I have 10 birds that are producing 8-10 eggs a day and 1 Rooster that crows constantaly Neighbors are tolarating but are slowing Getting P*ssed off. Would it adversely affect my flock? If he took a dirt nap?
  7. Coldspringchicken

    Garden Weeds for feed

    I have been weeding my garden and giving it to my chickens as feed as well as kitchen scraps. They are luvin it and prefer it to the layer pellets.. Any thoughts this is my first flock. According to the feed store this is bad. They said only to give bagged feed and fresh water. Am i doing...
  8. Coldspringchicken

    hard to peel boiled eggs

    when ever we hard boil our eggs they are impossible to peel with out destroying the egg. Could this have somtehing with thier diet. or is this just normal?
  9. Coldspringchicken

    New Forum user from NY

    Hello to all u chicken people this site has some] super good info on it! and some really good people! My question is----- When posting underneath my user name and other peoples names there are things like New Egg,Just Hatched,Out of the henhouse How does one change that?
  10. Coldspringchicken

    Shelf life of eggs

    I had heard that fertilized eggs dont keep as long as un fertilized eggs. Does anone out there know? Thought it be nice to keep one rooster.
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